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The Challenged: Sign Up Thread

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New member
Feb 14, 2008
Belly of the beast.
The story is about a class of students at a prestigious high school made specifically for kids with superpowers. Thing is, this class doesn't exactly have the cream of the superpower crop.

The idea is to dive deeper into the lives of these 'powerfully disadvantaged' kids and see the fun of the situation.

The basic storyline is that these kids who attend a class to deal with their crappy powers so that they can lead a normal life, when the new teacher happens to be the most famous superhero of all time, and he/she sees this as an opportunity to turn the kids into heroes, making them feel good about themselves, and also as he/she sees it as a challenge, which he/she hasn't had in a while. A challenge to change the challenge. I may include a villain, may not. Feel free to add your ideas, I will consider all ideas.

I don't expect a full class or whatever, I'll continue the story after there's about 5 people signed up, and we can go from there. If you would like to join the roleplay later on, that's fine.

This is a comedy kind of roleplay, so have fun with it. Be literate, but humor is the main point of this roleplay.

A big no-no is taking control of a character other than your own with out the other persons permission. I give permission for people to take control of Bailey because I like the idea of making the most out of a situation someone else puts me in, but if you do control other peoples characters, even with their permission, don't do anything massive with them like kill them or transform them into a salmon with a chainsaw. You know, don't get totally caught up.

Signing up:

Use the following layout if you'd like to sign up. It just makes this a bit easier to read. Here's mine:

Name: Bailey Heriot

Power: Can laminate things with his mind

Age/Body Type/Ethnicity: 15/ 165cm, Medium-Length thick brown hair, hazel eyes, fairly good looking/ Caucasian

Story: The youngest out of two children whose parents are two of the most well known superheroes in the whole world, Bailey has always felt he'd never fit in with his prestigious family. Despite his lack of power, his family have always been supportive and he's had a happy life. He's out going and happy-go-lucky, and he takes each day as it comes. A real optimist, he's always there to cheer up friends and the like, but he doesn't think very highly of himself and doesn't believe he should be anything important. Making other people happy is what he can see as his only impressive quality.

(With the background story behind your character, don't go anything dark like a vampire who's entire family was destroyed. This is a comedy remember, so if it's a dark character, give him amusing qualities. The idea is to have fun with this roleplay, always remember that! :])

If you'd like to play as the teacher, say so. Whether he/she is someones character or controlled by me, it's no problem (but it would kinda be cool to have someone play the teacher, just to make things interesting)


[FishBox] - Bailey Heriot (Lamination)
[EndlessReason]- Aye McPhail (Inconvenient Pizza Conjuring)
[Novaix] - Chris Topher (Artistic Materialization)
[The King] - Tony Krane (Food Communication)
[Zero] - Joe Suprpowrs {Stupdpowrs} (Paper Manipulation)
[DarkHeart63] - Drake Hart (Random Item Transformation)
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It's the only NEET thing to do.
Dec 23, 2007
Name: Aye McPhail

Power: annoys the crap outta people forms pizzas from thin air at the most unconvenient times

Age/Body Type/Ethnicity: 16/ 185cm, Longish dark brown hair, blue eyes, fricken gorgeus like me lol/ Caucasian

Story: Coming from a Scottish background, with his parents being super awesome people, Aye is all they have. Unfortunately for them, he kinda... sucks. So they threw him out occasionally... Mainly when there were too many pizzas around the house, the worst place was the toilet though, damn that way bad... BUT!!! He always managed to get his A grades at a normal school, until he spilt sauce all over it, forcing a C from it. So guess where they sent him? To that "special" high school. Of course, he fit in a heck of a lot better here, so now it leads on...

"Yeah, I make pizzas, wanna take a bite from me? ;D


New member
Apr 10, 2007
Taking Pictures of Aqua's magical child-bearing hi
Name: Chris Topher

Power: Can make drawings come to life, unfortunally his drawings are less than spectatcular and end up being another thing to what they are ment to be.

Age/Body Type/Ethnicity: 14/ 169cm, short brown hair, brown eyes, small body type/Caucasian

Story: Chris grew up with very talented artists as parents, unlike them Chris could not draw to save his life, this did happen one time when he was kidnapped as he realized his powers. He drew a knife on the wall with some stone he found, too bad the knife looked like a bannana and thats what he got...a bannana, after being rescued by the police his parents sent him away to a "SPECIAL' superhero school, his drawing talents have not improved.


New member
Feb 14, 2008
Belly of the beast.
Bahaha. Sounds like my drawings. You know those art tasks with the squares and you have to enlarge the picture using the squares as guidance?

