Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
There's six parts and it's not that much about cheeseburgers. I'll give you the link to the first one, the rest should be in the related video's column. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xspuexG61qo
I know that's not where you got it, you just reminded me of it.
I still love that show. Though I'm nervous to see what happens with the live action movies coming out in the next year or so. I own the DVDs and the finale was epic. I really want them to release a soundtrack for it because I loved the music too.
Speaking or parodies have you ever seen Aladdin and the Cave of Cheeseburgers?
It's like um.... yeah... great....
It reminds me of something for some reason....oh yeah I saw an Avatar: The Last Airbender parody where Aang said "Penguins....yeah....yeah.....penguins.....yeah" or something to that effect.
Heartless and Nobody defeated.
The body,heart, and soul rejoin.
KBL is back he summons KH
"I know now without a doubt kingdom hearts is, light!!!!
The light obliterates your darkness.
"Even in the darkest of darkness light will prevail"