i gotta q nomura said that bhk will be a playable character right so well how are they going to switch between him and sora will it be like previous games such as onimusha demon siege

u gotta be jokingshortythugsta said:i think blond hair kid wont be a playable character
shortythugsta said:i think blond hair kid wont be a playable character
ncluded in the Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories Ultimania Guidebook, is a seven page interview with the Director of the Kingdom Hearts series, Tetsuya Nomura. Here is one of the questions (translated into english) that is asked and you'll find contained in the answer, brand new information about Kingdom Hearts II: Question: At the end of Riku's story we see a young kid standing in Twilight Town. Who is he?shortythugsta said:no im not
i dint think that will happen but o well think wat u want and let see when the game comme out
Perfect Zero said:I'd think that you will play as BHK in a certain part/s of the storyline when Sora is injured or incapacitated, or in a seperate storyline that ties in with Sora's.