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Fanfiction ► Late night with Dan and Jin

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New member
Jul 16, 2005
Wherever my Heart takes me....
lol nice one Jin. I have an idea for your next show, unless you've already done this one, you could have an interview with members of the Org. Or maybe a Sora, Kairi and Namine interview? Keep the shows coming, they're funny!


Dark warrior
May 2, 2005
nobody cares
(hmmm? I can't do a Org or Namine interview because I don't know enough about them. I could do another Sora one but I'd have to have Kairi...meh! I'm gonna starte typing and let's see what happens...to be honsist I never plain these things. I type off the top of my head but I stop here in there for a joke.)
Late Night with Dan and Jin Guest: Sora and Kairi
Dan: Welcome to Nash Brides...wait no wrong Fanfic. If this was a Nash Bridges fanfic this would already be dead. OH yea Lat Night. The only show were three weird teens get to screw around. I'm your host Dan. The freak over ther eating a trumpit is Jin.
Jin: I fart musical notes momy!*He said looking at Hoshiko*
Hoshiko: I'm not your mom freak boy!
Dan: And the girl who loves death more then Death is Hoshiko
Hoshiko: Another up beat upping? Don't you ever get tired of it considering who your co-host is.
Dan: If you drink alot of coffie the energy stays. Anyway or one guest has been here once before He's the one man that might like cookies more then Jin. His name is Sora.
Sora:*walks in and stops to tie his shoes. He ties them to gather and falls down and his shoes fall of showing that they are normal sized and that there was a hell of alot of packing paper in them. He then crawls to the chair.*
Hoshiko:*snaps her fingures* Rats!*looks at the camera.* That is a mature joke only a few of you will get it.
Dan: Anyway my other guest s one of the....two redheaded girls in video games today and sorry fanboys it's not Kasumi. It's Kairi.
Fanboy: But it so mix up the letters the have the same....
Kairi shoots him and sits down next to Sora gazing at him lovingly.*
Hoshiko: Rats again! Little girl stole my job!
Dan:*sweatdrops* Anyway Sora I'd like to ask...
Kairi:*in a devil voice* He's mine!!
Hoshiko: Were's my holy water?
Jin:*drinking outta the holy grail* I dunno.
Dan: Not what I was going to ask. Anyway Sora alot of people make the Yaoi pics of you and Riku what do you have to say about that.
Sora: CLEAN YOU HEADS!!! For the last time I'm not gay. When did I ever come off as...wait were was I?
Dan: Nevermind. Anyway!
Kairi: *grabes Sora and rubbs her head on his check* Sora-chan
Hoshiko: Oh brother!
Dan: Can you stop groping him for a minute?
Kairi:*whips out a mini-gun* What was that!?
Jin:*luaghs* And they say me crazy!
Kairi:*shoots him* Who wants to go next!?
Dan: That's Jin...he'll be back in...5...4...3...2...
Hoshiko:You under estamated Dan.
Dan:*anime anger mark* I know.
Jin:*finds holy water and pours it on Kairi who is threeating the writer.*
Kairi:*Her head starts to spin and throw up green and it went all over the set and she blew up.*
Dan: Argh!
Hoshiko: Were's Janitor Scruffy when you need him?
Scruffy: *walks in and vactums it up* Scruffy is here. Don't you mess with Scruffy!*He sees some vomit on the wires, trys to suck it up and accudently unplugs the camera*
Dan: Damn it the joke is old!!!!!


Bronze Member
Aug 26, 2005
Nowhere Texas its a literal nowhere zone
atnihs:you were less dumb the 2nd time on the show
sora:it wasn't the real me the first time!it was...uhhhh...
shinta:it was you and you took some stupid pills
kairi:don't talk about him like that or i beat you up with the ultima sword!
sora:no someone gave me a drink and the next thing i knew i was walking out of the building
shinta and atnihs: you took a drink from jin?!

another crazy crazy girl fawning over another square character yay!and its all thanks to dan and jin! :D :D


Dark warrior
May 2, 2005
nobody cares
Dan: Damn!
Jin;YAY! Wait NOO!
Dan:Oh boy! From the sounds of things you had Jin's speical juice and yes that's how he says it.
Jin: Speical juice kicks ass!
Dan: *Shakes head*Fangirls scare me. Ecspically the ones who praise Inuyasha.*shivers* I'm still dealeting the death threats.
Jin:HAHA! Your life has been thratened by 30 year old girls in there parents basment!
Dan: I'd be quite if I were you. Anyway it's times like these I'm glad I have no fan girls what about you Jin?
Jin:*goes into a thinking possition*....I have no idea.


Dark warrior
May 2, 2005
nobody cares
(sorry for the DP but I got to get this story out)
Late Night with Dan and Jin...now in colar Guest:pacman
Dan: Welcome to the show that people turned to when they want excitment after a John Kerry speech called Late Night. I'm your host Dan and the man I'm currently outta snappy intros for is none other then Jin.
Jin: I love headless clowns. My favorite part is when they liy down motionless.
Dan: And the girl who makes Fan boys suffer for there crims of spaming the forums is Hoshiko.
Hoshiko: *shoving somthing in a closet* Huh?
Dan: Anyway our guest tonight is from the game that only one or two people had the time on there hands to beat. His name is Pacman.
Pacman walks in eating a hand full of dots.* He whats up!?*Chomp!*
Dan: Nothing but you ate my desk!
Pacman: Oh sorry. *Chomp!*
Jin: WHAAAAAAAA! He ate my Barbe doll!
Pacman: Oh my bad. *Chomp*
Hoshiko: He ate my swords....YOUR DEAD!!! *she tried to run at him but Dan held her back.* Anyway Pacman any new games coming out?
Pacman: Nope!*Chomp!* Namco's ditched me.*Chomp!* I don't know why though. *Chomp!* They said somthing about me eating the diracter.*Chomp Jin!*
Jin:*sniff* Smells like my bed room in here!
Dan: Ok this is getiing annoying! You've eaten half the set. You ate all two of our audiance and you ate my shoes. Now it's go time!*He stops holding Hoshiko bakc and they both kameamea Pacman to hell.*
Hoshiko: Hey what happened to Jin.
Dan: He'll be back in 3...2..1
Jin:*appears out of noware* YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! I'm back.
Dan: I'm going to take my advil. Good night all.
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