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(Theory) Roxas's Dual Keyblades

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Unknown Master

New member
Jun 8, 2014
So, a theory just popped into my mind. I was trying to think of possible events that take place in kh3 and then I actually thought of something dealing with they keyblades that roxas uses while fighting sora. The oblivion and oathkeeper.

I'm not sure what most people believe, but I've heard that some people think the oblivion comes from sora and the oathkeeper comes from xion, or ventus, or even riku, but the point is that people think that it at least one comes from sora. That got me thinking.

When Sora was asleep, roxas's main weapon was the Kingdom Key. We know that this is because he is Sora's nobody. Then Sora wakes up and eventually meets roxas at TWTNW. Notice that Roxas no longer uses the kingdom key, because now it is with sora. Instead he dual wields the oblivian and the oathkeeper. Now, this is where my theory comes to play.

Could it be possible, that since Sora is using his normal keyblade, the kingdom key, that roxas now dual wields two keyblades of the hearts connected to him? We know that Roxas takes the apperence of Ventus because of Ventus's heart in sora. Now look forward to Dream Drop Distance, The Ventus Nightmare armor that is inside Sora. Is it possible that the oblivion is a direct result of this nightmare within Sora's heart? This kinda coincides with coded's description of the item: "A Keyblade that rewards wielders who share its hurt.[...]"

If this is true, then it would also make sense for the oathkeeper to be from Xion because she was the result of Sora's memory of Kairi, and Kairi passed the Oathkeeper to Sora. Plus, roxas really doesn't know kairi, only Xion.

I duunno, lol. I know im totes overthinking this, but that is what i like about the series. :)


Jan 8, 2014
Helping D&G Fix their Ship
You Aren't overthinking it at all i can see what you're saying But what i'd like to add on to this is that The oathkeeper came from sora's memory of his oath to bring the lucky charm back right so what was his oath to xion you guessed it the oath they all made to be together forever i'd also like to mention Another Reference for the Coded a Keblade that rewards weilders who share it's hurt we recently found out nobody's have hearts but i had figured that out prior due to xion at the end it seems like xion's heart just literally broke so Just like Ventus a Fractured heart but hers shattered which would be why during the fight against riku she contacted riku through oblivion instead of them doing him getting oathkeeper she shared ventus's pain As for the kingdom key yes i agree on it being because of sora waking up he lost it but i don't think him being Sora's nobody is why he received the keyblade well not the whole reason my theory is that it has something to do with his nickname the key of destiny i don't know what but 1 theory is that Sora somehow inadvertadly passed on some of his power to roxas in his sleep and the kingdom key appeared to roxas the kingdom key was sora's whole destiny so yeah rant/theory over


baroque bitch
Jun 4, 2010
So, a theory just popped into my mind. I was trying to think of possible events that take place in kh3 and then I actually thought of something dealing with they keyblades that roxas uses while fighting sora. The oblivion and oathkeeper.

I'm not sure what most people believe, but I've heard that some people think the oblivion comes from sora and the oathkeeper comes from xion, or ventus, or even riku, but the point is that people think that it at least one comes from sora.
This isn't an arbitrary thing that people think. Roxas inherited Sora's Keyblade first, then when Xion died it caused such emotional trauma that some dormant part of Ven's heart stirred and Roxas gained his Keyblade. When Roxas gains both of them they are both Kingdom Keys and when Roxas clashes them together they become Oblivion and Oathkeeper. It's more likely that the Oblivion is the one that Roxas gained as a result of Xion/Ventus as it's the one Xion makes Roxas toss to Riku.

When Sora was asleep, roxas's main weapon was the Kingdom Key. We know that this is because he is Sora's nobody. Then Sora wakes up and eventually meets roxas at TWTNW. Notice that Roxas no longer uses the kingdom key, because now it is with sora. Instead he dual wields the oblivian and the oathkeeper. Now, this is where my theory comes to play.
There's something you need to understand. Sora and Roxas coexisted at one point, they can BOTH use the SAME KEYBLADE at the SAME TIME. They aren't swapping it around, they use it concurrently. Roxas was wielding before Sora fell asleep.

