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Fanfiction ► Kingdom Hearts: Their Story

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Kingdom Clasm

Disciple of Truth
Mar 29, 2005
With my head to the stars, waiting for a miracle.
Okay, guys. This is my first fanfic. This fanfic includes some Kingdom Hearts characters, as well as my own, original characters. This is all takes place at the starting of Kingdom Hearts, but it does not follow the same story line at all.
This fanfic has very different concepts in it from the original Kingdom Hearts.
I personally think this is a pretty good fanfic that I wrote here with a great ending to it at the end. This is a very different fanfic than what you have read before, as it mixes new, original characters with the Kingdom Hearts characters. Even though it starts off kind of traditionally, when it starts to get going, it's good.
So please, give this fanfic a read. Even if you don't like it straight off, you soon will as it gets into the story. And the ending will blow your mind. But that won't be here for a while. Anyway, I hope you really enjoy my very first fanfic! This should be enjoyable!

This is there story.
The story of the ultimate friendship.
How it began,
How it ended,
And how it changed the universe.​

Chapter 1
"No, they can't be coming back."​

"Wake up, Sora. Come on, wake up!" Kairi was tugging and pulling on Sora, who had dozed off on the docks.
"Wha-wha? Stop Kairi!" Sora said, still groggy and unaware of anything that happened.
"Sora, your such a lazy bum! You fell asleep on the docks again!"
"Huh? Oh!" sora jerked up quickly and stood up, brushing himself off, smiling and laughing weakly.
Kairi started laughing. "Sora, I can't believe you! I knew I'd find you resting on the docks like you always do here."
Sora smiled too, but had this wierd feeling that something was wrong. Something just wasn't quite right. Perhaps it was how the sun didn't reflect off the clear, blue water; perhaps not.
Kairi walked by Sora and stared off into the sea. "We have to get ready forthe event. You remember, don't you?" Kairi turned her head to look at Sora. It was wierd.
That's when it hit him. The feeling of uneasiness and security suddenly became all too clear. The thing was, he didn't remember. In fact, he had no idea what Kairi was talking about.
"Wait a second!" he said, frightened. "I've never dozed off on the docks before!"
Kairi just kept staring at him.
"And what are you talking about? What event? What's going to happen?"
Kairi just still kept staring at Sora. It was eerie.
Sora stepped back in fear. His voice soft and frightened. "Wait a second. What's going on?"
Suddenly an enormous, booming ripple violently tore threw the whole mainland. A thunderous explosion ripped through the sky.
The force was so powerful, it knocked Sora off the end of the docks. He was sent falling towards the water. But it appeared as if it wasn't there, because before he knew it, Sora was falling through the sky.
Sora fell towards a huge, blinding, semi-circle, white light and was engulfed in it.
He was suddenly standing on a skinny cliff with grass blowing peacefully in the wind. It was a moonless night. The stars were glimmering unusually brightly.
Sora looked around and saw Riku standing on the brink of the cliff, looking up at the stars and overlooking the forest and mountains way below.
"Riku!" Sora called, surprised.
Riku turned aroune and looked at Sora, unspeaking, and a malicious grin on his face and an evil glint in his creamy, sea-green eyes. He suddenly began to fall backwards off the edge of the cliff.
"Riku! No!" Sora screamed. He ran to him, trying to get there in time to break his fall... But just as Sora got to the brink of the cliff, Riku dissapeared, and in his place stood a tall figure in a black, hooded trenchcoat. The figure turned around to face Sora.
Sora tried as hard as he could to make out a face underneath the hood, but all he could see was the faint outline of a face, nothing else.
The black figure slowly lifted his hands and placed them on the hood, slowly edging ot off.
Sora desperately gazed into the face off the hooded figure, which was soon to be recognizable.
The tall fugure continued to slowly edge the hood off. It was almost off. And Sora could almost see its face.
But just as the face was about to became recognizable, there was nothing.
Rays of sunight beamed through the bedroom window and hit Sora's face. He shot up in his bed, gasping. Cold beads of sweat dripped from his face, dampening his sheets. Sora looked around the room, and sighed. Another dream. The first one in months.
"No, they can't be coming back," Sora said to himself, more hoping than stating.
A few months ago, Sora would have haunting, disturbing dreams. It happened whenever he laid his head down to go to sleep. But he hadn't had another dream in months. He thought he had shaken them off finally. But here he was. It was morning and he has just woken up frm another disturbing dream. He had never gotten any sleep with them, and here they were again.
Sora was curious, though. This deram had been different from all the others. It was the first time that he had seen Riku falling off a cliff. But he dismissed it.
What he really focused on was the tall, hooded figure in the black trenchcoat. Who was he? Sora knew he hadn't seen him before. So why did he want to see his face and know who he was so much? So why was he beating himself up about not staying asleep long enough so that he could see who he was?
Sora shook his head. "Get it out of your system," he said to himself. "It was just a dream. Didn't mean anything. Nothing at all," he falsely reassuered himself.
Sora then walked downstairs, trying to convince himself that it was nothing more than a random dream, while someting inside told him otherwise. --

How'd you guys like it? If poeple read it and post their opinions, then I'll probably do the next chapter today!! I know the starting is kind of traditional, but trust me! It gets better! Please! Post what you think of it!
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Super Sonic

Bronze Member
Apr 27, 2004
I likes it KC,keep up the good work

P.S. didn't see it being a dream LOL,fooled me


New member
Jan 11, 2005
i thought it wasnt a dream at first 2! that was awesome my possums!!!! i am LoViN it! keep going...or i'll hit u w/candy canes. ^.^

i think this may turn out to be better than mine...XD

Kingdom Clasm

Disciple of Truth
Mar 29, 2005
With my head to the stars, waiting for a miracle.
Ha! Fooled ya too! That's what I was meanin' to do, but I didn't think it would actually work! I can't believe I pulled it off! Thanks so much D2L! I'm glad all of ya'lls liked it!

