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Fanfiction ► BHK: The True Story

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New member
Apr 7, 2005
Wandering the Burnt Fields of Mickey's Kingdom!
khg: ummm.... no worries. I will.

Bhk stood, staring at the monstrosity.
"There's no way I'm fighting this thi-" He started, but was cut off because of the creature stomping next to him.
"Alright. If you want a fight! I have one for ya!" Bhk shouted.
He ran toward the white thing, blade in hand. It tried to pound him into the ground, but he dodged and jumped on it's hand. He ran up it's arm, slicing as he went. Finally, he reached the head, which he tried to jump onto. But, the creature moved just slightly and Bhk fell to his certain doom. Thinking as he fell, Bhk had an idea. He turned over so his stomach was to the ground. With seconds until Bhk hit the ground and died, he pointed his blade at the ground and shouted "Twilight Blast!"
A large beam shot out of his blade, hitting the ground and then pushing him back into the air. Moments later the beam disappeared and Bhk was well above the creature. He flailed in the air, trying to move toward the head. He landed, in a painful position, already tired from the useless attack. The beast, confused that the small animal was still alive, started to shake about.
This shaking caused Bhk to sit up, though he couldn't feel his legs. He tried to stand up and attack again, but he couldn't hang on and was knocked off once more. Though this time, he couldn't do anything.
Right before he hit the ground, a small, black cloaked animal thing flew through the air, grabbing Bhk and laying him down softly.
He turned to look over his shoulder, his knees and left hand holding him up. He pulled out a sparkly gold keyblade and threw it, hitting the beast square between the eyes. It slowly disappeared, while the keyblade returned to it's owner.
Through half-conscious ears, Bhk could hear a faint voice saying: "Hiya! I'm da king! King Mickey!"
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I don't like bugs!
Jun 23, 2005
TLP: Oh, that's original. -_-;;; Sorry, but I've heard that a BILLION times. As a tribute to K_K, I will forever refer to BHK as Kaze. Even when I know his real name! Then he shall be Kaze de <Insert BHK's REAL name>.

What if his name was really Kaze? o_O;;;; That'd be weird!

Pickle: -_-


May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D
Me:*reads the first four sentances* O_O *bursts into tears*

Sora:*scrolls down* K_K...

Me:*keeps crying*

Aozora: K_K!!

Me:*still crying*

Kaze: K_K!!!

Me: hmm?

Kaze:*points to computer screen, frowning* >_>

Me:.....ohhh....*smiles and glomps Kaze* You're not dead!!! ^_^


New member
Apr 7, 2005
Wandering the Burnt Fields of Mickey's Kingdom!

Bhk slowly opened his eyes. He was lying on a comfortable bed in the middle of a room. The walls around him were made of stones, and covered with shelves. On the shelves, there were many small trinkets such as a toy cowboy and a man in a high tech space suit.
Bhk sat up and walked over to the only window in the room. He looked around and saw that he was in a tower of a castle a long ways from the ground. He walked over to the door and grabbed its old-fashioned doorknob. He opened the door and saw a great open space filled with wondrous things.
He stepped out of his room to be run over by a horde of moving brooms. Coughing from the dust, he laid on the floor. He sat up, rubbing his head in pain.
“What was that?” Bhk asked himself. He stood up and walked down a spiral staircase. He was now standing on a balcony, where thousands of animated cartoon characters were working below. Bhk looked in confusion, as a familiar voice called, “C’mon ev’rybody! Minnie’s present has got to be perfect this year!”
Bhk watched as the cartoons worked on a large statue of a mouse-like creature wearing a polka dotted dress. Another mouse creature stood on a gigantic stool, directing the workers. “C’mon guys! That polka dot looks like a square!” He said.
Bhk started laughing, and it echoed throughout the large space. Every worker turned and looked at Bhk, including the mouse.
It waved it’s hand an called, “Hiya! I see you’re awake! I’m Mickey… and this is my kingdom!”
‘Kinda roomy doncha think?’ Bhk thought to himself.

Bhk: No violence. V_V

(From now on Im only saying the name if its other than me.)


New member
Apr 7, 2005
Wandering the Burnt Fields of Mickey's Kingdom!
Thanks KC! I'll go ahead and update again!!!

Seeing that the person was a peaceful visitor, the workers and ‘Mickey’ got back to work.
“Mickey… Mickey…doesn’t that ring a bell?” Bhk whispered to himself. “Wait a second… no, that can’t be! The one I’m supposed to steal the life of saved mine?”
Bhk looked over the banister again to make sure that this Mickey was the same one as Diz described. Unfortunately, he was.
Mickey found a way to save his life, so he must do the same in return. There must be some loophole in Diz’s deal. Then Bhk had an idea. Diz said that Mickey needed to be out of the picture. So that’s what Bhk would do. Take Mickey out of the picture, but not in the way Diz would expect….
Bhk merrily jumped over the banister. He stretched out and grabbed a chandelier, and started to swing on it. He jumped off of it, and landed on the opposite wall with two feet and one hand touching it. He slid down, and waited to jump off. When he was about 15 feet from the ground he leaped off and landed in a crouching position.
He stood up and walked through the army of ‘things’. Reaching the large stool, Mickey jumped off and twisted and flipped in the air.
‘Showoff,’ Bhk thought.
Mickey landed on the ground in a standing position without a scratch or bruise or anything on him and gazed into Bhk’s eyes.
‘He really good,’ Bhk thought. Bhk keeled down and stuck his hand out. Mickey did the same without kneeling and they shook hands. As they shook, Mickey’s eyes got big and he stared off into space.
“Uhhh…Mickey? Is there something wrong?” Bhk asked.
“Great Twilight Energy flows within you. You are clearly related.”
Mickey replied looking back at Bhk.
Bhk crossed his arms. “Twilight? What are you talking about? And who am I related to?” Bhk asked.
Mickey let go of his hand. “Yes. You are definitely the next Twilight Keyblader. You are either the son or a great descendant of the Ultimate Twilight Keyblader: Kaze.”
“What? I’m a great Twilight Keyblader? What does this mean?” Bhk inquired.
“You must seek Sora. He has much experience as a Light Keyblader. As for what it means…that is complicated. I have encountered many Light and Dark Keybladers, but very rarely come across Twilight one. Have you encountered, a thing called a Keyblade yet?” Mickey replied.
Bhk pulled out Twilight’s Reprieve, his Keyblade. “You mean this?”
“Yes. Your Keyblade burns with the fire within you. You have to see Sora now.”
Mickey put his hand on Bhk’s shoulder. They started glowing and warped to the main door. Mickey held his hand up and it started glowing. The grand doors opened by themselves and Bhk was pushed out. He turned and held up a finger saying:
“Wait! I gotta talk to you about-!” But the door was shut, and Bhk had yet another task he had to do.
Inside, Mickey leaned against the doors, holding them shut. He took a deep breath and sighed.
“Boy, oh boy! His power was tremendous!! He could even defeat me if he had the right motivation!” Mickey said to himself. He started glowing again and warped back to the workers, relieved that the power of this Blonde Haired Kid didn’t tear the place apart.
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