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The Challenged

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New member
Feb 14, 2008
Belly of the beast.
OOC: If you wish to powerplay Bailey, go ahead. I'm not touchy on that sort of thing. If you don't care as well, say so, so there's no confusion early on. Anyway, have fun!

Weak sunlight shone through cracks in the blinds and danced in scattered lines across the floorboards. Bailey sat up and and ran his fingers through his hair as he yawned. It was the first day at his new high school, and for most kids, that wouldn't necessarily be a good thing, but Bailey was different from most kids. He had inexplicable powers, which sounds cool.

It's not. Not his.

The last school he went to was a school especially for kids with powers, but he was so bad that they kicked him out. Laminating things with your mind isn't exactly a fearsome power.

The new school had a class set up especially for kids with useless powers, which is why he's excited. Finally, kids like him! Budson High for the Inexplicably Gifted had a great track record. Some of history's greatest heroes and villians graduated from there, and the 'challenged' class taught kids how to deal with their powers in a way that would make them fit in with society and lead a normal life. This is just what Bailey wants, but unfortunately for him, the new Challenged class teacher, who is also starting today, has a can-do attitude about life, and he's determined to make a hero out of Bailey and his classmates, whether it's possible or not...


Bailey sat down at the breakfast table. He never knew why they called it that, because at night it's the 'dinner table'. It should just be 'table'.
"Morning honey! Excited about school?"
"Yeah... actually, I am.''
"Good to hear. I made you pancakes this morning"
"Aww, thanks mum."

Baileys mum made the best pancakes. Despite being able to control water, Ashley was a damn good cook as well.

"Where's dad?"
Ashley sighed. "Work called late last night. Again. Demon was about to fire a doom laser again."
Bailey couldn't help but chuckle. Demon tried so hard to destroy the world, but time and time again Team Alpha stopped him. Points go out to the guy for persistence, though.
"How come they didn't call you?"
"They already had enough of heroes on standby, and the only reason they got your father is-"
"-Because he's the captain of Team Alpha"
"Right." She sat down at the 'breakfast table' with her stack of pancakes.
Bailey looked around. It wasn't often that it was just him and his mum sitting down for breakfast. It's usually the whole family.
"Where's Trent?"
"He's doing an orientation course for Team Alpha. He's got his exams next week."
"If he passes, won't he be the youngest to enter the team since it started?" Bailey said with a mouth full of delicious pancake. Statistics and similar things interested him. He got that from mum.
"Second youngest. Your father entered it at 17, whilst Trent is 19"
"... Cool..."
Bailey wished he wasn't such a let down. His brother, his mum and his dad were all part of Team Alpha, but he was the weak link of the family.

His mother knew what he was thinking. She'd often remind him that Lamination is one of her weaknesses, because she can't effectively attack with water in battle if he's waterproofed everything. This always cheered Bailey up, but he always wished he wasn't so freaking useless.
"You'd better hurry up, the bus is gonna be here soon."
She kissed him on the forehead as he got his stuff ready and headed out to the nearest bus stop.
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The King

Token Black Guy
Jun 2, 2005
Joliet, IL. 815 Babeh
"AAAHHH What the HE-" *Thump*
TK Lay flat on the hard wooden floor facedown.
"Owww..." He sat up and looked around the room before he realized what had happened.
"Damn onions....No matter how many different ones i pick NONE of you ever listen to me when i tell you to make a LIGHT alarm noise."
TK stomped his foot numerous times as he yelled across the room at his bedside dressor. An onion sat atop......just sitting there. He stared at it with a blank look on his.
"DAMN YOU!" He charged towards the onion only to trip on a sock. Ultimately causing him to land on the other side of the bed onto the floor. Yet again.
"Gosh. What a great way to start the day."

