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New member
Sep 25, 2005
How many of you like the TV show 24? Another season is in January. It's awesome. Who agrees and disagrees?

Color Me Knievel

Sweden's dearly beloved ass
Jul 15, 2005
I LOVE IT! <333333

My dad and I watch it together all the time, and we never miss an episode.

Season 4 just ended here in Sweden. :3


A Picasso Reality
May 15, 2005
Bald Mountain
I made a thread on this a while back...

Anywho 24 pwns, agreed it is one of the few things that i actually enjoy watvhing on TV (and Lost)...need to convince my parents to get Sky before new series is out here in the Uk...


i'm nobody
Staff member
Mar 22, 2005
My parents like it a lot... I think it's O.K. >_> But Jack, he's always on his cell phone, even when he's being shot at! That bugs me. I loved the spoof of it on Bob & Tom a couple of days ago. It was hilarious.


New member
Jul 15, 2005
Fishers, IN
Episode #105 - Day 5: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm - 2/20/06

Following the shocking events of last week's episode, this week's hour commences as we are taken to the underground lair of Bierko, the man financing the terrorists. Erwich is killed by Bierko for trying to "waste" the nerve gas on American citizens, something that Bierko doesn't want for fear that it may compromise his plot against Moscow.

Meanwhile, President Logan confronts McGill regarding his botched mission and his inability to follow the orders given to him, which has obviously led to them losing their only real lead. Enraged, McGill returns from his meeting with the president and blames Raines for defending Bauer and his decisions. He orders Bauer to be brought in under custody as a punishment for directly disobeying the orders that he was given.

Raines receives a mysterious call from Nathanson, the man who originally sold the terrorists the nerve gas, who will give valuable information on retrieving the remaining canisters, but only if he talks to Bauer. Raines is reluctant to patch him through, but does so anyway. Trading information for protection from Bierko's assassination squad, Nathanson tells Bauer to meet him in ten minutes.

With no other choice, Bauer chokes out Manning while in the car and under custody, dumps him out, and then disables all of the tracking devices, making it impossible for CTU to track him as he drives off. Back at CTU, McGill finds out about Bauer's escape and suspects Raines of being involved; he almost checks her last phone message, but Raines is able to convince O'Brian to delete the phone logs, thereby causing McGill to assume a system glitch. However, after he becomes increasingly suspicious of Raines, even Buchanan has to cover for her after finding out about her last call.

Meanwhile, Bierko contacts President Logan ... using Cummings' cell phone, and tells him that since he won't be able to release the nerve gas on Moscow, he wants the next best thing - the assassination of the Russian president. Wanting the travel route of Suvarov's motorcade, Bierko warns that if the President does not help him in this assassination attempt, then he will be forced to use the nerve gas in more populated areas on U.S. soil.

Bauer arrives close to Nathanson's location and is given specific directions on how to get to him; however, before he can get far, Bauer sees a helicopter land on the roof of the building carrying Bierko's assassins and is forced to given Nathanson directions on how to escape. Nathanson is able to take out one of them and grab his gun but is forced to run from the others. After he is shot in the leg, the terrorists close in on him, but somehow Bauer makes it there in time and shoots and kills both.

Unfortunately, another helicopter spots them and starts shooting; Bauer is able to take it down, but not before it fatally wounds Nathanson. Before he dies, he tells Bauer to check his pockets - Jack finds a computer chip. Jack calls Raines, but with McGill literally looking over her shoulder, she pretends it's a wrong line and patches Bauer through to O'Brian, who has him upload the data on the chip to her.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Logan finds out about Bierko's ultimatum and is shocked that her husband is considering it. She points out that the whole point of the treaty was to create an alliance powerful enough to stand up to terrorists, and that allowing them to get to Suvarov would be murder on President Logan's part. The President, however, realizes that he cannot let tens of thousands of Americans and probably more die.

Back at CTU, O'Brian realizes that the only person who can access the encrypted data on the chip is Raines, and she calls Buchanan to get him to stall McGill while she gives the message to Raines. Raines gets the memo, but McGill is not so easily fooled, as he watches Raines close the window containing the message and then confronts both Raines and Buchanan on just WTH is going on. When he realizes that they're working together on this with Bauer, he gets security to throw Buchanan out of CTU.

President Logan and Mrs. Logan meet Suvarov just before he and his wife leave on the motorcade route, which the Chief of Staff gives to Bierko. Mrs. Logan tries to get her husband to stop him before it's too late, but when he refuses, she makes the unbelievable decision of riding with Suvarov and his wife in their limousine, putting her in direct danger and possibly certain death, as Bierko instructs his men to attack and destroy all of the cars on the route ...


