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New member
Apr 14, 2007
Hainesport, NJ
Omg, you would not believe what I have been through, now her Mom is out to get me.

She put a Protection Order against me, when the only things I ever did was let off a little steam on a locker and MY CAR. Her Moms been stalking me now, I filed a protection order against her.

Her Mom got upset that I have one against her now..... I think thats funny.

Just found out the other day now that I cant really talk to anyone anymore about this except for my parents. Which sucks, because I also found out that I can't trust my friends.

I just wanna like go crazy and pull all my hair out, but then if I show any emotions, it might be used against me.

Its just so freaking crazy. I wanna start over, I wish I never met her now.

People on the internet are usually safe. You people and your protection orders. Also, there was a more mature way to let off steam

I officialy lable you fail for your own lack of maturity. If you excercised self control, you wouldn't be in this mess.


New member
Dec 14, 2004
Somewhere you wouldn't look !
Well I understand that, but hey, I was just getting out of Football season and I was used to letting steam off by hitting people. Normally I am pretty good at containing myself but they pushed me to that point.

Oh and get this, that Protection Order I filed against her mother was denied, for insufficient evidence. Funny because I had way more evidence than she had when she got one against me. So Im going to do it again only this time with even more evidence, actually all the evidence I have. Which is worth about 20 typed out pages. WHOOOO!

But I totally understand where you are coming from. Yes I lacked the maturity. I agree.

And this is in my real life, in HIGH SCHOOL, not on the internet. Just thought I'd clear that up.


You Swear To Listen
Apr 15, 2007
Well I understand that, but hey, I was just getting out of Football season and I was used to letting steam off by hitting people. Normally I am pretty good at containing myself but they pushed me to that point.

Oh and get this, that Protection Order I filed against her mother was denied, for insufficient evidence. Funny because I had way more evidence than she had when she got one against me. So Im going to do it again only this time with even more evidence, actually all the evidence I have. Which is worth about 20 typed out pages. WHOOOO!

But I totally understand where you are coming from. Yes I lacked the maturity. I agree.

And this is in my real life, in HIGH SCHOOL, not on the internet. Just thought I'd clear that up.
That alone labels you "Epic Fail" the bolded part alone makes you too far in the shitter

anyways, I guess someone revived this thread...

and btw, this is of course SK47 the man he was talking about


New member
Dec 14, 2004
Somewhere you wouldn't look !
I was just getting out of Football season and I was used to letting steam off by hitting people

Which means, I hit people in Football. DUH! And so by letting my fustration out, I hit my car and locker instead of someone.

If you dont want to help me leave me alone, I have enough stress in my life, so I don't need you to add to it. (which you wouldn't even be able to though)

Unless you have something helpful to say, dont criticize me. You have no clue what other things they have done to me, that have simply been outrageous....


New member
Apr 14, 2007
Hainesport, NJ
I was just getting out of Football season and I was used to letting steam off by hitting people

Which means, I hit people in Football. DUH! And so by letting my fustration out, I hit my car and locker instead of someone.

If you dont want to help me leave me alone, I have enough stress in my life, so I don't need you to add to it. (which you wouldn't even be able to though)

Unless you have something helpful to say, dont criticize me. You have no clue what other things they have done to me, that have simply been outrageous....

You don't always have to be violent to let off steam. Its called a hobby. get one.

The point is, you don't need to be hitting anything. I mean, its one thing if you're in game and you have a job to do, but if you're just pissed, there is no reason to be hitting anyone. you being angry is not a good reason.


And if you're having a real problem with these people, talk to adult leadership or something. Hitting things only makes you look like an ass, and i don't think it will help you in the long run.


New member
May 28, 2007
I don't feel like making a new topic and wasting space. So I'll put down my problem here and see if you can give me advice.

Anywhy, I just decided to get some advice here. I don't honestly care if you give good advice or not, I just want to hear what you think I should do.

Alright, my girlfriend, we'll call her Edna, she broke up with me about two weeks ago. This came out of nowhere right after Christmas break. We'd talked over break. I was in the States and she was in Japan and I called her on Christmas and I emailed her a couple times. For the five days after I got back she avoided me at all costs and even hung up the phone on me the first time I called her.

The first day back in school I ask her if anything is wrong and she says, "Everything's fine." So we go throughout the day, and at the end of class she tells me that we should stop going out, and that we can still be friends. I was torn up, but I went on with life and did what I could to relax.

So, for the past two weeks I can't get her to talk to me without either it being in class or trapping her by asking her if she was being honest when she said we could be friends. She says that she deleted MSN Messenger, and doesn't use her email for anything but registering at sites anymore, but, to be frank, I don't trust her.

So, what should I do? Should I call her out once again and make a scene about her not talking to me? Should I try to win her back? Should I invite her best friend to the Junior Prom and play mind games? Or should I invite her to Junior Prom? Any suggestion are welcome.


New member
May 28, 2007
I understand the answer, but I have a small issue with it.

While I'm okay with us not going out, and slightly less okay with us not being friends, we both have the same group of friends. Which means that when we hang out we generally end up hanging out together. This has created a rift in our group and makes it hard for everyone. So, we either need to be friends, or one of us has to find new friends entirely.


New member
Apr 14, 2007
Hainesport, NJ
I think this is the answer....



New member
Jul 12, 2007
Chaos Empire.
A women's point of view might help you guys a lot. I mean, there may be some misconceptions that you guys think it right, but really isn't.

If you ask the girls what we like and whatnot, then maybe that can help a lott.


I find it quite interesting to read what you guys have in mind, hehe, what you guys do to get attention and whatever.Quite amusing.

Please continue, I insist :)


New member
Dec 1, 2007
this does seem a little strange but hey any advice is good advice right?

Anyway, I moved to a new state three years back and I haven't been able to gate a date since. I mean its like the girls in this state operate on a different level then the ones I was used to dating. Its starting to piss me off. I mean I've been told I'm good looking,I'm funny, I'm smart and witty, I can flirt (and do so, a lot), I'm physically active (Play on a sports team), I'm multilingual, I'm foreign, I'm pretty well off, and I'm really nice (well to people that matter anyway). Despite all that I can't get girls to even look at me twice! Some of my friends say I aim to high. Some girls say I'm too nice, or just play the friend role too well. And most other guy are as confused as I am when I ask them. So any advice?
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