TK stood to his feet and made his way to his closet. He was ready to start the new school year at Budson High. His powers werent that great but he knew the program there would make him feel....well better about them at least. He slid into his new set of clothes he had just bought for the first day and made is way down the hall. He stopped by his parents room and peeked in.
"Sound asleep. I'll talk to them when i get home i guess."
TK decided to skip breakfast this morning. The cereal always made witty remarks as he ate.
"Hey did the milk just get warmer" And they would all laugh. TK did not find this funny and neither did the cereal once they found themselvs going down the garbage disposal.
TK stepped outside and made his way to the bus stop. He stood and waited for it to arrive.
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It's the only NEET thing to do.
Dec 23, 2007
The smell of barf wafted past Aye's nose.
"Oh geez..."
His dog was looking at him from atop his stomach.
But he didn't.
"Mum! Can you come and get Slodge off me please! He threw up again!" said Aye, with his strong Scottish accent.
"Where did he throw up?" his mother called back.
"O... damn"
"Grr... oh not again!"
A pizza appeared in his left hand. he proceeded to throw it out the window, Slodge following it.


The table sat in front of Aye, seemingly looking at him.
"What's wrong Aye?" said a voice, coming from nowhere.
"Egh, I'm sick of my powers... And Slodge throwing up on me constantly doesn't help"
"There there buddy, have a woodchip"
"Uh... thanks?"
"That's my one worldly possession"
"But you're made from wood, so... Shouldn't your whole self be your possession?"
"Shut up!"
It walked away from Aye with great difficulty, as you would expect a table to. "Just like everything eles, always walking away from me..." He thought to himself silently.
"I'm going now Mum" he yelled out.
"Oh, wait sweetie!" she said as she clambered down the stairs in an awkward style.
"Hm? What's this?" Aye questioned, as she handed him something.
"I know you'll make good use of it... Now, have a fun day!"
"Thanks Mum, seeya later!"
He walked out the door, and his father walked past, and touched him on the shoulder.
"So this is it? Wow..."
The new high school stood in front of him, towering like nothing he had ever seen.


New member
Apr 10, 2007
Taking Pictures of Aqua's magical child-bearing hi
Chris woke up and sat up in bed and gave a big yawn.
This was the disgruntled noise of Chris's yawn.
He got up and put on his clothes, walking down the stairs he triped over at teh last step and groaned as he got back up.
He walked over to the fridge and looked at the stuck to the front and read it.

Dear Son
Me and your father are unable to be here due to a Tree Huggers Across The World Meeting
Lunch is on the counter
Goos Luck with school.

"Tree Huggers Acroos The World?" Chris shook his head and picked up his lunch, walking out the door he headed to the bus stop.


New member
Feb 14, 2008
Belly of the beast.
Bailey focused on the bench he was sitting on. Challenged class or not, he wanted to sharpen up his skills.
He watched as the whole bench gradually suited up in a shiny, plastic, waterproof coating. Despite it being a crappy skill, it was still fairly fun to watch. He'd often laminate the bottom of Trent's shoes and watch him slip over. It never got old.

Eventually, a boy about the same age as he was came to the bus stop as well. Bailey gave him a smile.
(He can probably do something awesome like shoot lasers from his fingertips or something) Bailey thought to himself.

Another kid arrived at the bus stop. Eventually the bus came, and Bailey hopped on to find that there was only two seats left, so Bailey and the boy from the bus stop sat next to each other. Bailey felt bad for the other kid having to stand. (If I get a seat tomorrow, he can have it) he thought to himself. Bailey hated feeling guilty.

Bailey focused his attention to the kid sitting next to him.
"Hi, I'm Bailey" he said, extending a hand towards the boy.
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The King

Token Black Guy
Jun 2, 2005
Joliet, IL. 815 Babeh
(Hey hey hey you said we could powerplay your character. Not Others damn it lol. its cool though.)
(sorry forgot to mention)

TK looked at the kid blankly -_- before he finally stuck out his hand and slapped it with a high five.
"Yea ummm..Hey." TK stood up and spun around towards the back of the bus.
"Whoever put there damn peanut butter and jelly sandwhich in their back pocket is a dumbass!" He sat back down and glanced at his feet. Looking back up towards the boy he said. "You know for peanut butter and jelly to taste so good together, they argue like cats and dogs. It's really not cool."


New member
Feb 14, 2008
Belly of the beast.
"You know for peanut butter and jelly to taste so good together, they argue like cats and dogs. It's really not cool."

