I've been thinking about it since watching Clerks 2.
Which is the one trilogy to rule them all? Obviously, I'm pro Rings.
What about j00z.
Which is the one trilogy to rule them all? Obviously, I'm pro Rings.
What about j00z.
I've been thinking about it since watching Clerks 2.
Which is the one trilogy to rule them all? Obviously, I'm pro Rings.
What about j00z.
So you're saying that newer is always better? I don't beleive that.Should this even be a question? LotR tops Star Wars in evey possible manner. Better story. More Complex characters. Better Visuals. Better everything!
im going to give one reason why in my opinion star wars beats lotr. darth vader. and not that dumb anakin, i mean darth vader when he was all suited up. he was such a badass and he destroyed a f***in planet! in lotr, there was just this **** sauron who made other ppl do his work. he had one big ass eye and did nothing else (prepares for ppl to start complaining how sauron did more than just sit there). but yeah, vader is has a lot of things i like in a villian and i really like the star wars video games better than the lotr games too.
Star Wars books>LoTR books
That is just being ignorant.
No, i've read the trilogy, and i've read around 10 star wars books, in terms of story devolopment, starwars is above lotr.