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Revisiting the missing somebodies?

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Jan 8, 2014
Helping D&G Fix their Ship
So, my buddy who isn't as heavily into KH wanted to sit down with me and figure out what makes sense for all the missing somebodies. With the addition of lauriam even though the debate is still ongoing I have found something that might tie everything together.

I think the reason Nomura made the statement about lauriam being himself is so people won't have preconceived notions of how he will act like Marluxia. Going off this I looked into the meaning of Lauriam's name; it means from the laurel trees. If anyone knows laurel trees they are a very large and graceful plant which fits Marluxia: and I know how much the creative team loves meaningful names so I looked into it:

I don't think everyone's popular fan name of Larxene, Relena is correct I found the name Earlene which is as it sounds a female equivalent of an Earl.
This made me think Larxene seemed very manipulative and power hungry like the red queen type of royalty with the exception of the massive breakdowns and Earlene literally means nobleman or noblewoman.

Now for Luxord I did a bunch of names and found only a meaning for one.
This sounds stupid so I'm still trying to find another spelling or change that has a meaning. Dorlu it means to catch or take something from something or someone which has relation to gambling.

I have not found anything for Demyx but I'd like some thoughts maybe some help on a possible name for Demyx and meaning

Alpha Baymax

On a scale of α to ζ.
Sep 5, 2015
United Kingdom
I like this topic, It’s provided a lot of theories and meanings that I haven’t even considered.

I think the reason Nomura made the statement about Lauriam being himself is so people won't have preconceived notions of how he will act like Marluxia. Going off this I looked into the meaning of Lauriam's name; it means from the laurel trees. If anyone knows laurel trees they are a very large and graceful plant which fits Marluxia: and I know how much the creative team loves meaningful names so I looked into it.

I like this idea. People assume that a somebody would be just like their nobody just because Lea and Axel are indistinguishable. Matter of fact, Ansem’s re-completed apprentices act like polar opposites to their nobody counterparts. I mean, from what we’ve seen of Lauriam so far, he’s reserved, polite and non-judgemental.

I don't think everyone's popular fan name of Larxene, Relena is correct I found the name Earlene which is as it sounds a female equivalent of an Earl.

This made me think Larxene seemed very manipulative and power hungry like the red queen type of royalty with the exception of the massive breakdowns and Earlene literally means nobleman or noblewoman.

I’m personally going with Elenar as a throwback to the Final Fantasy VII character of the same name. Axel was based off Reno, Vexen with Hojo, and so I wouldn’t be surprised if Larxene completes the Shinra reference with her somebodies’ name. With saying all that though, I love the reasoning provided here. Out off all the somebodies to have the most drastic change, I assume it’ll be her.

Now for Luxord I did a bunch of names and found only a meaning for one.
This sounds stupid so I'm still trying to find another spelling or change that has a meaning. Dorlu it means to catch or take something from something or someone which has relation to gambling.

I google searched Dorlu and didn’t find that definition. Where does the word Dorlu originate from? I was thinking that Dulor rolls more natural, but I couldn’t really find much of a definition for that word either.

I have not found anything for Demyx but I'd like some thoughts maybe some help on a possible name for Demyx and meaning.

Dyme seems the most notable one. Thematically, you use a Dyme to play a Jukebox, and Demyx is clearly musically orientated so he has that going for him. There’s also Emyd as a name but that just sounds awkward.

Overall, I like the logic that you’ve placed for the names of the remaining former members.

Deleted member 246005

I feel like they might come back forcibly Norted or maybe 1 or 2 of them agreed.


Jul 19, 2017
As far as the names go, I commonly see:

--Marluxia = LuMaria (before UX, close to the name of a type of flower)

--Larxene = Arlene, Elenra

--Demyx = Myde, Dyme, Emyd

--Luxord..... I rarely see anything for him, except Dolur (as mentioned above). I personally go with "Rould" because it sounds like "rolled" and the name Roald (Roald Dahl, the children's book author)


Jan 8, 2014
Helping D&G Fix their Ship
There's Emyd, which is a fresh water tortoise.

I like this one because of the water basis of Demyx but I also like the other comment about the jukebox from Alpha Baymax

I like this topic, It’s provided a lot of theories and meanings that I haven’t even considered.