Bailey laughed. This kid was interesting.
"You can talk to food?"

"I gather you're in the Challenged Class as well."

Eventually, the bus stopped outside the school.
"Well uhh... this is my stop," Bailey joked feebly.

He stepped out onto the footpath and looked around the school. Think of the most majestic, poshest school you can, then multiply it by fifty and add some attitude. That was Budson High for the Inexplicably Gifted.

Bailey took a deep breath, and walked in the school yard.


New member
Apr 10, 2007
Taking Pictures of Aqua's magical child-bearing hi
Chris got on the bus and saw other kids, all the seats were filled, having to stand was a pain.

When the bus stopped he walked out and look at the school
"Geez could it be any bigger!" he exclamied
He continued to walk forward tripping over the stairs.

He groned and got back up
"Stairs, my mortal enemy!"


Sergeant RoxMog
May 13, 2007
Over There
"Great my first day at a high school."-Joe

Joe got out of bed and got ready for school,after he had changed and everything he went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Hey wheres mom and dad?...Great they left a note."

I left $10 on the counter for lunch and I left a stack of papers on there to just in case you need them and we hope you have a good day at your new school.

Mom and Dad

We are on a business meeting in Mexico trying to stop this guy that can turn into animals so well try and be back as soon as possible."

"I guess ill have cereal then and I was hoping for some eggs or pancakes."

~After Breakfast~

Joe headed to the bus stop and made it just in time and when he got on the bus he got the last the seat.

"I wonder what powers everyone else has?"He thought.

The King

Token Black Guy
Jun 2, 2005
Joliet, IL. 815 Babeh
TK Watched the boy as he walked from the bus.
"Im sure this is everyones stop......" TK waited til the bus was empty before he got off. He never liked trying to squeeze between all the people. He stepped off the bus and peered at the large school. "Nice. Cant wait to get to lunch." He said sarcastically. Some kids flew to school. Other's walked. And some ran. TK was jealous he could not arrive at school by landing. He began to imagine the air traffic controller guiding him to the landing zone man that would be so cool. He made his way to the front door pasing many talented kids.


New member
Feb 14, 2008
Belly of the beast.
Bailey looked around the school yard feeling as lost as possible. The only person he knew was one of Trent's old friends, but Bailey hadn't seen him around yet, which isn't surprising, given the sheer size of the school. Everything in the school was brilliant, and there was pretty much no bullying, as the nerds could freeze them or turn into a puma or something. Although, the 'Special Education' kids would often get teased. It was a given. How could these kids with almost no brains and too much testosterone resist picking on someone inferior.

Eventually a loud bell rang, and Bailey just followed the other kids to the Hall, where there was the start of year assembly.
Nothing important was said, just your basic 'welcome back to school, and make the new kids feel welcome'. Kids were assigned to classes, and Bailey was assigned to a class at the end of the assembly. (Probably so the talented kids don't laugh at us on our way out) he thought to himself, though not that it mattered. There was plenty of time to be laughed at.

He had a look around. There was the kid who could talk to food, and also the kid who didn't get to sit down. They were asked to just wait quietly for a second (naturally, they started talking), as their teacher was late.

Bailey wandered over to the kid who didn't get a seat on the bus, and extended a hand towards him.
"I'm Bailey. Sorry you didn't get a seat on the bus, you can have mine tomorrow. Haha."
If there was one thing Bailey couldn't deny, it was that he had a brilliant smile. It just made everyone else want to smile.

After a while, the teacher came in, and the kid's jaws dropped. There was no way.
"Kids, I'd like you to meet your new teacher, Terraburn"
Bailey just about had a heart attack. Aside from his parents, Terraburn was his absolute idol. He was the captain of Team Alpha before Bailey's father, and he is one of only 4 heroes/villains to control more than a single element, and and and...

He could have gone on all day, but he was meeting the guy in person now! ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod

After the principal left, Terraburn showed them the way back to their class room.
"Right, uhh... I'm not so fantastic with words but uh... *ahem* anyway, I'm uhh, Terraburn, nice to meet you. I uhh.. I'll get to know you all better as the year uhh... progresses."

