Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
dark for me becaues light stinks it hurts ur eyes and twilight is kind of hurting ur eyes so i pick dark it doesnt do anything and you control the darkness
Another twilight...... Great news! This topic is officailly HOT!! 30 people and more than 150 viewers
like some girls think of sora and riku..... but that's off topic
I've decided to devote my heart to darkness.......
So let the dark rise!
And keep posting.
C ya!
then you fear the darkness........ lol! thx 4 ur opinion keep it comin guys oh and how about say why you like the person who uses the power.
like 4 example Riku i like his quiet personality and his incredible strength
i pick twilight cause im not always a good person, but im not evil so im in the middle. Im just mislead a lot bewtween sides so im like "OH F*** THIS IM GOING IN BETWEEN*