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Heroes for the New Millennium
Part1: The Beginning of an Era.
Heroes for the New Millennium
Part1: The Beginning of an Era.
Voda City, a clean city by day, but at night it's a completely different place, and that's why Laura and I are here.
Speed Demon and Firecracker, Rob Armstrong and Laura Mewes, heroes.The tall muscular white guy with the short black hair, wearing the green suit with bolts lightning along the sides, that's me, Rob Armstrong, the girl with the nice body, blonde hair a tall slim body, wearing a skimpy purple outfit just about covering her up with a long purple cape behind her, that's Laura.
We may be a crime-fighting duo, but we aren't "involved", girl doesn't swing that way, not that I’d try it on with her anyway, more of a sister, be it a hot one.
"Where to now?" she asked me as we stood atop a rather large building over looking the west-side of the city, cloaked in the darkness of the night as the wind blew directly into our faces.
"Seems pretty clean on the west-side, we'll switch to the east, then we're done, I'm pretty tired" I said as I turned around, making my way to the other side of the roof, Laura soon followed.
Just as I was about the run down the building..........yeah I can do that, my communicator starts to ring.
"Chief?" I answered as I turned the communicator on, as Laura looked in over my shoulder.
"Not quite" a girl on the screen, Erika Stevenson, Ms. Metallic, nice to look at, but not the best company.
"Erika, to what do we owe this pleasure?" Laura said sarcastically, from over my shoulder, they aren't the best of friends.
"There's something major going down in Marshall City" she informed us.
"Like what?" I asked, before Laura could open her mouth.
"I don't know the details, but it's a super villain attack of some sort, I'm on my way, you should go too, if you're not swamped, this sounds bad" Erika suggested as I turned to Laura, who nodded back at me.
"We're on our way, Speed Demon out" I said as I closed over my communicator and put it back on my belt.
"Grab my hand" I ordered Laura, as I stretched my arm out towards her.
" Why Mr. Armstrong" Laura said as she put her hand in mine and squeezed tight.
"Don't get my hopes up" I said, as I began to run, 0 to 60 in three seconds, we'd be there soon.
Three minutes earlier in New York City, Erika was patrolling in Times Square, when she stopped to check out the headlines on the big screen.
Ms. Metallic, Erika Stevenson, yet another hero, one of the many heroes in New York City, but one of the only ones I get on with.
It was a dark night, but all the lights in New York made it look bright enough, Erika sat on the edge of a building directly across from the screen, her black hair was blown behind her, by the wind, she sat curled up, holding her knees, in her black costume which looked like a one-piece bathing suit with a black skirt attached, wearing long black gloves and boots, she looks so innocent, like a young naive teenage girl, but that's her on the outside, when you get to know her, you'll think differently.
Erika watched as the newscaster announced the news of the attacks in Marshall City, she soon stood up and reached into the pocket of her skirt and pulled out her communicator.
"Who'll I call?" she asked herself as she fiddled with her communicator.
"Speed Demon, he'll get there quickest" she said as she flipped open her communicator.
And then she contacted me, but I've already been over that part.
Once she put the communicator back in her skirt, she threw her left arm in front of her, and a long metallic cable flew out of the palm of her and stuck to the side the building the big screen was placed on.
The cable then began to pull her towards the building, until she released another cable from her other hand, and retracted the first cable.
She used this method to swing from building to building as if on a rope, that's her super power, she can created metallic objects as long as it stays connected to her body, it's complicated, I'll explain later.
Lastly, we have possibly the most annoying hero on the face of this Earth.
The Suicide Commando, Chris Murphy, idiot.
He resides in Ash City, and is the sidekick of Wharp, possibly the freakiest and scariest hero of all time.
But it's Chris I'm talking about now, the boy who wears the unconventional super-suit, a black T-shirt (with a "devil sperm" symbol on it, don't ask), black gauntlet-style gloves, denim jeans with many pockets, and that little sword holster thing he has on his back.
"What's-a-matter baby-cakes, had enough?" Chris asked, standing over a scrawny looking villain, who wore a black and white chequered suit, and brown paper bag over his head, with two eye-holes poked into it.
"Hello?.........ya gonna answer me or not?" Chris asked as he approached the villain, who lay in a dingy back alley, the alley was filthy much like the rest of Ash City.
