Honestly I'd take everything cynical/thegamersjoint says with a grain of salt. He's not exactly, to put it nicely, accurate in his assumptions, mostly because others get to the news first before him and he's just parroting. He's fun to listen to, but not all the time.
As for the Sora bashing in the fandom, it's more like a weird case of being pathetically hipster (hating the mainstream in this case the protag, rage currency, a lot of other reasons that are basically bull, etc.), hybristophilia (preference of Riku or Roxas), among other things. In my opinion, he's a good character, but I will say some of his elements are badly written. Case in point, the guy can slice buildings and jump-fly impossible distances, but when his friends take a hit, he's all tears and declares himself useless. Like, what the hell, hero? I like Sora, but the writing needs improvement, and above all, consistent development.
About Nomura, hmm, well, he did say he once liked Sora, but as the story developed, he leaned more towards MX, perhaps because he finds writing villains and exploring their motives fun? Still, he did say that Sora will always be the main character of the series, and we can safely say this will ring true even as we move past the foreteller saga and beyond that.