I, .:KL:., hereby state that you know nothing more about Kingdom Hearts 2 than what you read on every Kingdom Hearts website you visit. You rely on rumors and old information that has been updated and more relistic and reliable. I, .:KL:., know more about Kingdom Hearts 2 and so does other people in this forum. And you can not spell and need to stop double posting and triple posting because it is called, "the Edit Button"
From reading ALL of your post in this topic, I have concluded this statement.
first off squares to secret about bhks name but hes in deepdive and anas hes the dual keyblade welder also hes protecting sora from the nobodys but hes not an unknow and whs dmu never heard that one yet so reply back
They aren't secret. If you're developing a game would you release EVERYTHING about it? If you did people wouldn't buy it because they know what's going to happen. They know EVERYTHING from beginning to end. You seriously need to learn how to spell. And you added that you don't know who the DWU is. This proes you know nothing about KH2 since hes a part of the first information we got on KH2. I thought you go to a lot of sites? Because this one even tells you who he is. All that was said was that he was protecting Sora. They never said from what which proves you're lying even more.
sora not supposed to find out about diz he was going to tell him about him then axel killed him and im not sir auron ok my names jeremy ok i just trying to help people while their waiting for the game ok and there was a mistype here my bad didnt mean to put that there sorry
Hmmm I see more lies. The whole paragraph has lines except for the underlined part.
telling u hes not on so i could get more response ill tell u more things then mickey thinks he knows diz because diz is ansem his dark side is in riku his light side is waring the red trench he walks the twilight but lost his dark side of him and ansem probley dont for sure real name is diz
WOAH MAJOR LIE! That's not Ansem's light side. When Ansem plunged into the Darkness his light side was gone. GONE! DiZ is his body and soul...his shell. He is Twilight. He's not light....he's TWILIGHT. Have you even played CoM? And thats not a red Trench Coat because it would look more like what Vexen and the other Unknowns were wearing but red.
theres no new keyblades u customize ur own new heartsless is only neoshadow is the only one with a name there not dusks their nobodys pete is a pawn of the organnazation to stop sora from locking key holes bhk doesnt have a name out yet and i said almost every thing and i was offline yesterday when u gave my the messages
It was never said that there would be no more new Keyblades. And if you customize your own then YOU GET NEW KEYBLADES. You just trapped yourself in your own lie. Their name is Dusk, it was confirmed. The nobodys are the Organization. This was said in CoM. The Pete thing was never said no where.
the worlds so far they might add more are destiny island twilight town hollween town/cristmas town,achient china,grecce,beauty and the beast hill top moutain,there may be jungle book lionking and sword in the stone world to
Those are only rumors making it more obvious you know nothing.
theres gona be a kh3 and a 4 5 6 7 not inculding the ones off playsation systems and no one can find the ending for kh2 on the web
What a lie. The only reason they should have a 3 is if they end it at 2 and make something like a CoM for PSP. PLus KH2 is kinda like 3 since its the 3rd game but its really 2 since CoM is like 1 1/2 but still 4, 5, 6, 7 ummm no very wrong.
its more the questions u ask ask about the story that would make it easier on the wait i do know more than kingdomhearts2.net about the story but if their is a new name or some thing ill post it
i almost found bhks name but it meant no name in jap and ill look until i find it to help the wait for this sep
If you do know more than this site why don't you start your own site. Then when you get bashed by fans for lying so much and sued by SE for all the false information you post their, maybe you will relise that you know nothing but rumors and small facts
oh my bad thought u said u knew those answers already ill tell those marbles are materia already posted why bhk is chaseing a nobody its not called a dusk and auron is in the under hades brought him there to fight sora but he fought hades in stead and they got traped and fought cerberus together the order of the worlds are twilight town hollow bastion olimpya or hill top castle then acent china thats the order i know about now dont know where the other worlds come in i know some of the other ones and u also go to the deep dive city playing as bhk at some point
You are so wrong. I'm not even going to say anything else about this because it would be wasting my time.
the heartless grew in power because sora had to sleep for a year after com so the heartless hve benn destoring worlds and sora gona lock the keyholes
I can't ignore this. You don't know this. As far as we know the Heartless machine could have just been started when Sora arrived there and the sworm of Heartless began to escape HB. And you can't say Sora met up with the Heartless in CoM because those were from his memories. They aren't real. This is so fake.
So if people want reliable and actually real information for KH2 then they shouldn't come to you.