Also, Roxas begins duel wielding before Sora wakes up, you know that. The confrontation at Memory Skyscraper and then the battle in the basement with Axel. When Roxas meets Sora in the mansion basement he gives up his bodily form. That was the whole point of Roxas being there and the prologue. Roxas doesn't just step out of the picture for a while, he ceases to exist so that he can give Sora back his memories and so Sora can wake up. When Sora and Roxas have their confrontation in TWTNW it's a battle over Sora's body and mind, it isn't happening in the physical world.

~In fact, Sora can also duel wield now as a direct result of Roxas rejoining him. That's how the driveforms work

You aren't overthinking it, you're just a little misinformed and misguided.


Oct 9, 2009
Just to confirm what Tinny says is fact:

-- So it's not "Once Sora's story is finished, another hero's story will begin", the hero is always Sora.

Nomura: Yes. One of the concepts behind the KH series is that the main character Sora isn't special, he's just a normal boy. Yes he does have connections with Ventus' heart, among others, but he hasn't inherited anything from them. He's just a normal boy you could find anywhere. I wanted to make Sora a character that the player could take onto themselves and feel that you don't have to be special. But connect to many people and you will realize your secret potential. With BbS I want to make fans excited to see Sora's return. The secret event is a symbol of that, so I hope everyone will get to see it and wait for Sora's next adventure.
Directors Interviews said:
VII. In KH, at the same time Sora became a heartless Roxas was born and entered the Organization. So if that's the case, at that point in time at Castle Oblivion, Sora used a keyblade while at the same time, Roxas would have been using a keyblade. Was this Sora's keyblade? Within the organization, I think we particularly saw Roxas using a keyblade. And similar to Roxas, Sora served as another Keyblade Master conviently gathering hearts. So why was the Organization defeated?

The keyblade that Roxas used and the Keyblade that Sora once lost in Castle Oblivion are the same thing. Furthermore, these two both used the keyblade at the same time. This can be explained by the relationship between Roxas and Sora. Thus, they both can wield two keyblades, in fact, has an important meaning. This is also related to Xehanort's memories, but this point can't be touched on just yet.

Furthermore, from the time that the two were both using the keyblade at the same time, the Organization itself was using Sora for their ultimate goal. Soon enough, each of the Organization's expectations differed. By changing Sora and Roxas's movements, eventually they became unable to use Sora for their true meaning. As a result, Sora became an obstacle to the movements of the organization itself and he had to be defeated. But even if Sora were to be defeated, you could say there are other things to think about in making that sacrifice.
Q4: Why can Roxas dual-wield?
A: Because he can use both Sora’s and Ventus’ keyblades.

Sora can wield two keyblades at once because he has Ventus’ as well as his own. As Roxas is a part of Sora, he also can use two. In Days Roxas awakened his ability to dual wield after fighting Xion. In KHII once Sora absorbs him, he can also dual-wield.

Roxas awakens his ability to dual-wield with his will to not forget Xion who also wielded a keyblade.
- In the end Roxas is able use two keyblades. Is this because he now has Xion's?

Nomura: Well, it isn't that Roxas has physically inherited Xion's keyblade, but more that Xion has awakened it within Roxas. In the KH series there are a lot of complex reasons why someone can use a keyblade, but basically you need a "heart" to be able to wield one. So strictly speaking, they are being influenced by Sora. At the present I can't say more than that, since it would go into whether or not Roxas has a heart. And there is also a part that has to do with Xehanort's memories. This time there were connections to the Kingdom Hearts I secret movie, and the time will come when this will have a clear connection as well. You'll just have to ask me then.
- In the end Roxas is able use two keyblades. Is this because he now has Xion's?

