i Know this seeems a bit far fetched but just telling u guyz wat i think bout Xehanort's past. (srri if this had been said alreadi)
Accoridng to wikipedia, Xehanort has no collection of his past before becoming an apprentice for ansem. This leads us to have speculations of who Xehanort realli is.
my speculation is that since in the first kh game, it hass been said that the keyblade once saved worlds while another time it brought destruction to the worlds or sumthin. Sumhow i think Xehanort's past and the keyblade are sumhow connected in one way or another.
if uve watched the kh2 secret ending, you wuld notice that the words "memories of Xehanort" was displayed in the video along with "chasers", "keyblade war" "master of keyblade?" (i think dats wat it was) and "lost 2"
let's summarise the term "keyblade war"
keyblade war can mean many things, but from my perspective it was a war lead by Xehanort
so maybe xehanort was wielder of a keyblade in the past where he was the keyblade wielder that brought destruction to the worlds. The chasers culd be allies or enemies to Xehanort in the past before kh1.
If the chasers r Xehanort's allies, maybe xehanort created duplicate false keyblades for the chasers to use during battle. the reason for this is to make the enemies of Xehanort recognize that the chasers work for Xehanort or at Xehanort's side. . I notice that only 3 keyblades had keychains on them.Maybe Xehanort during the keyblade war went in search of other keyblades as well then they were tursted with the 3 most loyal(powerful?) chasers. So that made me think wat if there were more chasers but in a lower rank then the 3 that were shown in the secret video? maybe during the "keyblade war", the chasers realsied wat they were doing was wrong so they turned on Xehanort and defeated him. if that is true then it explains why there were so many keyblades without keychains on the ground because the three chasers have elminated tthe lower class chasers
But IF THE CHASERS R Xehanort's enemies, then maybe the chasers were the ones against Xehanort so they went on a long quest in search of other keyblades since they know the potential and power of the keyblade in order to fight fire with fire. Then near the end of the keyblade war, Xehanort was finally defeated by the chasers and they were known as the keyblade wielders who saved the worlds. Xehanort was then sumhow turned up near the entrance of radiant garden and that was when ansem took him in.
oh yah the one that wasnt shown clearly walkin towards the chasers in the secret video culd be Xehanort himself.
About the "lost 2", i still havent thought up of ny theories for that yet..
thnx for reading and oh plz forgive me if this theory sounds too far fetched and i know there isnt much evidence to support my theory but hey this is just wat my opinion is.
Accoridng to wikipedia, Xehanort has no collection of his past before becoming an apprentice for ansem. This leads us to have speculations of who Xehanort realli is.
my speculation is that since in the first kh game, it hass been said that the keyblade once saved worlds while another time it brought destruction to the worlds or sumthin. Sumhow i think Xehanort's past and the keyblade are sumhow connected in one way or another.
if uve watched the kh2 secret ending, you wuld notice that the words "memories of Xehanort" was displayed in the video along with "chasers", "keyblade war" "master of keyblade?" (i think dats wat it was) and "lost 2"
let's summarise the term "keyblade war"
keyblade war can mean many things, but from my perspective it was a war lead by Xehanort
so maybe xehanort was wielder of a keyblade in the past where he was the keyblade wielder that brought destruction to the worlds. The chasers culd be allies or enemies to Xehanort in the past before kh1.
If the chasers r Xehanort's allies, maybe xehanort created duplicate false keyblades for the chasers to use during battle. the reason for this is to make the enemies of Xehanort recognize that the chasers work for Xehanort or at Xehanort's side. . I notice that only 3 keyblades had keychains on them.Maybe Xehanort during the keyblade war went in search of other keyblades as well then they were tursted with the 3 most loyal(powerful?) chasers. So that made me think wat if there were more chasers but in a lower rank then the 3 that were shown in the secret video? maybe during the "keyblade war", the chasers realsied wat they were doing was wrong so they turned on Xehanort and defeated him. if that is true then it explains why there were so many keyblades without keychains on the ground because the three chasers have elminated tthe lower class chasers
But IF THE CHASERS R Xehanort's enemies, then maybe the chasers were the ones against Xehanort so they went on a long quest in search of other keyblades since they know the potential and power of the keyblade in order to fight fire with fire. Then near the end of the keyblade war, Xehanort was finally defeated by the chasers and they were known as the keyblade wielders who saved the worlds. Xehanort was then sumhow turned up near the entrance of radiant garden and that was when ansem took him in.
oh yah the one that wasnt shown clearly walkin towards the chasers in the secret video culd be Xehanort himself.
About the "lost 2", i still havent thought up of ny theories for that yet..
thnx for reading and oh plz forgive me if this theory sounds too far fetched and i know there isnt much evidence to support my theory but hey this is just wat my opinion is.