(This year is gonna be awesome.)


It's the only NEET thing to do.
Dec 23, 2007
Aye walked through the yard, and he heard someone playing music...
"Ah crap, that better not be-"
It was. You know those three really butt ugly guys that sing like girls? Yeah, them, the Gay Ass- I mean, Jonas Brothers <_<.
"Ugh, not a good start..." he thought to himself silently.
He saw a sign in the distance, which had words on it... funnily enough.
*All n00bz... Uh, newbies meet here nao! Vamoose!*
So he did. He saw someone else standing there, a boy, a bit shorter than Aye.
"Hi th-"
"There? You're Aye? Nice to meet you, I'm Bo"
"Nice to"
"Meet me?"
"Stop doing that!!"
"I can't, it's my power"
"It's an a-" Aye began to mumble.
"Annoying? Wait... hey!!"
Aye had already run off, looking for someone he might know, or at least, heard of. He came across an elder person. "Hello there sir, I'm-"
"Aye McPhail? Nice to meet you son! I'm Mr. Brightside!"
"Oh! I know you, you work with my dad sometimes, don't you?"
"Why, yes i do! Oh? OMGEE, I've got to get to the n00bz... newbies, whatever ahaha, come with!"
So he followed. Mr Brightside gathered up the rest of the newbies and took them to their new class.
"Kids, I'd like you to meet your new teacher, Terraburn"
"ZOMG" he thought to himself "This is gonna be saaaaaaaaweeeeeet"


New member
Apr 10, 2007
Taking Pictures of Aqua's magical child-bearing hi
Chris waited for the teacher came after the students were dismissed there we're a few kids in his class so he didn't feel too bad about that, a boyt came up to him and spoke.
"I'm Bailey. Sorry you didn't get a seat on the bus, you can have mine tomorrow. Haha."
This kid had a giant smile, he must've thought it would make everyone else smile.....but it was just creepy...
Chris saw a man walk in he was known as Terraburn, one of the greatest superheroes of all time, all the other students seemed amazed as he walked in but Chris decided to ask a question.
"Hey not to be rude Mr.Terraburn, but why are you teaching kids like us, too much time on your hands?"


New member
Feb 14, 2008
Belly of the beast.
Bailey watched as this kid just looked away like Bailey wasn't even there. Didn't even introduce himself or anything. This had happened twice already, and the day had barely started.
Was it really the hard to make friends here? Bloody hell...

The kid who Bailey didn't want to give his seat to anymore piped up.
"Hey not to be rude Mr.Terraburn, but why are you teaching kids like us, too much time on your hands?"

(Not to be rude...Whatever. You looked at me like I was diseased or something)

"Heh. Well to be honest, I haven't had a challenge since Demon almost got one of his doom lasers working in 1980-something. But uhh, I was thinking, A real challenge would be to try and make the kids in the challenged class into the new Team Alpha. Team Beta we'll call it. Bahahaha"

In one swift move, Baileys happiness just died.

"Mr, um, Terraburn, this class is specifically to help kids fit in to the real world"
"Yeah, I know, but you can make a hero out of anything that breathes. That's what I believe in."
"But what if we don't want to be heroes?"
"Bah! Everyone wants to be a hero, kid. Or a villain. Are you saying you want to be a villain?"
"I'm saying that I want to fit in!"

A shocked look swept across all the other kids faces. Whether it was because he was talking back to the greatest hero ever, or whether it was because he basically just said exactly what some of them were thinking, and if he could read minds then he shouldn't be in the challenged class. Terraburn, however, couldn't help a smile stretch across his face.

"I'll have to work you hard, kiddo."
Bailey was so annoyed. Two times he's tried to make friends, and both times he's been shot down, and now he's going to have to work hard to be a superhero with one of the lamest powers of all time.

