Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
As long as they are SHADOWS. I couldn't handle anything much bigger than that....maybe even a SOILDER or DARKBALL, but nothing that can fly or go invisable...I HATED those INVISABLES from KH1....Gr. But yes, I'd LOVE to fight an entire army of Heartless. SMALL heartless...until I get more Keyblade weilding experience that is.
Heck yesss!! Sorry, I just watched Napoleon Dynamite.
Anyway, I would love to kick some heartless bootay, and I've heard we'll have some great attacks designed for killing huge masses of heartless. Maybe we'll have Trinity Limit!
Well from what ive seen and heard, you have to kill a set amount of heartless in a set amount of time. Similar to Chain of Memories when you had to keep fighting the heartless in Monstro. I think it will be too easy IMO. With drive and what not.
I'd LLLOOOOOVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to to fight the heartless army... two reasons: I'd get to not stop killing e'm. And i can get alot of level ups... some of the heartless look like the behemoth, only wearing armer... Do you think they are the behemoth?
It would be easy to beat theHeartless army..and VERY fun ya know!! Just pummel the crap outta teh Shadows and Soldiers then whatever the hell has the next lowest health....after all of those you go for the Behemoth..
From Coming back from COM using them idiotic cards...IM GONNA KICK THERE A** cos the cards annoyed me....COM should have been on PS2 3d graphics , no cards so yea
i'd like 2 fight the whole heartless army just cuz i can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and cuz it'd be fun 2 kick their heartless butts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!