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Fanfiction ► BHK: The True Story

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New member
Apr 7, 2005
Wandering the Burnt Fields of Mickey's Kingdom!
Bhk sat on the giant minute hand of the clocktower in Twilight Town, looking up at the stars.
“Why?” He kept asking himself. “Why did she have to go?” He closed his eyes, tears rolling down his cheeks. He opened his eyes again and gazed at the beautiful sunrise. Lights of houses and buildings started to come on, as the adults got ready for work. He closed his eyes again, flashbacks of the moment coming back to him.
A short blonde haired girl was lifted onto the shoulder of a tall hooded man, while he was being held back by another hooded figure. Seeing her face in his mind as she was being carried away made him want to jump off the tallest building in Twilight Town. He couldn’t stand the pain of knowing she was out there somewhere, unprotected.
At the time he was only 11, so there wasn’t anything he could do. Now, being 14, he swore to do what ever he could to get her back. But when he tried, he failed miserably and returned to Twilight Town. It was useless. He would never see her again….
The minute hand shook and went down. 7: 15. Bhk opened his eyes. Kids were rushing off to school and friends that were home schooled were playing outside.
Bhk stood up on the hand and turned around. He walked through the door on the face of the clock, where dozens of gears were turning and shifting. He walked along the gears, jumping back and forth until he got to the roof. He walked through the door and stepped outside. The cool breeze met him as his foot met the shingles.
“Hello,” a mysterious voice called.
Bhk turned to see a red-bandaged figure balanced on the point of the pole in the center of the pyramid roof.
“Wh- who are you?” Bhk asked.
“If I told you, it wouldn’t be a secret now, would it?” It said with a reluctant smile. “Now come with me, I have something to show you.”
Shimmering golden lines encircled Bhk. Confused and panicking, Bhk tried to move, but couldn’t. They began to rise, fragmentizing whatever was still below them. Soon, Bhk’s whole body disappeared, and he was teleported to a dark, dank room.
“Where are we?” Bhk asked.
The man who spoke before stated, “Why, we’re in a cell of course! Welcome to Castle Oblivion!”
A light came on, and Bhk could see that two rooms were connected with a glass wall in between. He was in one, and eight hooded figures standing around a chair were in the other.
The unknown figure on the end took off his hood to reveal that he was the red enigma from before.
“Who are you people?! What do you want?!” Bhk shouted.
“Call me Diz.” The red one said, turning around the chair. A girl with blonde hair and a bandana tying her mouth shut was revealed.
“Namine’! No!” Bhk cried.
“Give us dominion over you, and you can have her back. One false move, and she will never see you again. What do you say?” Diz said smiling.
Bhk looked at the ground and closed his eyes. “What do you want…”


Khg: Hope you liked it. Don’t worry; they won’t all be this long.
Dkhg: Hmph. What a boring first chapter of no violence.
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I don't like bugs!
Jun 23, 2005
Hey, that's pretty good! I like it and will continue to read it. Just add more violence. Please, FOR THE SAKE OF THE WORLD! ADD VIOLENCE!

heh heh heh...


May 1, 2005
Wonderland. We're all mad here! :D

Sora, Kaze, Aozora:*backs away slowly* o_O

Me:*tries to kill Namine* Die b*tch!!! >_<*ahem* I'm calm now. Pretty good....except for a certain....THING!!!!....*cough* <_< >_>


