Years ago, I started BBS as Terra, followed by Ven's story, and then Aqua's and I must say that, game-wise, I felt more flexible and even the smallest touch on the D-Pad would make the character move. Probably because of her little feet, covering a small area. It was totally new for me and a bit tricky in the beginning. The fact that she has Barrier and Cartwheel makes it so much easier to avoid enemy attacks. I didn't like the fact that she jumped when doing a ground combo, that jump-and-spin move makes her vulnerable until she reaches the ground and sometimes doesn't even hit enemies. Another thing I disliked was the sound she makes when hitting 0 HP. I know it's tolerable since it's not that much of a girly scream, but seriously, it sometimes scares me when she screams all of a sudden ಠ_ಠ
I'm a 18 years old girl and prefer playing male characters, because I like a more aggressive fighting style, even better with really quick moves. Aqua's fighting style matches her personality: elegant, calculated, no unnecessary moves, ... temperate? and calm. Very calm. I liked walking towards the enemy in her calm way, keeping that noble, straight stance, it made me feel like I had everything under control. My own fighting style is a combination of her, Ven's and Vanitas' fighting style: collected and strategic//very quick to react//aggressive to hit and fast to dodge to the point of being almost intangible ( my ideal fighting style, can't apply to all games sadly ;w; ) She's very elegant, very very elegant. I admire that, I myself like to keep a cool head in new situations, so I let myself be inspired by her very feminine, but strong, noble, straight stance.
I liked her outfit a lot, since it was feminine, but not too girly (like Kairi's pink dress...ugh... pink xD). It was beautiful to see her blue dress follow her movements, and also how the black parts of her clothing matched her delicate, tall silhouette~ I could see from a blink that she's a strong character.
So keeping the consideration of identification in mind, have you ever felt like you’ve identified with a video game character? Why? Are you more likely to identify with a customizable avatar (like in an MMO)?
Also, what do you think adding a playable girl to the KH lineup does? I know KH has a large female fan base but do you think this decision makes the community more inviting to women?
Also, I need to find some ladies who love Aqua who are willing to talk to me.
Tell me all the things! ;]
I indeed identified with a lot of video game characters over the years xD The one I identified most is Vanitas, because various real-life incidents made me a suffering wreck and I decided to change all that negativity into strength of character (just like Vanitas did but ended up bad because of Xehanort) and just mind my own business... I'm still on the Light's side xD but... I have a strong sense of independence and don't let others get inside my head, as I neglected myself too much before, even if that means I'm just cold and insensitive most of the time... but I know how people are, they want a certain response from others, as long as I give them that, they don't follow me around too much. I don't like it when a friendship burdens me with ridiculous responsibilities, I want my space, I distance myself from people that don't bring me anything interesting to hear or fun time, my mind needs entertainment. Just those that really matter are close to me, the few people I'm actually interested in. The majority of fans see Vanitas for what he shows, not what he actually is or carries inside his heart, and that is the thing me and him have in common most..
Perhaps an interesting detail for you might be that I'm an artist, studied art, will go to art university, I'm artist at heart, an illustrator, drawer, printmaker, engraver, a traditionalist and it's taken over my whole personality. I will be an artist for life, so... I guess I'll forever be more or less of a lone wolf. But I like it like that.
The people close to me tell me I'm a sweet girl, a warm presence almost everywhere, feminine like Aqua with the exact same looks as Namine, but
fearsomely strong and absolutely incorruptible. Haha xD I must add another detail that I don't like: I act impulsively. That's not good, so I try to keep my cool; better insensitive and cold than impulsively getting into trouble and misunderstandings all the time.
I don't really care if the series will add more female playable characters, I'm not that kind of woman that desperately wants female characters to get equal attention as male ones. What I do like is the variety is adds to a series, that's a positive thing and I welcomed it extremely well in BBS. :3
And from experience and general wisdom I tell ya: if there are more interesting MALE characters in a game, there will be more female players attracted to it! That's just the law of nature xD and male players will still want to play it because there would be epic characters after all.
Hmm... can I help you more, somehow? ^^