(sorry for the DP but I got to get this story out)
Late Night with Dan and Jin...now in colar Guest

Dan: Welcome to the show that people turned to when they want excitment after a John Kerry speech called Late Night. I'm your host Dan and the man I'm currently outta snappy intros for is none other then Jin.
Jin: I love headless clowns. My favorite part is when they liy down motionless.
Dan: And the girl who makes Fan boys suffer for there crims of spaming the forums is Hoshiko.
Hoshiko: *shoving somthing in a closet* Huh?
Dan: Anyway our guest tonight is from the game that only one or two people had the time on there hands to beat. His name is Pacman.
Pacman walks in eating a hand full of dots.* He whats up!?*Chomp!*
Dan: Nothing but you ate my desk!
Pacman: Oh sorry. *Chomp!*
Jin: WHAAAAAAAA! He ate my Barbe doll!
Pacman: Oh my bad. *Chomp*
Hoshiko: He ate my swords....YOUR DEAD!!! *she tried to run at him but Dan held her back.* Anyway Pacman any new games coming out?
Pacman: Nope!*Chomp!* Namco's ditched me.*Chomp!* I don't know why though. *Chomp!* They said somthing about me eating the diracter.*Chomp Jin!*
Jin:*sniff* Smells like my bed room in here!
Dan: Ok this is getiing annoying! You've eaten half the set. You ate all two of our audiance and you ate my shoes. Now it's go time!*He stops holding Hoshiko bakc and they both kameamea Pacman to hell.*
Hoshiko: Hey what happened to Jin.
Dan: He'll be back in 3...2..1
Jin:*appears out of noware* YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! I'm back.
Dan: I'm going to take my advil. Good night all.