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Search results

  1. S

    Fanfiction ► Seeking Answers, Hidden Truth

    Again, I'm sorry. I just recently acquired a cold and I am just getting over it. So, while I battle colds, here's the next chapter. I hate colds... Kurai looked around for what seemed to be the millionth time. As she did, she felt a searing pain in her stomach. Looking down, she realized with...
  2. S

    Fanfiction ► Kingdom Hearts: Revenge of Nobodies

    Riku's back! Yay! Anyway, sorry I couldn't read and review before. I have been banned from the computer for the summer. I got a chance to sneak on yesterday, but didn't know you updated. Me Sorry!!!! Now, on to reviewing this amazing piece of work. Where shall I begin....Oh, yes. Grammar. I...
  3. S

    Fanfiction ► Seeking Answers, Hidden Truth

    Okay, sorry for the obcene wait (which was five days) but now, I can successfully say, here is the next chapter. Since mornings seem to be better, I'll try to update mornings now. Okay, here you go! Kurai rubbed her head and looked around. She soon regretted the motion and tried not to wince...
  4. S

    Fanfiction ► A Nobody's Lullaby

    I have to say...This chapter, in my opinion, is the most moving, so far. Tears came to my eyes as I read this. The way you write has changed. I think that this story is much more mature and detailed that your other one. Not that I'm saying that that wasn't good. That was awesome too. I am a bit...
  5. S

    Fanfiction ► A Nobody's Lullaby

    Great chapters. You go in depth with their (Did I spell that right?) pasts, and use that information to connect with what is happening presently. Very mature style of writing. Can't wait for the next part.
  6. S

    Fanfiction ► A Day in the Life of a Mika

    So starts the fanfiction! Read and enjoy! It has been two years since the war between the Empire and the returners. Magic no longer existed and for a while, things were kept peaceful. But one day, a girl wanders to the doors of Figaro Castle. With her comes the rebirth of magic. Taking refuge at...
  7. S

    Fanfiction ► Seeking Answers, Hidden Truth

    Ah, one more thing. You know that story that I said I wrote all on paper? Well, I found the summary to it. Er, I'll post it so if you like the summary, then I will post part of the story soon. *crosses fingers* Okay, here I go... It has been two years since the war between the Empire and the...
  8. S

    Fanfiction ► Seeking Answers, Hidden Truth

    Yes, post more... Well, because of a thing called regents, I haven't been able to write anything! (for almost a week! Darn you regents!) Right, I promise to have the next chapter up this wekk, I'll just go write that tonight... After I finish the movie script... Ugh, why am I making a cosplay...
  9. S

    Fanfiction ► Seeking Answers, Hidden Truth

    HEY!!!!!!!!! NO ONE TOLD YOU TO HAVE ME POST IT!! YOU SHOULDN'T BE MAD AT ME B/C I HAVE A LIFE!! JK!:toungesmile: Any way, here's part two...Which I was asked by SOMEONE to post. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay...Part two (Kyahh!) Sorry for the length, so I'm...
  10. S

    Fanfiction ► Seeking Answers, Hidden Truth

    Sorry for the length. If someone hadn't taken my chapter right now I could've updated. But I asked her and now god knows if she forgot or not. Ah, can't get that back till monday... She better remember... Oh, sorry for rant. Yes, I'll update if she doesn't do it today. Thank you for your support...
  11. S

    Fanfiction ► Seeking Answers, Hidden Truth

    K', hope that's longer. Yes, the posting. I really wanted to do it in three days but I couldn't get on the computer yesterday so... yeah. Enjoy and thx desu for the support. "Ha-Ha, opposite my foot," Somoue dodged the blow by one of her tormentors. If she was lucky enough to get out of this...
  12. S

    Fanfiction ► A Nobody's Lullaby

    Kari'Heart!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG.....I love this fanfic. More.........More.......MORE! This fic is great. It's mysterious enough to draw people in, but not too mysterious to push people away. Your descriptions are amazing, and I love the idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also love how you incorporated the song...
  13. S

    Fanfiction ► Kingdom Hearts: Revenge of Nobodies

    OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! AXEL'S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this chapter. It was...It was....It was....Ughhhh, once again I am speechless!!!!!!! OK, it was amazing. You captured the essence of Kairi. I know, CORNY!!!!! But what I mean is that you portrayed her every action and feeling, as if you were her...
  14. S

    Fanfiction ► Seeking Answers, Hidden Truth

    Seeking Answers, Hidden Truth Prologue A true shinobi, Blood of Ryuu and Rin Tenshi, Will be born with the power to be the perfect figher, Bron to either rid the world of war or start it. If she is to become a true shinobi, Good things will happen. If she fails, A war will commence. She is a...
  15. S

    Fanfiction ► Kingdom Hearts: Revenge of Nobodies

    Deeman.....You are frickin' unbelievable. I can't comment...I'm speechless......YOU ARE MY SUPERIOR!!!!!!!!!!! :toungesmile: Anyway, great chappie. But, you have a cliffy. *pouts* Sorta...Maybe..Not really (Mika-Mika Chan comes and whacks her on the head-Make up your mind already!!!) I took...
  16. S

    Fanfiction ► Nobody's Feelings

    Very good chapter. There were a couple of grammar mistakes, but overall, WOW. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Riku confessed. (O.K. breath) I can sense fluff coming on!!!!!!!!! Update soon, but at your own convenience ( I so spelled that wrong!)
  17. S

    Fanfiction ► Nobody's Feelings

    Yo!!! You write!!!!!!!! You didn't tell me!!!!! Anyway, you're great. I love Illya. I am just waiting for the Riku x Illya moment.....There...is going...to be one....right? Keep up the good work!!!!!!!!
  18. S

    Charlie Bone and.......

    Yo!!!!!!!! Hey all!!!!!! I'm really surprised that a thread about Charlie Bone hasn't been made yet!!!! Maybe it's not that popular?.....NAH!!!!!!!! Anyway, in this post, the talks shall mainly revolve around.....You guessed it!!!!!!! Charlie Bone!!!!!!! (Random Bystander-*sarcasm* How could...
  19. S

    Fanfiction ► KH:TFF... The Sequel...

    WOW!!!!!!!!!! I'm..I'm..left speechless. That was AMAZING. The style of writing.....it was so mature. And the in depth descriptions of their feelings, thier actions, it was...I can't find words to describe it !!!!!!!!!! You and Deeman have GOT TO BE two of the best fanfic writers on this...
  20. S

    Fanfiction ► Kingdom Hearts: Revenge of Nobodies

    Yo!!!!! Deeman, you are a man of talent. You're writing ability is amazing. The battles, they are so poetic and they flow so nicely. You're descriptions are phenomenal. I am also an author who enjoys writing stories in your genre. My friends and teachers like my battles but I always feel as if...