I like this idea. People assume that a somebody would be just like their nobody just because Lea and Axel are indistinguishable. Matter of fact, Ansem’s re-completed apprentices act like polar opposites to their nobody counterparts. I mean, from what we’ve seen of Lauriam so far, he’s reserved, polite and non-judgemental.

I’m personally going with Elenar as a throwback to the Final Fantasy VII character of the same name. Axel was based off Reno, Vexen with Hojo, and so I wouldn’t be surprised if Larxene completes the Shinra reference with her somebodies’ name. With saying all that though, I love the reasoning provided here. Out off all the somebodies to have the most drastic change, I assume it’ll be her.

I google searched Dorlu and didn’t find that definition. Where does the word Dorlu originate from? I was thinking that Dulor rolls more natural, but I couldn’t really find much of a definition for that word either.

Dyme seems the most notable one. Thematically, you use a Dyme to play a Jukebox, and Demyx is clearly musically orientated so he has that going for him. There’s also Emyd as a name but that just sounds awkward.

Overall, I like the logic that you’ve placed for the names of the remaining former members.

http://meaningdir.com/word/dorlu.htm that's the only thing I found for dorlu but it was the only meaningful name I found for him in general I literally wrote out on a piece of paper every combination and googled one by one.

As for Elenar that is a good possibility too and I didn't think about it I'm actually one of those rare people who got into FF through KH not the other way so sometimes I miss those references.

As for Dyme they over emphasized the music more than the water so the musical reference makes a lot of sense.

Also thank you for the compliment to the logic and agreeing about the Lumaria statement I've always had this in the back of my mind and someone and this forum gave me an outlet.

As far as the names go, I commonly see:

--Marluxia = LuMaria (before UX, close to the name of a type of flower)

--Larxene = Arlene, Elenra

--Demyx = Myde, Dyme, Emyd

--Luxord..... I rarely see anything for him, except Dolur (as mentioned above). I personally go with "Rould" because it sounds like "rolled" and the name Roald (Roald Dahl, the children's book author)

I typically see a lot of Ruldo for Luxord but I just think people were going around it all wrong.
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Silver Member
Nov 28, 2005
I want Demyx to be Demy, literally just had an x tacked on the end out of laziness.


Bronze Member
Sep 8, 2016
Rome, Italy
I'm not sure how deep in meaning the somebodies names will be. I mean, I haven't done a whole lot of research, but are the names Lea, Isa, Braig, Dilan and so on all connected to the Nobody or one of his gimmicks?

People assume that a somebody would be just like their nobody just because Lea and Axel are indistinguishable. Matter of fact, Ansem’s re-completed apprentices act like polar opposites to their nobody counterparts. I mean, from what we’ve seen of Lauriam so far, he’s reserved, polite and non-judgemental.

I don't quite see this polar opposition for the apprentices (matter of fact, I hardly even saw the re-completed apprentices in the first place. All I've got were a couple of lines from Ienzo). Not that seeing Dilan and Aeleus doing something would've been much of a proof of anything anyway, they're so underdeveloped that we have hardly anything to start with.
People assume that a somebody is like his nobody counterpart because this is what has been shown so far, and every Nobody that wasn't one of the anomalies (Roxas, Xemnas, Naminé) seems to be interchangeable with its Somebody. Braig and Xigbar are just as identical as Lea and Axel.

Marluxia was also polite and reserved when he first appeared, and acted like he was Sora's true friend who knew about his missing memories (he used "denouement" unironically in a conversation for Pete's sake).
Lauriam totally reminds me of Marluxia in the way he acts: both act confident yet detatched, and issue orders whilst making them look like the only intended course of action.


Jan 8, 2014
Helping D&G Fix their Ship
I'm not sure how deep in meaning the somebodies names will be. I mean, I haven't done a whole lot of research, but are the names Lea, Isa, Braig, Dilan and so on all connected to the Nobody or one of his gimmicks?

I don't quite see this polar opposition for the apprentices (matter of fact, I hardly even saw the re-completed apprentices in the first place. All I've got were a couple of lines from Ienzo). Not that seeing Dilan and Aeleus doing something would've been much of a proof of anything anyway, they're so underdeveloped that we have hardly anything to start with.
People assume that a somebody is like his nobody counterpart because this is what has been shown so far, and every Nobody that wasn't one of the anomalies (Roxas, Xemnas, Naminé) seems to be interchangeable with its Somebody. Braig and Xigbar are just as identical as Lea and Axel.