New member
Jul 15, 2005
Fishers, IN
Episode #106 - Day 5: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm - 2/27/06

Following a recap of last week's intense episode, this week's unbelievable ep starts out just as explosive. After finding out that his wife has stayed with the Suvarovs in their limousine, President Logan calls her and orders her to remove herself off the motorcade route; when she refuses to do so, the President is forced to make a decision - call off the motorcade and thereby allow the terrorists to release the nerve gas and also reveal to Suvarov his part in his attempted assassination ... or let the assassination of the Suvarovs ... and his wife as well ... commence ...

Back at CTU, McGill continues to suspect Raines of insubordination, but she is able to secretly call Bauer to give him new information obtained from the disc ... Bauer must confront his old mentor, Henderson, the man who brought Bauer in and later was betrayed by him. Meanwhile, McGill fires a woman from CTU after he suspects her of covering for Raines and threatens to fire others as well.

O'Brian helps Bauer into the Omicron building under an alias, but as she finishes planting the new information into the company's database, McGill finds both her and Raines ... fortunately, Raines is able to talk her way out of a confrontation and O'Brian finishes before McGill can take action. Bauer gets Raines to patch into the secretary's phone and call her away so that he can sneak in ... however, when he steps through the door he is tasered by Henderson.

Upon waking up, Henderson finds out about the extra 20 canisters of nerve gas, one of which was released in the mall and covered up to be chlorine gas, and that Bauer is accusing him of having something to do with it. Henderson decides to prove to Bauer that he doesn't. Meanwhile, O'Brian picks up up a new lead - believing that the Suvarov motorcade may be a target of attack by terrorists. However, McGill refuses to devote any resources to investigating this, blowing it off as speculative and irrelevant to the nerve gas they are trying to locate.

O'Brian, Raines, and another agent decide to deal with this situation behind McGill's back and warn Secret Service before the attack; Raines confronts Manning, who admits that McGill has gone over the deep end, and convinces him to charge him with being mentally incapable of running the CTU, thereby allowing Manning to released Buchanan.

In another emotional scene, the Chief of Staff tells President Logan that with the motorcade only 15 minutes away from the airport, he has to make a decision now - to call of the motorcade or to let it continue. Logan reflects one last time, and then he realizes that when he couldn't risk hundreds of thousands of lives before ... he still can't now, even if it means his wife will die as well.

Back at CTU, all hell breaks loose as McGill cuts off the agents when he discovers them trying to hack into his personal database; escorted by a couple of security guards, McGill enters and orders them to take Raines, O'Brian, and the other agent into custody; however, Manning finally steps in, realizing this has gone too far, and orders the guards to stand down, threatening to draw his weapon. He then orders them to arrest McGill and escort him out under Section 1-12 ... which provokes McGill to promise persecution for this 'injustice.' With McGill gone, Manning tells everyone else to go back to work ... and orders the release of Buchanan, putting him back in the position of Director of CTU once again.

Buchanan immediately brings order back to CTU and has the O'Brian inform Secret Service of the presumed attack before calling the president. Buchanan shocks both Logan and Novic by telling them of this new "revelation," and the Chief of Staff has to cover for Logan on the phone. Logan realizes that now that CTU has found out and is informing Secret Service, the chances of the attack succeeding have greatly reduced ... meaning they're totally screwed one way or another.

In one of the most intense scenes in 24 history, Secret Service receives the message ... but a little late ... when they decide to turn around, they are too close to the terrorists and they fire, killing the lead officers on bikes. Then, one of them fires a missile, knocking out the front of the Suvarov limo, killing the driver and knocking out Agent Pierce. The terrorists proceed to the limo and fire on it, but Pierce wakes up and is able to kill all three terrorists with a handgun, thereby saving the lives of the Suvarovs as well as Mrs. Logan.

Meanwhile, Henderson leads Bauer into the sealed bunker and accesses information on the computer regarding the scientists who worked on the gas ... finding out that they all died in mysterious ways. Henderson then reflects on how Bauer betrayed him and how he didn't believe him when he told him he was framed. However, Bauer was right to trust his instincts then, because as Jack works, Henderson leaves the room, and when Jack finds out the phones don't work, he realizes that it was all a set-up ... and also finds the bomb planted there for his untimely demise. Outside, Henderson calls an unknown informant and tells her that Bauer has been eliminated, thereby proving his involvement. He presses a button, detonating the sealed room with Bauer in it ... however, Bauer found a way to survive, and even under the rubble, emerges to live another hour.

Finally, President Logan is relieved to find out that both his wife and the Suvarovs were unharmed. However, he and his Chief of Staff realize that Bierko won't care if he had tried to keep his end of the bargain. Sure enough, Bierko calls, informing him that this is their last conversation: for failing to keep Secret Service in the dark about the planned attack, Bierko is now going to make sure that the failed assassination attempt on President Suvarov ... will be a successful assassination of hundreds of thousands of American lives through the canisters of nerve gas.

Vincent Valentine

i never watched it. never will either. i dont think it looks interesting.