"He's unconscious" a voice said from Chris' pocket.
"I knew that" Chris declared as he pulled a communicator out of his pocket, "how did you know?" Chris wondered as he stared into the screen, trying to intimidate whoever he was talking to.
He got no response, and soon stopped glaring into his communicator "Eh, you always know, why do I even ask anymore?" he muttered.
"There's been an attack on Marshall City, you have to get there" the man on the other line of the communicator said.
"Ok, well I'm on patrol here, so......" Chris said, as he began to close his communicator.
"Well, now you're not, I am, you go check out Marshall City" the voice ordered, before Chris could get a word in edge-ways.
"Fine, Wharp, but I'm taking the bike, I'll come back to the cave and get it" Chris declared as he heard the sound of an engine behind him.
"No need, it's right beside, I sent it a couple of minutes ago" Wharp said, and sure enough Chris' "Suicycle" was standing right behind him.
"I hate when you do that" Chris said as he gave a dirty look into the communicator.
"I know" Wharp admitted as the communicator screen went static, Chris then put the communicator in his pocket.
Chris hopped on to his bike as he muttered to himself "not even so much as a goodbye."
'Goodbye" a voice said from inside Chris' pocket.
"I hate you" Chris announced before speeding off on his, ugh, "Suicycle."
Marshall City is a good bit away from Voda, we should arrive in about a minute or so, dragging Laura slows me down, only a little bit though.
“Do you know who it is?” Laura asked as we went through a town so fast, only a few people could have felt our presence.
“No, I know as much as you do……..nothing” I said as I kept a grasp on her hand pushing myself harder and harder, I’m fast, but I can always get faster.
As I ran past another street sign, Laura flailing behind me, I had to screech to a halt, “what did that sign say?” I asked her, as she fell to the ground.
“Warn me next time you decide to stop suddenly!” Laura barked as she picked herself up off the road, “if you couldn’t see it, when you’re used to super speed, how could I have?”
“Just checking” I replied, crankily, before speeding off in the other direction, checking the sign and coming back in a mere second.
“Just as I thought, were here” I declared, as I once again grabbed Laura’s hand and began to run.
As we stared at the metropolis that was Marshall City, Laura noticed some smoke rising from between the building, “there!” she shouted, pointing directly at the smoke.
“We’ll be there, faster than you can say “Laura Mewes”” I challenged as I sped off, Laura in tow.
And we were there before she could say it, the street was destroyed, littered with broken glass and small fires, rubble everywhere, and five figures walking through the middle of it all.
“Who is it?” Laura asked, as she once again got up from lying face first on the pavement.
“Dial C for Crime” I muttered as I glared at the five of them, getting ready to attack, as they stopped in their tracks.
“What a gay name” Laura whispered in my ear, as I tried to concentrate on my foes.
The big, muscular one with the greasy blonde hair, covering the head that, seems too small for his gigantically muscular body, covered by only a pair of tattered shorts, that’s “Rip“, the muscle of the group.
Beside him, the tall guy in the blue and red wavy costume, covering his entire body, even his face, with the two blades coming out of wrists, that’s “Switchblade“, the tactician.
The guy with a similar build as Switchblade and the all black costume, also covering his face is “The Shadow“, guaranteed he’ll be the first to fall, he always is.
The last two are the “The Death Twins“, Lock and Massey, both are short, fat and wear green body suit, with a modified yellow and blue Yin-Yang emblems on their chest, and no masks on their face, they don’t care if everyone knows their secret identity, they’re the marksmen of the group, try and dodge four arrows/bullets/whatever coming at you at one time……….for most people it’s hard.
“Plan?” Laura said as she leant over to me, both of us ready to fight, and by the looks of “The C”, they were too.
“You take Switchblade and The Shadow, I’ll go for Rip and the Midgets” I ordered as Laura, charged up photon energy in the palm of her hands, she controls different types of energy, she packs quite a punch.
My best bet was to take out the twins first, as I’ll need a lot of energy to take down Rip, like taking down a tank.
I ran towards them dodging anything they threw my way, like I said, dodging for things is hard, for most people, I’m not most people.
Ever felt a punch hitting you at 400 miles per hour? Lock has, he’s down, for how long, I don’t know.
“Brotha?” Massey cried as his partner flew across the street, crashing into a concrete wall.
