Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
I pretty much have those. xD Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, SoulSilver, Black and White. I don't have HeartGold or the other GBA Pokemon games besides FireRed and LeafGreen. :3 Speaking of those games, have you heard of the Black/White 2 game? o3o
Wow! I don't even have that many close to a hundred! That's a lot! *o* I almost forgot to ask, what Pokemon games do you have on the Emulator or ROMS? ^^
I remember the intro, that game was so fun. *u* Sonic CD! I forgot that! I didn't have it, but that game looks so fun, and I love the song, Sonic Boom. ^^
Haha, Starfox 64 is my first and favorite! Somehow I end up shooting Falco out the most by accident when I first played. And I've played a few Sonic games too. The first one I played was Sonic 2. xD And I used to play a lot of those RPGs too. My computer barely has wifi now. o3o
I usually like to read stories, and I like to write stories too. I play a lot of video games! Mario, Sonic, Zelda, KH, Starfox, Kirby... o3o And I love listening to music. And I'm usually on here. xD What about you? ^^