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  • ahh I see. So whats up? and here's where you answer nothing much.. because that's what everyone says... I don't know why I ask that question.
    lol just taking over their computer huh? XD Well at least you get to use it when you're over there. You thinking about getting internet at home so you could continue to chat with us here?
    OOooohhh ok.... That's interesting. Well then you two are obviously close friends. So how come you're limited to the interent?
    Ahhh ok now I understand.... Well yea she left,probably doing some fun business (Just tring to make it sound nice xD) Sooooooo why Savi? Lemmie guess that's her real name?
    Oops lol that was my next question. Who's Savi xD Well now I know Save is Ami.......please tell me i'm right cuz I ish really confused ATM.
    Ahh I see.... My sister dragged me to this sight... Joined up and been having fun here ever since. If I may,do you actually get to see Ami-chan in person? Or only Savi....
    Yea later as in see ya in 20 minutes xD Lol sorry bout that but I ish back... So... I'm kinda curious as to how you found this place...
    Lol I see.... well ok then I don't see the problem in it. Sure we can be friends... Everyone here calls me DL,I call myself Jolteon. And sometimes I ish reffered to as Eevee Freak... Nice to meet you Fey... Unfrotunatly I've g2g right now...sorry...
    Yea I'm a friend of Ami-Chan.... However I dont know who you are exactly.... Seems you just popped out from out of nowhere...
    Are you a boy? The surprise was that when she get's back most of the boy members are planning on letting her dress us up like girls...
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