Enraged, Massy lifted both his hands, a gun in each and shot in my direction, I dodged the bullets easily, but what I didn’t see coming was a fist, going in the opposite direction as I was, a fist the size of a motorbike.
Next thing I know I’m on my face, blood running from my jaw, at least Laura’s doing better than I am, she was Shadow knocked out and is holding her own against Switchblade.
She’s a graceful fighter, dodging all his attacks, countering with a couple of energy blasts.
How am I still alive? They should have finished my off, while I was on the ground.
I turned to Rip and Massey to see them occupied, by Ms. Metallic herself, Erika Stevenson.
I picked myself up off the ground, only to be pinned to the wall, by two arrows stuck in my shoulders, blood trickled, down my arms.
“You’ll need to do more than that to keep me down” Lock said, as he walked towards me.
He raised his crossbow, aiming for my head he got ready to pull the trigger.
Out of nowhere, a motorcycle came out of nowhere, ploughing straight into Lock crushing him against a store’s wall.
The bike, however, had no rider, right now I’m really confused, as I watched Lock fall out from between the bike and the wall.
“Wharp isn’t going to be happy with that” a voice said as I felt the arrow come out of my left shoulder.
“Chris” I said recognizing the voice, turning my head to see him holding the arrow that was once in my shoulder.
Chris Murphy, idiot, just saved my life, I died a little inside.
“Dial C for Crime, eh? No problem” Chris said as he ran towards Erika, who was fighting Massey and Rip.
I watched Chris fight, as I ripped the arrow out of my right shoulder, he may be an idiot, but he’s a damn good fighter, seeing as he has no powers, he needs to be.
He helped Erika fight Rip and Massey, they don’t need me.
Laura was having trouble with Switchblade and The Shadow, who obviously picked his ass off the ground.
I ran as fast as I could towards The Shadow, charging him into the wall, with about the same force as Chris’ bike, this time he wont get up.
“Having trouble?” I asked Laura as Switchblade, gashed her right arm, her legs also had a couple of cuts on them.
“You could say that!” She shouted as she shot an energy blast at Switchblade, knocking him into me, I hit him at about 200 miles per hour, he flew half way down the street before crashing into a beat up car.
Erika and Chris had dealt with Massey, all that was left was Rip, it’ll take all of us to stand a chance at taking him down.
“Long time since I worked with you, sweetness” Chris said to Erika, as he threw a couple of smoke bombs at Rip, Chris has a, shall we say “crush” on Erika.
“Shut up” Erika muttered as she began to punch Rip, with her, now, metallic fists, she punched him as hard as she could, but he simply grabbed her fists and flung her, across the street.
Laura stood away from the fight, and charged her energy, until she released a massive beam of energy, which forced Rip through a building, he was off his feet for the first time in the battle.
Laura fell to her knees, that blast drained a lot of her energy.
It was up to me and the no-powered kid.
Chris, took his swords out, I readied myself, we charged into the building Rip had been knocked into, only to blew flung straight back out onto the street, Chris hit his head pretty hard off the concrete, he was dazed.
Rip stood over him, The Suicide Commando, wasn’t long for this world, unless, I could save him, return the favour.
I ran as fast as I could towards them, snatching Chris out from under Rip, who never saw me coming.
“That’s it kiddies run, delay your deaths, while I kill your little girlfriends!” Rip shouted as he approached Erika.
Then suddenly, out of nowhere, a car flew towards Rip, exploding on impact, knocking Rip to the ground, was he out? Did we win? Where’d the car come from?
“I had to call some muscle, and he was all that was available” Chris said as he pointed to a pudgy kid, who wore mining gear, a miner’s helmet, goggles, leather jacket, stained vest, big black boots and raggy trousers.
“Who is he?” I asked as the kid, about the same age as Chris, 16, stood and watched the car burn, as Rip lay underneath it.
Chris brushed himself off and replied “Stephen Miller, The Mole.”
Next Up:
Part 2 of 6
"Heroes of the Millennium" continues.
Who is the Mole?
Are Dial C for Crime defeated?
What will become of our heroes now?
Join me, next week to find out.
Same Hybrid-time, same Hybrid-channel!
If you enjoyed reading this......
The Hybrid #2
The Hybrid #3
The Hybrid #4
The Hybrid #5
The Hybrid #6
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