Nomura: Well, it isn't that Roxas has physically inherited Xion's keyblade, but more that Xion has awakened it within Roxas. In the KH series there are a lot of complex reasons why someone can use a keyblade, but basically you need a "heart" to be able to wield one. So strictly speaking, they are being influenced by Sora. At the present I can't say more than that, since it would go into whether or not Roxas has a heart. And there is also a part that has to do with Xehanort's memories. This time there were connections to the Kingdom Hearts I secret movie, and the time will come when this will have a clear connection as well. You'll just have to ask me then.

Your definitely not overthinking it's just that Nomura does a poor job of explaining his own story, the details are all scattered in ultimanias and interviews with him. Of which all these quotes are taken from.
(which the site does have gathered and translated but it's a bit of reading)


New member
Jul 29, 2014
Totally see your point and agree with you. Your theory makes so much since and has answer a few of my questions as well.


New member
Mar 3, 2016
Okay. the Oathkeeper is created by the oath Sora made with Kairi to bring back her seashell good luck charm. Roxas in the tutorial stage of KHII would not have been able to use Oathkeeper when he fights Axel if it was formed from an Oath with Xion. Mainly because Roxas' memory was wiped clean. His heart may remember Xion, hense the tear Sora had roll down his cheek when he saw Xion in Dream Drop Distance. However, Roxas did have dreams of Sora and Kairi. He even somehow had a psychic vision of Kairi writing the message in a bottle to Sora (Which somehow because of the light in kairi's heart traveled to the world of darkness to find Sora). And you also have to remember that Sora, up until Roxas finally went back into him at the end of the tutorial, was a heartless in all technicalities. He was a heart without a body, which is why he was sleeping. And because he is Sora's nobody, he is technically Sora. Though he is the only XIII member who had a different personality and heart altogether from the Somebody they were born from. Because of this, I think Roxas was only able to wield the oathkeeper because he, as part of Sora, still had to keep the oath to bring the lucky charm back to Kairi. Thus, he gained the power to use Oathkeeper.

Now onto the side of Oblivion. It may not allude to it in KHI since you literally get it from a chest in a room, but I'm sure that Oblivion was made when Sora ultimately conquered the darkness in his heart, returning from his shadow form back into the boy we all play these games for. The guard of Oblivion is basically designed in the visage of a pair of black wings. However, if you look closely at the guard as a whole, you'll see a familiar shape, the heart. Also notice that Oblivion has a black version of the Kingdom Key's keychain. This could be because Sora's keyblade became dark, transforming from the darkness in his heart. The chain on Oblivion could be representing that Sora has Conquered, and thus chained down the darkness in his heart. The design slightly changes from KH1 to KH2, which could mean maybe Sora gets even a better grip on his Darkness, now being whole again. also think that the "Two become One" keyblade, which is exclusive to KH2 Final mix, represents Sora finally becoming whole, as Roxas has accepted that Sora is the rightful owner of the body and heart they both reside in. Two become one also makes becoming Anti Sora 50% more common, and helps you earn Final Form much faster. This could mean that Sora has the ability to now manipulate his darkness and use it to help him protect the light. this could be supported by the shadow abilities Sora gains in Dream Drop Distance.

Ultimately, The kingdom Key is Sora's original Keyblade, because it chose him as guardian/champion of the realm of light, whereas the KK D chose Mickey as champion of the realm of darkness. However, I believe that, as he is the first to Dual wield Keyblades (I'm saying this because both Roxas and Xion were basically parts of him.) that the Oathkeeper AND Oblivion keyblades are Sora's personal keyblades, as it represents the constant balance of light and dark within him.

I know this is a bit more than ANYBODY on here probably wanted to read. But I have quite a few theories on all the things to do with Kingdom Hearts.


Nov 30, 2014
KK is not Sora's original Keyblade, since it actually chose Riku.

Oathkeeper appears as half of Roxas's dual set of Keyblades alongside the Oblivion, and was transformed from his original Kingdom Key after he absorbed Xion. Fundamentally, the Oathkeeper is symbolic of Sora's memories of Kairi. The Oblivion is symbolic of Sora's memories of Riku.


New member
Mar 3, 2016
Oh see I always thought it represented his darkness, since you can't get it until after Sora turns heartless, and the keychain is a black version of his necklace.
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