Marluxia was also polite and reserved when he first appeared, and acted like he was Sora's true friend who knew about his missing memories (he used "denouement" unironically in a conversation for Pete's sake).
Lauriam totally reminds me of Marluxia in the way he acts: both act confident yet detatched, and issue orders whilst making them look like the only intended course of action.

Well braig might hint at his origins because it literally means a person who lives near a crag I don't know about Lea because he was referencing Reno but it was saying an open area or grasslands. Isa is even more strange because it means Jesus as far as I've found but I don't know. Either way it's just a theory

Graceful Schemer

New member
Jan 6, 2018
I really like what you found about Lauriam and Laurel and quite liked that I got Laurel for a wand (Pottermore).

It feels like the names' funciton/meanings are just meant to be an anagram and that is all. It just happens that some work better than another like Xehanort having two meaningful anagrams.

For the other three, since there is much more time to think about, maybe the team would go for the more meaningful.


Active member
Sep 15, 2017
this is about the somebody thread, but I think the name "marluxia" is also meaningful with the revelation he lived during chi and is still present in the modern days.
mar: English word meaning to taint, to stain, to contaminate, but in Old German, it means news, or tale, base for modern German "marchen" which means fairy tale
lux: Latin for light
Ia: Common endings for Latin words.
so it could imply how Marluxia's possible role to tell the tale how the light becomes tainted-AKA the story of Chi era. It could also imply on how for everyone around Marluxia (even Ven, who didn't remember anything from back then) what he knew about the age of fairy tale was, well, nothing but an obscure fairy tale, but for him, it was Lauriam's genuine past that truly happened, that involved in all what happened back then is part of his identity.


Jan 8, 2014
Helping D&G Fix their Ship
this is about the somebody thread, but I think the name "marluxia" is also meaningful with the revelation he lived during chi and is still present in the modern days.
mar: English word meaning to taint, to stain, to contaminate, but in Old German, it means news, or tale, base for modern German "marchen" which means fairy tale
lux: Latin for light
Ia: Common endings for Latin words.
so it could imply how Marluxia's possible role to tell the tale how the light becomes tainted-AKA the story of Chi era. It could also imply on how for everyone around Marluxia (even Ven, who didn't remember anything from back then) what he knew about the age of fairy tale was, well, nothing but an obscure fairy tale, but for him, it was Lauriam's genuine past that truly happened, that involved in all what happened back then is part of his identity.

That's actually very perceptive because they were all anagrams I didn't think they would have meaning do you have a source for this?


Jan 8, 2014
Helping D&G Fix their Ship

I found a mistranslation Isa doesn't mean Jesus Isa means devoted to God which sounds accurate because he is devoted to xemnas and xemnas was pretty much considered a good among the organization which adds more validity to the theory


Active member
Sep 15, 2017

I found a mistranslation Isa doesn't mean Jesus Isa means devoted to God which sounds accurate because he is devoted to xemnas and xemnas was pretty much considered a good among the organization which adds more validity to the theory
No, Isa is pretty much Islamic/Arabic version of Jesus. You were right. Like Solomon = Sulaiman, Eve=Hawa, Jacob= Ya'kub, David = Da'ud, Goliath= Jalut, Moses= Musa, etc.

That's actually very perceptive because they were all anagrams I didn't think they would have meaning do you have a source for this?

For the translations of the languages? Wikipedia, get the idea after re-reading that site.I could take the screenshot if you want.

Alpha Baymax

On a scale of α to ζ.
Sep 5, 2015
United Kingdom
At this point, I'm more curious as to where these characters reside now that they've been re-completed. It'd be a bit of a bore for them to be from Radiant Garden too, my hunch is that their home is Twilight Town.


Jan 8, 2014
Helping D&G Fix their Ship
At this point, I'm more curious as to where these characters reside now that they've been re-completed. It'd be a bit of a bore for them to be from Radiant Garden too, my hunch is that their home is Twilight Town.

I like the idea of twilight town but I actually think it's gonna be more along the lines of cable town just because twilight town was really just for older FF references and Roxas.
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