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Mathematical 385/2 Days Theory


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  • Wow, this is amazing

    Votes: 14 77.8%
  • Wow, you lost sleep over this crap of a theory???

    Votes: 4 22.2%

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Silver Member
Dec 30, 2007
1) If anyone else has alrdy thought of this, I'm gonna be pissed :mad:
2) This is not rlly based on anything except mathematical coincidenses
3) I am not saying any of this is true, I'm compleatly guessing
4) I any of this is true, I will eat a piece of cardboard

Okay... so last night i was trying to sleep, and I started to think about the meaning of 358/2 days. The first thing i thought was thats how long the game was, but realised it would be more then 100 hours o_O;. Then I came to an obvious idea, 358 divided by 2 which is 179, which means nothing right?

But take a look at this- 2/358=179. Notice there are no repeating numbers.. IF you take all the #s in that problem to numeratical order, u get 1235789. Now notice 4 and 6 are missing. At that, I stopped thinking about it and slept.

Now today I took a closer look at that (was supposed to be studying for mid-terms ;P), and a thought came upon me. I started thinking more about the missing 4 and 6, and came up with a theory.

(This is interesting ) the 4th and 6th members of OXIII are Vexen and Zexion. The thing I noticed about this was Out of the 6 original apprentises of ATW besides Xehanort, only Even and Ienzo were specifically mentioned in the Ansem Reports.
Secret Ansem Report 2 said:
Spurred on by my youngest apprentice, Ienzo, I constructed a massive laboratory in the basement of my castle.
Secret Ansem Report 1 said:
My apprentice, Even, has also shown great interest in Xehanort’s memories

Based on this, I deducted that maybe Vexen and Zexion had some secret conserning Xehanort (maybe in Zexion's book????)

Now I understand that this is all speculation... but this is too big of a coinsidense imo >.>

Edit: I realize it's 358/2 days, not 385 ><;

Nuther Edit: 179
358 LOL ^^

Edit Again: Theory 1 has been busted, so I got rid of it.
Last edited:


New member
Oct 11, 2007
wow that's some good deductions! You're right about the name thing...I wouldn't be surpised if some parts of that were true. however, didn't the info we got yesterday have something in it that said that Roxas' departure was heavily influenced by the 14th? Thus I doubt that your first theory is true.But dam that's amazing thinking :D


Silver Member
Dec 30, 2007
wow that's some good deductions! You're right about the name thing...I wouldn't be surpised if some parts of that were true. however, didn't the info we got yesterday have something in it that said that Roxas' departure was heavily influenced by the 14th? Thus I doubt that your first theory is true.But dam that's amazing thinking :D

thnx ^^, but my "amazing thinking" is more like sleep-deprived babble XD

oh yeah, i forgot to mention this, but both the 1 and 3 is in the hundreths place ;P


New member
Oct 11, 2007
well, from the games, its obvious that Zexion and Vexen were 2 of the least liked org members - Zexions tombstone in Proof of Existence was even destroyed because he turned traitor. And as for Vexen...he's just a freak D:<


Silver Member
Dec 30, 2007
I wonder if there are other plces to pay attention to the 4 and 6 relationship

Ansem had 6 apprentises, I think there were 6 days to the Roxas part of KH2, there were 4 ppl in Roxas's gang, u could fight 4 ppl on Destiny islands.


Grown Up
Apr 23, 2005
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
1) If anyone else has alrdy thought of this, I'm gonna be pissed :mad:
2) This is not rlly based on anything except mathematical coincidenses
3) I am not saying any of this is true, I'm compleatly guessing
4) I any of this is true, I will eat a piece of cardboard

Okay... so last night i was trying to sleep, and I started to think about the meaning of 358/2 days. The first thing i thought was thats how long the game was, but realised it would be more then 100 hours o_O;. Then I came to an obvious idea, 358 divided by 2 which is 179, which means nothing right?

But take a look at this- 2/358=179. Notice there are no repeating numbers.. IF you take all the #s in that problem to numeratical order, u get 1235789. Now notice 4 and 6 are missing. At that, I stopped thinking about it and slept.

Now today I took a closer look at that (was supposed to be studying for mid-terms ;P), and a thought came upon me. I started thinking more about the missing 4 and 6, and came up with 2 theorys.

1) First, theres the fourteenth member of OXIII. And there were 6 members sent to Castle Oblivion. Upon this, I came to the thought that maybe, the 14th member left/dissappeared from OXIII at the same time as those 6 members went to C.O (I don't believe this one so much)

2) (This is the interesting one) the 4th and 6th members of OXIII are Vexen and Zexion. The thing I noticed about this was Out of the 6 original apprentises of ATW besides Xehanort, only Even and Ienzo were specifically mentioned in the Ansem Reports.

