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It does not make even a tiny bit of sense! T_T
1. It is very un-KH in style. Kairi/Namine, for example, not Kairi/Iriak.
2. It does not work in japanese; it'd be "Raso".
Gah! .__.
Hmmmm..... kaizer21 was right. There is no Kain. It was kairi.
Namine being Kairi's shadow meant a cheap imitation....she was replacing Kairi with herself in Sora's memories under the order of Marluxia. So you people think the BHK is trying to be a cheap imitation of Sora under someone's orders or something??????
If it was Aros then the BHK would be Darkness. Seeing as in CoM they said Sora was Light. BHK is obviously Twilight so his name might be Osar or Raso or even Raos
(im 100% wrong probably because they don't seem like Square Material XD)