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The New Seraphim (A tales of Symphonia rp)

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Shin Riku

New member
Apr 22, 2007
At home trying to beat Poke'mon Diamond...=/
Ok, so this is my first role-play and I'm gonna try to make it a good one. So here's the rules for the role-play

1. No god-modding or power-playing
2. Romance is encouraged but, try and keep it PG-13.
3. Use OCC when speaking out of character and try and keep that to a minimum.
4. Be sure to have fun with it =)
5. Put, I love teh cheese on top of your template if you've read the rules.


Name: Judos Harphied
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Personality: Judos is a very mysterious guy. He still feels hatred towards those who abanded him on the first pilgrimage. He is still very confused about what happened that day.
Appearance: Coming Later
Status: Leader of the New Seraphim
Powers: Molecular Reconstruction, Magnetism
Biography: Judos was a very young couragous kid in his youth. He accompanied the first chosen one on her pilgrimage until they realized the power he possessed, they decided he was too powerful and sealed him away inside of Orgin. Upon Orgin's defeat Judos was released into the world still only 8 years old. Looking for the chosen one he wandered the lands for 10 years.

This is a Tales of Symphonia RP. It has been 10 years since the tree of mana brought the 2 worlds together. Judos was released into the world and learning about the destruction the Legendary Sword caused. Judos seeked to gain control of this sword and use it to destroy this world and create anew. But, the sword was lost when the tree of mana was brought back. Lloyd and the others have recently disappeared and it is rumored that Judos murdered them all. But, just as fate seemed lost a new band of heroes have banded together and seek to end Judos's reign.


Leader of the New Seraphim
Shin Riku

The 4 New Seraphim

Band of Heroes

Knights of Mana
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