Based on this, I deducted that maybe Vexen and Zexion had some secret conserning Xehanort (maybe in Zexion's book????)

Now I understand that this is all speculation... but the 2nd theory is too big a coinsidense imo >.>

Edit: I realize it's 358/2 days, not 385 ><;

Nuther Edit: 179
358 LOL ^^

really, everything you just figured out here was just Coincidental.
Nice try though.

Divine Light

wow i agree that is a good deduction i'm impressed....we may get closer yet to descovering the true meaning of 358/2 days.


New member
Jan 15, 2008
Outside of play
I can't say this is all just coincidence because, hey, I have nothing to do with kingdom hearts production. However I thing this math is two complicated and I'd rather stick to previous theories such as the roxas and the 14th's days left in the organization.

Mr. Wilhelm

Also Sprach Zarathustra
Sep 5, 2007
Very well done, it could be that.

Honestly, I don't think it is coincidence. I heard a lot of theory finding things, not those one but who seems logic. All cannot be coincidence. I think 358/2 Days has been a title very well thought, it is possible that it means really a lot of things, and this theory is part of what the name means.


New member
Jan 22, 2008
A small house on the edge of reason. Xarika lives
Another thing: if you think of the way you would rationally say it, 358/2 Days is 'Thre-fifty-eight Half Days'. The Nobodies consider themselves half a person, so maybe they consider their time as half days. Taking that off, you get 358 days. There are 365 days in a year, the amount of time that supposedly passed between the games. 365 - 358 = 7, the number of days left until the end of vacation in the Twilight Town simulation Roxas was in. Wait, I thought. Roxas was only in Twilight Town /six/ days. He never was there that seventh day. The only explanation is that Roxas eluded DiZ for a single day -
358 days being the amount of time he spent in the Organization.


New member
Oct 11, 2007
Another thing: if you think of the way you would rationally say it, 358/2 Days is 'Thre-fifty-eight Half Days'. The Nobodies consider themselves half a person, so maybe they consider their time as half days. Taking that off, you get 358 days. There are 365 days in a year, the amount of time that supposedly passed between the games. 365 - 358 = 7, the number of days left until the end of vacation in the Twilight Town simulation Roxas was in. Wait, I thought. Roxas was only in Twilight Town /six/ days. He never was there that seventh day. The only explanation is that Roxas eluded DiZ for a single day -
358 days being the amount of time he spent in the Organization.

This is simply not right. We know from FM+ that Roxas was approached by Xemnas for his naming ceremony the day he was created back in KH1 when Sora stabbed himself. We know that some time passed between then and 6 days before Sora woke up...Essentially, he spent more than a year in the Org. Thus, this "theory" doesn't work.


New member
Sep 28, 2007
Hmmmmm. Your theory doesn't seem to reveal anything. The 14th member could not have left at the same time as the 6 members because she is not introduced until the events of 358/2 Days (Pronounced three five eight days over two) and that game takes place after chain of memories. The Vexen and Zexion thing is really interesting and is probably true but that has nothing to do with these numbers. If anything Xigbar has more to do with Xeanort than them. The pronunciation of 358/2 Days really blows out the whole thing anyway. Sorry.

All this information can be found in the various Nomura interviews and other magazine articles. I would cite them but I do not know how. Can someone explain that to me?


Silver Member
Dec 30, 2007
Hmmmmm. Your theory doesn't seem to reveal anything. The 14th member could not have left at the same time as the 6 members because she is not introduced until the events of 358/2 Days (Pronounced three five eight days over two) and that game takes place after chain of memories. The Vexen and Zexion thing is really interesting and is probably true but that has nothing to do with these numbers. If anything Xigbar has more to do with Xeanort than them. The pronunciation of 358/2 Days really blows out the whole thing anyway. Sorry.

All this information can be found in the various Nomura interviews and other magazine articles. I would cite them but I do not know how. Can someone explain that to me?

Oops, 4 got bout the C.O thing >< (theory 1 just got owned) but i didnt like that one anyway


Silver Member
Dec 30, 2007
Well, the timeline isn't exact - we don't know exactly /when/ the 'year' was reckoned by. Certainly Sora spent more than a day traveling around fighting Heartlss. The 'year' could have been reckoned by when Sora stabbed himself with the dark keyblade.

huh, wtf are u talkin about? O.O I don't think my theory has anything to do wit Sora
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