New member
Apr 7, 2005
Wandering the Burnt Fields of Mickey's Kingdom!
Diz walked over to the glass wall and phased through it. He put his hand on Bhk’s shoulder and sighed.
“Have you ever heard of King Mickey?” He asked.
“No.” Bhk mumbled.
“Well that is your first assignment. You must eliminate The King.”
“But I don’t know him,” Bhk replied softly.
“Don’t worry. Go to Disney Castle. Flashy costume, golden Keyblade, you can’t miss him.”
“What has he done to you?” Bhk asked, looking up.
“He simply…. Got in the way, if you will.” Diz replied.
“Of what?” Bhk replied.
“He’s just in the way. That’s all there is to it!” Diz shouted.
“You should consider therapy, Diz. ‘Cause I don’t like your attitude!” Bhk shouted with a smile, a Keyblade appearing in his hands.
One of the Unknowns prepared to slit the throat of Namine’, but before he or she could do it, Diz shouted, “Hold your blade! This will be fun.”
A weapon appeared in Diz's hand and they clashed in fierce combat. Diz swung, but Bhk flipped over the blade, landing behind him. Bhk slit Diz's red cloak open, revealing skin. Irritated, Diz flipped into the air, spun sideways and swung at Bhk in the air. Dodging by and inch, Bhk rolled over and landed in a kneeling position. Diz dropped with a thud and started slicing at Bhk with lightning fast reflexes. Few hitting his body, Bhk fell to the ground, covering his bloody cuts. Diz walked over to Bhk and put his blade to his throat.
“Are you done?” He asked.
“Not even close!” Bhk shouted swinging his foot to trip him.
Bhk jumped up to put his blade to Diz's throat.
“It looks like the shoe is on the other foot eh?” Bhk smirked.
Diz smiled and tried to trip Bhk like he had done to him, but Bhk jumped. He slowly inched his blade closer to Diz's throat, unaware of what the others would do.
“Do it!” Diz shouted to the hooded figure.
Bhk turned in an distressed and panic-stricken way, and ran toward the glass wall. He pulled out his Keyblade and striked the wall, shattering it. He tried to prevent them from killing her, but the seven started to glow and shot one large fireball at him. It him square in the chest, knocking him unconscious.


khg: YAY! Its done! With violence!
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I don't like bugs!
Jun 23, 2005
Good good good...

*Poses as others* Hi! Update!

*Poses as another 'other'* Hi! Update!

*Turns back as TLP* So, have enough people posted yet?!


I don't like bugs!
Jun 23, 2005
TLP: Wahahahahahahha!

Pickle: You idiot! He (He, she? It?) just called you crazed!

TLP: So what?! It's true! Wahahahahahaha.


New member
Apr 7, 2005
Wandering the Burnt Fields of Mickey's Kingdom!
khg: sry for the double post, but i wanna continue this!


Bhk woke up in a grassy field with one thing on his mind: ‘The King must be gone, out of the picture.’
He sat up and looked around…. nothing but plains. He stood up and turned. Once again he saw the red enigma.
“Diz! What’s going on!? Where’s Namine’! And, what’s up with these tacky appearances?” Bhk grinned while shouting . Wind started to pick up. The grass swayed in the breeze.
“Don’t worry insignificant one,” Diz replied with a faint smile. “Namine’ is locked away in the highest chamber in the tallest tower of Castle Oblivion.”
“Let her go!” Bhk yelled.
“Not until you do what you were set out to do.” Diz replied. “You must take Mickey’s life, in order to gain Namine’s. Now go!”
“Wait!” Bhk tried to yell over the wind. “What if I don’t succeed? Is there any other way?”
“You figure it out,” Diz said, disappearing into thin air.
Bhk sighed and walked over to a road. He looked both ways, trying to decide which way to go. He decided to go against the wind which would be North, or South, or…. where was he? He needed the challenge anyways. It didn’t matter which way it was. He began running in whichever direction it was. Hopefully he was going the right way.
The force of the wind made it difficult, but he managed. He traversed a long way. tired, hungry, and clueless to where he was. He was about to collapse when the wind suddenly stopped.
He stopped dragging his feet and looked up. A giant white castle stood before him.
“Hmmmmm…. Flashy, big, this must be the place!” He said to himself.
He was about to go inside when a plethora of white creatures appeared around him.
“What the- what are these? The security?” Bhk asked himself.
The white creatures were closing in. Fast. They seemed ready for attack so Bhk drew his blade.
“You want some of this?!” He shouted running at them.
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