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I'm Batman
Feb 6, 2005
1) one of the girls in that group likes you
2) your fly in unzippered
3) you look funny
4) its the guy behind you


I'm Batman
Feb 6, 2005
shad0w said:
xP God, which one? =/ I don't think i'll find out for sure what it was now =/ If it helps, when I asked "what?" one of the girls said "Nothing =)."

GOOD that usually means either they like you oor they were making fun of u


Jun 18, 2005
Thugz Mansion
LOL. that has happened to me. what i do if some of the girls are good looking then i would walk over there and talk to them but whatever. um she or they probably likes u or something like that. or they could be making fun of u. just make sure u dont have any food in your teeth or stains on your clothes.LOL


New member
Aug 11, 2005
Jabba's Palace
Lol! Well one time I was in the nurses office, and my friend, who wasn't really my friend then, was in there.

You see we had this history. I kind of dissed him when he said yes to going out with me. So when I saw him, I laughed, and he said,"What?" And I said,"Nothing."

So maybe, in your case, one of the girls thinks your funny in some way. Do you have a rep, or are you not very known?

I also ended up liking my friend, so it's most likely the girl who started giggling when she saw you first, would probably end up having some sort of feeling for you if you get to know her later on.


New member
Jul 21, 2004
London, UK
LOL. that has happened to me. what i do if some of the girls are good looking then i would walk over there and talk to them but whatever. um she or they probably likes u or something like that. or they could be making fun of u. just make sure u dont have any food in your teeth or stains on your clothes.LOL

hahaha, I didn't. =P (This was at my job, by the way) =/ I hope it was the first part..

So maybe, in your case, one of the girls thinks your funny in some way. Do you have a rep, or are you not very known?

I'm not that well known.... I've only worked there four days I think. =/

Also, if this helps, one of the girls calls me "Pretty Eyes," though she didn't talk to me as much today... =/. I don't know, maybe i'm just paranoid.
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New member
Mar 12, 2004
lethbridge, Ab
hell my buddies call me casanova. and im gonna give you a few pointers. do not be watching for a smile or anything.
1. girls NEVER take a second look if they dont like what they see, so they they check you out more then once they like what they see
2. NEVER and I mean NEVER act like something your not. you may start datng them but in the end your true self come out by the time you already like then and they dont ike the real you so they dump you ass and your heart broken and spred rumor that she a slut then you get in trouble with all the girls
3.if they fidgit like adjust their shirt or pants/skirt, or if they play with their hair. or move thir hair out of their face. those are all signals she likes what she see's. and its all subconcious for a girl she doesn't even know she's doing it
4.confidence my good friend.women want someone whose not gonna be scared to grab their leg on a movie or "slip" and rub their boob, and women may disagree with me on this site but in real life its what they want. honestly, story time. i used to work at Burger king there was not a good looking girl there whose boobs i didn't grab. there wasn't a girl there who didn't like me either. and damn i dated some sexy sexy girls from there. one girl she had started her first shift. i didn't even know her name..but i grabbed her ass, know what she did, turned around and grabbed mine. if you think your ugly they think your ugly
5. dont listen to the ass grabbing in #4. i dont mean to just walk around grabbing girls asses, you'll end up gertting charged with sexual harassment. women give off a vibe i guess, after you meet a few women and start to know the way the are and secretly understand them but pretend you dont so you can get away with anything you want. you'll start to just know who its safe to get away with stuff lke that and who its not
6.DO NOT SHOWER THEM WITH GIFTS. you'll spend every cent on them you have then they'll dump your sorry ass for another guy with more money. if you need to buy her stuff for her to stay with you then get rid of that...hump her dump her
7.let them know you think their good looking, story time again. me and my g/f were at boston pizza and the server was hot. but she chinced us on our mints and my g/f said what a skank biatch. i said hey dont make fun of hot people like that. after that the waitress was walking by constantly doing the hair and clothes stuff i decrbed above. she even ran into a table while checkng me out. but before i said anything about her being good looking she didn't even notice me
8. pick up lines, the first thing you say to a girl can make or break you. you have to be funny. laughter is the key to ANY womans heart, make her laugh and you'll get her. lol good pick up line. hey is your mom retarded, cause baby you sure are special. or hey thgose pants look quite becomming on you..of course if i were on you i'd be coming too. but dont use those thats a bitch-slap waiting to happen
9. if you dont talk to them first they wont talk to you....most of the time it all ties into the confidence thing, i cant even stress confidence enough.
10. dinner and a movie is old news. go do something fun, rock climbing, swimming, to the beach, for a walk so you can talk, paint ball, laser tag, stuff like that dont go on a usual predictable date
11. lay down the law, when i first started dating my woman i told her flat out. i she ever hit me for checking out another girl ill dump her. the rules are you can look but you can touch. and the same goes for her. trust me on this one tho if you dont set that straight she will have you on a tight leash
12. dont forget your friends buddy, make sure your not always leaveing your friends for some girl...im telling you girls are great but honestly firnds are better. if yur ever feeling you have a little extra "energy" cause of lack of woman. that what the internet and palmala handerson are for...catch my drift. but seriously friends are better then any girl is. if your firned dont like her get rid of her. you need someone that your friends can handle hanging out with too otherwise you end up either ditching her or ditching your buddies. bad move either way and either way you lose., specially when she dumps you then you have nobody
13.DO NOT FALL IN LOVE or make yourself think you are in love. not at an early age anyways and judgeing by your message your at an early age. and you DO NOT KNOW WHAT LOVE IS, all you know is lust and you wanna have sex with her. ive seen my friends ruined for seriously weeks over girls, do not let that happen
14.listen to her, woman love it when you sit and can have a long conversation and you actually hear every word they're saying
15. common interests, finding a girl exactly like you will never ever work out. why you ask??because then it becomes a competition at everythiing and eventually you'll break up. you want a girl who likes some of the same things as you and hates some of the things you like..trust me, im not saying opposites just differnces
16. NO MEANS NO, bottom line. never ever try to force anything on a girl
17. girls are very very very competative. if you like a girl but she doesn't seem to notice you then start dating a different girl..this may sound mean but once you have a girlfriend the other girls notice you alot more. trust me for women one of the best things they can do in life is to steal a guy from another girl, its some kinda ego trip for girls. and the whole if you cant have it you want it thing.
18. nevr lie girl have a sixth sence about this kinda thing, trust me they will find out, and if you cheat on a girl. and tell the other person to keep her mouth shut SHE WONT. this goes back to the ego trip thing she will tell everybody she knows to make sure your g/f finds out.
19. if you just out to be a man whore. a cheap car that for some reason woman seem to love is a 88-93 cavalier z-24, that car is like some kinda chick magnet if you find one in good shape with a sharp paint job for cheap buy it. usually they run about $1000-2500. tho i drive a 79 camaro z-28 and an 88 nissan 300 zx turbo. which honestly i hafta beat girls off with a batbut you will not find a 300z for cheaper then 4 grand and a camaro like that if you find one like 5 or 6 grand. but yeah for getting sex a nice car is the easiest way
And finally 20. if you couldn't tell some of those i was starting to just pull from my ass. but this one is really important. treating her with respect is something you have to do but more importantly. treat their girlfriends with respect, acknowledge that her friends are their but dont flirt with them. and also i cant stress this enough either. TREAT YOUR MOTHER WITH RESPECT, if a girl she you yelling and swearing and treating your own mother like crap, they will not like. a girl looks at how you treat your mom and assume that is how you will treat all girls. cause honestly if you cant even be nice to the woman who gave birth to you how can you be expected to be nice to just some girl you had a crush on

