Just curious to see what people think of this. It's not any different than something you usually hear about, but now that I find myself in this situation... yeah.
So I'm a freshman in college and due to varying schedules in work and school, I didn't have much time to hang out with a good friend of mine from high school, Danny, who also ended up in this college.
But towards the start of the second semester, when we saw that our schedules didn't conflict, we started hanging out more and he invited me to this party. Long story short, I had a great time.
While I was there, I met his new girlfriend (and by "new" I mean a few months since the last time I had seen him, he was with someone else). Admittedly, yeah, I found myself attracted to her, but it wasn't like I even considered flirting with one of my best friend's girls. Just an urge that was easily ignored.
However, at one point late at night, she started talking to me on her own. It got to a point where I was thinking, "I hope Danny doesn't take this the wrong way." Turns out, as I found out later, he did, and they had a fight over it. Anyway, we talked about our majors, religion, and life in general for well over an hour. While I made a conscious effort to act like I wanted to stop talking to her, I won't deny that there definitely was a connection.
After spending time with them at several lunches, I learned that their relationship was on the rocks at this point for multiple reasons. So she started texting me a shitload for advice and to be consoled. I actually tried to keep them together because I didn't want to be in the middle of an awkward breakup, but it was inevitable and she started to get really clingy to me after the breakup.
I thought to myself, "I'm not going out with her. It's too soon and I'd never do that to my friend, I'd feel like shit."
She assured me that Danny would be ok with it, because they decided to remain friends and all. And then Danny did approve of it, he almost wanted to hook me up with her.
Given that I've been too hesitant in the past and for some reason, I seem to be scared of commitment (and find excuses not to be), I decided not to give it a second thought. So we just went on our first date, which went great.
But now Danny has taken it back, and he's having problems with "us." And he has hinted that he wants her back. In fact, up until we had the first date, he went back and forth between being "ok" and "not ok" with it. So our plans went back and forth between "a date" and "a non-date/fun night." At one point, she expressed that she was torn and was wondering if she should get back together with him (what with my excuses for commitment, I practically encouraged her to get back together with him). Please don't take this the wrong way either. He's not the kind of guy that would expect to turn a girl off and on on a whim, and she's not the kind of girl that wants competition for attention. And I'm definitely not the kind of guy that steals girlfriends, his friendship has been my top priority even if it may not sound like it. In the end, it was considered a date (kissing wouldn't be something you do on a "non-date") and our relationship has been solidified.
She's back down in Florida at the moment with her family (Spring Break), so there's at least time to think things over, but it looks like we will be going on a second date.
I've been thinking about it and I'm not really sure what to do.
So I'm a freshman in college and due to varying schedules in work and school, I didn't have much time to hang out with a good friend of mine from high school, Danny, who also ended up in this college.
But towards the start of the second semester, when we saw that our schedules didn't conflict, we started hanging out more and he invited me to this party. Long story short, I had a great time.
While I was there, I met his new girlfriend (and by "new" I mean a few months since the last time I had seen him, he was with someone else). Admittedly, yeah, I found myself attracted to her, but it wasn't like I even considered flirting with one of my best friend's girls. Just an urge that was easily ignored.
However, at one point late at night, she started talking to me on her own. It got to a point where I was thinking, "I hope Danny doesn't take this the wrong way." Turns out, as I found out later, he did, and they had a fight over it. Anyway, we talked about our majors, religion, and life in general for well over an hour. While I made a conscious effort to act like I wanted to stop talking to her, I won't deny that there definitely was a connection.
After spending time with them at several lunches, I learned that their relationship was on the rocks at this point for multiple reasons. So she started texting me a shitload for advice and to be consoled. I actually tried to keep them together because I didn't want to be in the middle of an awkward breakup, but it was inevitable and she started to get really clingy to me after the breakup.
I thought to myself, "I'm not going out with her. It's too soon and I'd never do that to my friend, I'd feel like shit."
She assured me that Danny would be ok with it, because they decided to remain friends and all. And then Danny did approve of it, he almost wanted to hook me up with her.
Given that I've been too hesitant in the past and for some reason, I seem to be scared of commitment (and find excuses not to be), I decided not to give it a second thought. So we just went on our first date, which went great.
But now Danny has taken it back, and he's having problems with "us." And he has hinted that he wants her back. In fact, up until we had the first date, he went back and forth between being "ok" and "not ok" with it. So our plans went back and forth between "a date" and "a non-date/fun night." At one point, she expressed that she was torn and was wondering if she should get back together with him (what with my excuses for commitment, I practically encouraged her to get back together with him). Please don't take this the wrong way either. He's not the kind of guy that would expect to turn a girl off and on on a whim, and she's not the kind of girl that wants competition for attention. And I'm definitely not the kind of guy that steals girlfriends, his friendship has been my top priority even if it may not sound like it. In the end, it was considered a date (kissing wouldn't be something you do on a "non-date") and our relationship has been solidified.
She's back down in Florida at the moment with her family (Spring Break), so there's at least time to think things over, but it looks like we will be going on a second date.
I've been thinking about it and I'm not really sure what to do.