I was supposed to draw a race car. I drew a leg of ham... with legs.

Anyway, enough about me, good to have ya on board =]

The King

Token Black Guy
Jun 2, 2005
Joliet, IL. 815 Babeh
Lol. I will Def be joining this as Soon as i find a Hilarious stupid power.

Name: Tony Krane (TK)
Power: Can Talk to and Hear Food
Age and other crap: 16. Kinda muscular African American. Light Brown eyes. Stands 5'8''
Bio/Story: After hearing his Macaroni scream at him when he was only 4 years old, TK realized he could speak to his own food. But not just his food obviously. Everyones food. He finds it hard to drown out al the randon babbling he can hear as he's walking through a resteraunt but that is the reason he has joined this special school. He tod his parents and they only laughed before actually believeing him though stil very skeptical they decided to believe there little boy and decided to help him controll it.
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Sergeant RoxMog
May 13, 2007
Over There
Name: Joe Stupdpowrs (thats his nickname last name and his real last name is Suprpowrs)

Power: He can control papers and can throw them at people.But it doesnt always work.

Age/Body Type/Ethnicity: 14/ 170cm, black spiky hair, brown eyes, ok looking/Hispanic

Story: Joe's parents are great superheroes but unlike them his powers arent as good.His power can work at times but he sometimes messes up and throws a paper at a wrong person or ends up throwing papers all over the place.His powers probably havent developed yet (Yeah right) so his parents are going to send him to that special high school.


New member
Oct 12, 2007
My house
Well, this looks cool! Nice to see some pretty good ideas popping up around the RP section recently!

Drake Hart.

Can transform into anything- but not on his own accord, and usually occurs randomly. Anything means anything, whether that be an Ultra-KillaBot 3000 or a red plank of wood.

Age/Body Type/Ethnicity
15/Male, just over 6 foot, quite slim, shoulder length straight jet-black hair, green eyes/Caucasian.

Drake was born into the illustrious Hart family, who live in a neighbourhood that makes even Beverly Hills seem trampish. The Hart family live in a 10-bedroom-mansion, with en-suite bathrooms and customized kitchen. The house is host to 3 wide-screen HD televisions with every channel known to man, any game console you could have (and some that you can't), alongside cinema systems, the greatest PCs around and automatic doors. Each room has it's own servant, each of whom live in their own little piece of heaven in the Harts' enormous back garden, which also contains several pools, some garages- even a zoo! Yes, life is great for the Hart family. As long as you aren't Drake.
Drake and his family found out about his "problem" when he was 7 years old, involving an unfortunate incident in which Drake transformed into a chunk of meat on a safari trek. With his school. The family payed for the other children's hospital bills, but they still had no idea how Drake suddenly became a chunk of meat. They had it investigated by the greatest minds on Earth, and it was simple- Drake had powers. He could become anything.
Everyone was delighted to discover Drake had powers, and how he could use them. But that's when the bad news came. It seemed that Drake couldn't control his powers, and that they could (and would) activate at any random time. When this was discovered, Drake's family spent as much money and as much time as they could to discover some cure for these random occurences. After several years of fruitless seaching, it seemed there was only one answer- he needed training.
After another few years, Drake could control his power to an extent. He could hold back the occasional transformation, but 70% of the time he couldn't. That was when the Harts discovered a school for those with powers, those who needed training. After some sad goodbyes (moreso to the servants than his family, as there were more) and a bit- no, a lot- of packing, Drake was on his way to a cure.

Hope that's good enough for yah! ^^


New member
Feb 14, 2008
Belly of the beast.
These are great ideas! ^^

If you want to join but your stuck on ideas, talk to me. Trust me, I have a few =\

King, whether you want to be the teacher is fine, but it's not what I want. If you'd like to be the teacher on your own accord, say so ^^. Although, that means you can't play Tony Krane. For now, I'll put you down with TK :)

Edit: 6 People signed up right now, So I think I'll begin the story. =]

For now, I'll control the teacher until it's definite that someone else would like to ^^

Double Edit: It's also fine to keep submitting your character bios. They can still be put into the story, although I think that the maximum amount of people we should have is about 10 or so (11 if someone wants the teacher), other wise it will get messy quickly. So, first in best dressed. Also, It's not an all boys school. Girls are welcome to join as well, or guys with girl characters.
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The King

Token Black Guy
Jun 2, 2005
Joliet, IL. 815 Babeh
Ok its fine if you didnt really need someone to do it i wont but just throwing it out there. I like being the outcast. But i do want to play as TK lol this is gona be fun.

EndlessReason i believe our characters will get along great lol
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