and i think thats about the end of the list. oh yeah the hair outta the face thing. if when you asked whats so funny one of the girls looked down, then pulled the hair outta her face while she looked up then smiled and said nothing, that means she likes you and ask her out. if she didn't do anything to try to make herself look better, ie the hair or adjusting the clothing then its kinda iffy. i would say persue it to make sure but dont get your hopes up. and if she didn't smile or snything she just said nothing, then they were gossiping about you and they had heard something funny about you. also men are not supposed to know this kinda stuff it give all the secrets of women away. so do not let on that you understand women at all always play dumb but do it smart if that makes sence. with that said. get a little more specific abotu what she did when you asked her whats so funny.
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New member
Jul 21, 2004
London, UK
"and you DO NOT KNOW WHAT LOVE IS, all you know is lust and you wanna have sex with her" No, I don't want to screw her, this is just bugging me. I also never claimed to know what true love was.

But anyway, I asked "What?" She then smiles slightly and says "Nothing." Then she turned around and walked away.

I do think they may have been talking about a girl there that likes me (for future reference, yes, she's a babe). Why? She walked by them, they looked at her, then me. Then the smiling, giggling, and crap took place. For some reason though, I doubt that was what they were giggling about(again, it may be that i'm just paranoid).

Edit: I know you might ask why I think that other girl likes me, so here are some reasons:

1. We were on our break together, and there were brownies at a table that a woman that works there made. She took one and was staring at me, while eating it slowly. Travis (one of my friends there) came up behind me, and just for a laugh said this out loud- "You know she likes you by the way she's eating that brownie". The other girl then blushed.

2. When I ordered a drink for my break (I got on break like, 5 minutes before her), she was the one making drinks, and she wrote my name on the cup and put a heart on it.

3. I don't know for sure what this means, but we were walking past each other and she was looking down at me when she walked by, and poked my stomach.. What does that mean? haha (I think it's another reason because that's what a girl that likes me at school does)

4. Travis, after our breaks were over, walked halfway between us and said "I think you two would make a good couple." She didn't say anything, and looked away- I don't know if she was blushing or not.

5. I'm not sure, but I could've sworn she was following me home o.o (unless she lives on the same road, which is very possible, since we live in the same town)
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New member
May 26, 2004
If she does all those things then I guess it's pretty safe to assume that she likes you.You should try talking to here one-on-one,that's usually the best way to find out if she likes you.The little things she does while she's talking to you, will tell you what she really feels.Just try it and I'm sure you'll notice it.

BTW if she does like you,then you better act fast and ask her out.If she's a babe like you say she is,she won't be single for long.

Unknown KeyBl@de

New member
Jul 6, 2005
On the grind
They call me justin Kredible LOL. I f it was at your job then you either screewed up bad or somebody has a crush on you. Did someone smile at you or did they laugh?Girlz can be freakin confuzing!!


New member
Jul 21, 2004
London, UK
Bump. I just found out what it was they were talking about yesterday. They were giggling at my eyes because they think they're sexy o_O. (but they were giggling mainly because one of their moms agreed with them)... Odd. =P

Alaude Drenxta

\+The Devil's+/ .{Advocate}.
Apr 9, 2005
My house?
hey, i was gonna say they did it just to make oyu wonder. Girls like ing with guys like that. They flirt with you, but they don't like you. They just think it's funny how you react. :p the key is, don't react, just play it cool :cool:
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