Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Dont think so murney cloud wouldn't stand a chance againt squall and in kh cloud is hired by hades which is bad! while leon is hired to keep an eye on sora which is good! And good always conquers the evil
yeah but cloud tryed usein hades to find aerith and cloud didnt want to kill sora and he never dont get me wrong like squall boss but i think clouds the best
Sora, I know from experiance that a Key can be quite a weapon (I got hit in the gaw with one once, it really hurt) and Sora has just got that noble heart that all the best young heros have (Ash, Luffy, Goku etc) oh and his hair is awesome, like a spikey vertion of my hair
pssh I have curly hair but with a straighting iron it helps alot (then again im a girl).
I would have to say a strong battle character like Cloud or Riku, Battling is one of the main reasons I love KH, to me a good video game is if they have a good battle system (RPG wise) and KH has the best battle system Ive seen so far.
It's a hard choice but....I guess I would wanna be......Kairi (both KH and KH2) or mabey Yuffie (I like her throwing stars), but I guess more for Kairi.
i would be Naminé... i know she might sound lame but i would love messing around with people's memories... *evil grin* "you owe me 50 dollars" "i don't remember that..." *zap* "now u remember!"
LARXENE!!!! just kidding (well actually yeah cause she uses thunder and she is fast and those are my favorite elements even though im a guy) i wouldnt mind Mickey though