Your Ending Theme
Aug 2, 2004
Bellingham, MA
I love 24. I need to see seasons 3 and 4. I guess watching season 5 will hold me over though lol

Color Me Knievel

Sweden's dearly beloved ass
Jul 15, 2005
The big four, shut up, you're spoiling the episodes for me, here in Sweden we're surprisingly enough not at the same episode, and I still want to be in this thread and discuss about the show, so please, edit your posts. <.<


i'm nobody
Staff member
Mar 22, 2005
I'm sad... I want the third season on DVD but nobody has it for rent.... I must know what happened after that assasine chick came and killed-- oops. Spoiler.


New member
Jul 15, 2005
Fishers, IN
Then don't read the text, asswipe.

With that said ....

Episode #109 - Day 5: 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm - 3/13/06

What can I say? Another unbelievably awesome episode of 24.

Following the shocking events of the last hour, an announcement is made for all personnel in CTU to remain in their airtight chambers until further notice. Chloe is obviously shaken after having witnessed Edgar's death, and Kim's boyfriend Barry, who happens to be a psychologist, tries to calm her down.

Back in his room, Tony figures out something's up and is able to escape, killing the guard in his room. Then he sneaks up on the guy trying to interrogate Henderson and grabs his gun. Jack and the others find out and try to talk him out killing Henderson over the speakers. After a personal plea from Jack, Tony finally decides to allow CTU to finish getting the answers they need from him before he exacts his revenge on Henderson.

Meanwhile, in his underground location, Bierko learns that CTU is incapacitated and orders his men to the new location - where they will release all the remaining canisters of nerve gas. Back at CTU, Jack tries to get Chloe to snap out of it and continue decrypting the files, but when Barry tries to intervene, Jack attacks him and accuses him of taking advantage of his daughter. CTU also finds out that an acid mixed in with the gas is slowly eating away at the walls of the containment units ... meaning if it is not pumped out soon, it will enter every room.

The Chief of Staff tells Mrs. Logan about how Vice President Gardner is trying to incite the President into declaring martial law - obviously in an attempt to get him to slip up so that he will lose the presidency to Gardner. Mrs. Logan insists that she use her influence to stop Gardner. Back at CTU, Chloe discovers that she can flush out the gas through the air conditioning system, but a computer has been programmed to block her from accessing it. The only way is to unplug the computer, but unfortunately it's in a contaminated room with contaminated sectors surrounding it.

Jack realizes that he can move through a chamber in the walls and get to the area with the room holding the computer and hold his breath long enough to unplug it. Jack manages to get to it but finds a metal thing of bars blocking him. Jack just manages to get out of the contaminated room in time before he cannot hold his breath any longer. Collaborating with Chloe, they realize that there is only one person close enough who can actaully get to the computer to shut it down - McGill.

Jack contacts McGill and explains to him the situation ... before asking him to make the ultimate sacrifice. McGill will be able to unplug the computer if he holds his breath, but they have no way of filtering the air once he opens the door and contaminates the room. McGill is willing to do this, but the security guard with him protests against dying, until Jack is able to convince him.

In another insanely emotional scene, McGill watches as the security guard says goodbye to his daughter and hangs up the phone. Both McGill and the guard take a deep breath before McGill opens the door, thereby contaminating the room, and runs out, heading for the room with the computer. McGill successfully disconnects the computer and manages to make it back without taking a breath.

Despite having shut the door behind him immediately, the gas still leaks in, evident as when the guard cannot hold his breath any longer, he takes a couple of breaths and soon thereafter begins convulsing and dies. McGill holds his breath until he cannot anymore and himself takes a breath ... he then begins convulsing on the floor as well, with toxic saliva bubbling out of his mouth as he is poisoned by the gas.

Karen Hayes from Homeland Security makes her way to CTU along with a new team set to replace CTU. According to her, the current people in the building are no longer capable to performing the operations that CTU needs to complete. She also makes it clear that she will be taking over Buchanan's job as director of this operation.

Meanwhile, the last of the gas is filtered out and the CTU building is cleared. Kim does not wish to stay with Jack any longer and decides to leave with Barry. Jack heads over to the interrogation room, hoping to get to Henderson, but Tony decides that Henderson is in a coma and will no longer be able to respond, so there's nothing left to do but to kill him. He knocks out the interrogator from behind and then proceeds to inject a lethal dose of some kind of poison or chemical into him.

However, at the last minute he is unable to do it, but he does not see Henderson, who wakes up and, lightning quick, grabs the syringe and sticks it into Tony's chest ... then makes his escape. Jack gets there to find that Henderson is gone and Tony is dying. He holds him and cries ...

(NOTE: Unlike Edgar and other major characters that have died in 24's past, Tony did not get a "silent clock" tribute at the end ... and apparently some ungrateful fans are pissed about it. Well, if you ask me for my personal opinion .... I'd say it's because ... oh I don't know ... Tony Almeida was an unlikeable son of a b*tch who didn't deserve one. Hmm ... you think?)
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