(This year is gonna suck so bad)
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New member
Oct 12, 2007
My house
A gentle alarm resonated throughout the Hart household. This was another way of saying "Time to wake up, another day of being rich lies ahead". However, most of them were awake, so this was the signal for "Get out of bad, yah lazy so-and-so's". The quiet music echoed of the marble floors and walls, all around the en-suite bathrooms and master bedrooms, passing the expensive artwork and HD, wide-screen TVs on it's way.
The Hart family had an easy life. They were waited on, hand and foot, by a number of servants, all of whom had their own houses on the wide range of land that the Harts owned. The house was filled to the brim with the sort of stuff that you pay through the nose for. This didn't matter to the Harts, however, as they'd buy out an entire car showroom without a second thought for financial concern.
Yep, their lives were great. Well, apart from Drake.

Drake was the second youngest son of the Harts. He had it hard, but not for the reasons you might think.
He didn't have any physical disabilities, his excellent skills in the field said otherwise.
He didn't have any severe learning difficulties, his high grades spoke against it.
No. Drake's greatest gift was his greatest curse.
This gift? The power to transform.

You may be thinking "What the heck, man? Wouldn't you kill for that power?". Yes, I would, but that isn't the point. See, he couldn't use these powers. At all. There was also the problem of his random tranformation. Into anything. That he couldn't control. Drake may be walking down the street, when all of a sudden, BANG! He's become a pear.

Drake clambered out of bed and almost fell down the spiral stairs, staring blankly at the servants who waited at the bottom, each of them greeting him with a "Good morning, Master Drake."
Drake waved back lazily, dragging himself into the kitchen as he did so. His mother turned around as he walked in, smiling at him as she did.
"Morning, my little hero! Have you had any 'mishaps' this morning?" she asked, hugging him and turning back to what she was doing.
"Not yet, but I think I feel one right around the corner," Drake replied, clutching his stomach.
"Well, just make sure you try and contain it if anything happens, sweetie," his mum said.

The rest of the morning passed uneventful, the most shocking thing being his brother spilling some milk. Drake got for ready for the start of a new part of his life, being waved off from his home by his family with a load of "Good luck"s and "Have fun"s.
Drake climbed onto his new school bus, wondering of everything that would happen at his new place of education: the Budson Academy for Inexplicably Challenged.
Drake arrived at this new school, and has he climbed off the bus he thought to himself.
"Wow... I'm here. I've finally arrived at my new place. I'm here, amongst MY people. I will tell them my experiences, and I'll learn from their's. Together, we will make the world a better place. Together, we will- WOAH, WOAH SWEET CHILD O' MINE, NO!!"
Before he could even finish thinking these last words, Drake fell to the floor grabbing his stomach. Obviously, this would cause a commotion in any public place. But for some reason, this caused a bit of a... "Bigger" commotion. As in, everyone went mad and began to run around, alerting more of this commotion, causing more running, more alerting, more running... A vicious circle, if you may.
Throughout all this, a crowd had formed around the writhing Drake. He suddenly laid straight on the floor, as if he were sleeping on his back. All of a sudden, Drake, his clothes and his backpack had vanished, and in their place was a pack of chewing gum.

Drake then thought to himself.
"Great way to start of the new term, wise-guy. You just turned into some god-damned Hubba Bubba."

The King

Token Black Guy
Jun 2, 2005
Joliet, IL. 815 Babeh
(LOl hubba bubba.)

TK Listened to all his class mates speak to the teacher and grew tired of it. He eventually put on his head phones and began to play the air drums.
"Thats what ya get...dah dah dah....heart win dah ah ah ahhhaaa" He mumbled under his breath singing a song. He was leaning back on the chair and suddenly. SNAP! the chair legs broke and he plunged to the ground. "AHHHH SSSSSHHHHHHIIIII---" He stopped himself from yelling out something bad in school. He stood back up and glanced at everyone around the room. The teacher was holding up a smoking finger and the broken part of the chair was singed off. "You could have just asked ya know."


New member
Feb 14, 2008
Belly of the beast.
The whole class watched as Terraburn blazed off a broken part of a chair that the sandwich-talking guy was sitting on.
(I could do that if I could create and control fire ><)
Bailey needed time to think. This whole day was turning into a dogs breakfast. He needed air.
He waited until Terraburn decided to show the class one of his fireballs, and he sent it flying towards the back of the Hall. All heads turned to look, and that was when Bailey sneakily made his way out the front door.
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