! LOL!mix said:whats your most embarrasing moment? mine was when i was in the bathroom at school and this kid stood up on his toilet and looked down into my stall.
mix said:whats your most embarrasing moment? mine was when i was in the bathroom at school and this kid stood up on his toilet and looked down into my stall.
Henskie02 said:mine was in school at English class.. we were talking about flat and round characters (a.k.a. static and dynamic) and my teacher gave us an example of a dynamic character using a ball and rolling it. then she picked up a folder and gave it the name of a girl in our class. and without think I said wow (insert name) is flat... wow I need to think more
Lisafer said:Is it that horrible, Magus? o.o
Once, I called my Uncle's new wife the name of my Aunt, who was his ex-wife. I almost shriveled up and died after that one.
Magus Fitzgerald said:I think one of the Juniors or Seniors did this at my school recently. I noticed cause whomever had the class wrote it on the board. What school you go to?
Yes. Everyone laughed. And it was directed toward one of the girls.
X-Zero said:Okay we were up at Penn, for vacation. And we went to this amusment park called Kennywood. And for some reason it storms at the last minute at the end really bad. So it was raining really hard and storming. I was soaked because I just got off the water ride, because there was no lines since it was alomost night time.
Well after it started pouring down i ran to the family meeting were all my uncles and Ants and cusions were mom dad grandma, grandpa ect..
i told them I had to dry off so I run toward the bathroom to use one of the heat hand thingy to dry my cloths off. So I ran into the bathroom and while I was trying myself off, i notice that there was alot of stales in this bathroom and I looked down and saw feet and sandles and high heels. And this one chick came out of one and scream, and Yelled " A boy is in here" and i said wait " I didnt knwo I go the wrong bathroom" and then this big girl, came and picked me up and threw me out of the restroom.
I was just laughing my head off. I ran in the wrong restroom because I was in a rush.
I felt a little stupid,lol.