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I kinda realized that no one really pays attention to the message in a bottle at the beginning of the deep dive movie. I wanna hear some theories on this. Is it from Sora to Kairi? From Micky to Sora? I dunno just post your opinions.
I never really understood this either...but then again I never really payed much attention to it, so that would explain that. Meh, I have no clue o-o.....
Perhaps it's a desperate attempt to reach Sora, a message from Kairi. But then again, hardly anything is known about the bottle or message. Someone just wants someone to know something.
i think that the maessage is from Kairi to Sora. Mybe she wants to be sure that the worlds have opened up again or maybe she wants to know Sora's whereabouts. it could be from Sora to Kairi because he wants to know if she is okay since the heartless are appearing again. just a theory
I kinda realized that no one really pays attention to the message in a bottle at the beginning of the deep dive movie. I wanna hear some theories on this. Is it from Sora to Kairi? From Micky to Sora? I dunno just post your opinions.
I Hate YOU!!!! I was gonna make a thread about this topic!!! DAH! I hate--- no... I strongly dislike you! ... anyway... back on topic... I have no clue what it means!...
that would be whyI was going to make a thread about it!!!
However I do not think that it is Kairi trying to send a letter to sore because... That would mean that the DD world and the Destiny Islands world are one in the same... I guess that is possible but highly unlikely...
The bottle was most likely for the sitting unknown...since that particular unknown has nothing better to do than sit on a rock on a desolate beach/marsh as if waiting for something
i think its kinda impossible to tell untill we get more info on that world.. to me it kinda looks like a dark version of destiny islands... but thats just me
Maybe the mysterious bottle as ben writte by the UNKNOW for sora because they know that he will come back and they want to warn im or something like that
it could be kairi-chan,or a unknown. i have not played final mix but i've clips. does anyone no that clip beta version or somethin like that u hook 2 ur playstation
hey that beach that the unknowns are sitting on on ASAS could it be destiny island at night? (once again just a thought) cuz it is pretty different from the city in which they were fighting in. anyway i never even noticed a bottle lol. if my suspicions are right then maybe that was a desperate attempt from kairi to reach sora. that might explain why we see her waiting at the shore in the trailer with seplhie.
i would think its destiny islands but those random things sptouting up in the background throw me off.. i dunno what they are.. but it kinda makes me think like its destany islands consumed by darkness
Um I just realized something the "things sprouting up in the background" that someone mentioned look similar to the way Ansem tore up Destiny Islands at the end of KH. Of course they were restored in the end of the game...hmm.
i think its a note from kairi to sora. why??? becuz kairi is on an island and well when your on an island you send a note out to sea in a bottle, lol. i think it will say:
Sora , inside i see you, but you are fading. i cannot hear you any more. now all you are...is a memory. where are you??? you will open the door to the light. you will close the door to the darkness. inside i see riku as well, but he is fading to. i cannot hear him any more. he is just a...memory as well. im alone. i've been having memories of when we would go to the secrate place, i miss us going there. so much has changed. even in the darkness...there is light. i know this because when you became a heartless, you still hung on to me. the memories are fading. please hurry. there will allways be a door to the light. the door to the light leis within your heart..within my heart. the door to the light, leis within the heart of every person. i see you in my dreams. this time...i will protect you. this time...i will fight. you and riku, are now fading memories inside. please hurry. there will allways be a door to the light. all of this is still hard to believe. the imagination beyond...the memory beyond. fading memories...that is why i must continue to stay strong...fading memories...that is why i must go on.. fading memories...i must...i must... hold on...
( dont take my avatar ^ with out asking me please )