And... Get out of here and go home and pull the covers over your head! I can't believe you would actually think that, D2L! (LOL! Just kiddin'!) But... There's no way my fanfic could EVER be as good as yours, D2L! Or yours, Super Sonic, to be matter of fact. Bboth of you guys' fanfics are awesome!!! They're totally wicked! Any way, I don't think my fanfic would stand even a fighting chance against yours, or a lot of other peoples'! This starting has probably been used hundreds of time for a KH fanfic!
Anyways, didn't mean to get so spastic! Sorry! :(
I really am glad you guys like it, though! All of you! And that compliment was really touching, D2L. Thanks for sayin' that. That means a lot and lets me know that maybe this fanfic is pretty decent after all! All yall's, thanks for the comments! I appreciate 'em!

Next post, next chapter!


New member
Jan 11, 2005
once again...I'M A HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE PERSON!!!! i derserve to stay under the covers...bad me!!! but i seriusly think this is way better. or equal! YEH! ^^; i like equal...its wickeeedd...LoLiO~

y, wuld u look at that? this is the next post...huh...what did u say again? 'Next post, next chapter!' y lookie! i AM the next post! AWESOME!!! ((hee hee)) ^.^

Kingdom Clasm

Disciple of Truth
Mar 29, 2005
With my head to the stars, waiting for a miracle.
LOL! D2L and khgamer, I meant that my next post would be the next chapter! I just did it to give ya an idea on when the next chapter would be! That's okay, though! Thanks so much for the compliment, khgamer! Hope all of you drop by for more chapters! LOL!

Anyways, it's a bit late, but I'll go ahead and post the next installment! Here's the next chapter, folks! Hope ya like it! I'm really proud of it!

Chapter 2
"I think I've finally found who we've been looking for all these months."​

Roaricki flew through the heavily-wooded forest, hunting a brown, white-speckled deer. Fear was in its eyes.
The moon shone high above them; the stars unglimmering.
Roaricki threw one of his Sealblades at the deer, but it missed and hit a tree, bouncing back. Roaricki caught it and continued to chase after the sprinting deer.
He saw a crossroad in the woods, one path leading to a tall-grassed meadow; the other leading to a path that ended abruptly in a sheer rock wall. He knew what he had to do.
Still racing through the forest, he edged himself to the side of the terrified deer, driving it into the path that ended abruptly.
As soon as the deer reached the rock wall, it knew what had just happened. It was trapped. It turned around to face Roaricki, fear across its face, who blocked the way back down the road.
"I really am sorry," he said sincerely to the deer. "But I have to eat."
And with that, Roaricki threw both of his Sealblades, Kingdom Clasm and Moonflow, at the deer, who dropped dead. The two Sealblades circled back around, and Roaricki caught them, staring at the dead deer. "May you rest in peace," he said, pulling out a small dagger-knife from a loop on his trenchcoat.
Roaricki cut into the hide of the deer with the knife, slicing the hind-quarters and other parts that held a good amount of meat. He then looked around for some twigs and logs, piling them up by the rock wall into a jumbled stack, and then placed some small, smooth, round pebbles around the stack of wood.
"Okay," he said to himself, "let's get a fire going."
Roaricki often talked to himself ever since he had had to live out in the wild; ever since the grave incident back in Hallen. There was no one to talk to. He had only himself.
Roaricki sighed and vertically placed Kingdom Clasm on the stack of wood. He then started to scrape Moonflow back and forth across it. A tiny, little, sparkling ember suddenly came to life, and soon a hearty, crackling, spirit-lifting fire was flourising on the freshly picked, damp wood. Its radiance was magnified in the sparkling translucency of Moonflow, and the red glow of the fire created a warm, cozy reflection on the dirty, rusted, stained obsidian of Kingdom Clasm.
Roaricki sat down, his spirit soaring higher than ever by the sight of the fire. He grabbed one of the cut off hind-quarters of the dead deer, and stuck it into the blade of Kingdom Clasm, roasting it over the fire. When it was cooked, he blew on it and then bit into the leg. His mouth was sent to another place as he chewed the delicious, smoky flavor of the leg, also having the hearty, burnt taste of oak chippings. It was delicious; the best meal he had eaten since his fugitiveness.
Everything around him was warm and pleasant, as the rock wall was aglow with the reflection of the flames of the fire. Sparking, flying embers danced in front of the wall as well. For the first time for a long time, Roaricki felt safe, secure... and happy.

His secure feeling and meal was suddenly cut short as he heard the whinnying of horses, and the shouts of men.
Roaricki's eyes went wide. He quickly stamped his foot over the fire, putting it out and sucking all the life and warmth from his suroundings. He gathered up all the pebbles, scattered the wood, picked up Kingdom Clasm and Moonflow, and kicked the dead deer off of the path, hiding it in the dark bushes.
The voices and shouts grew louder as they got closer. They had probably seen the fire from a distance, and were closing in on him. Roaricki knew who they were.
He quickly jumped off the side of the path, hiding behind tall grass and thick bushes. He peered through an opening in them, knowing that they would be here any second.
They soon arrived, the horses galloping to a halt as they came upon the stone wall.
"There's nothin' here cap'n," said one of the men in a sloppy accent. They were all dressed in long, white, creamy-colored tail coats, silver and gold buttons hanging at the sides. Underneath the tail coats was a white, cloth turtle-neck with a black design in the middle. It was that of a burning, round meteor with white, ravening jaws. They wore black, pirate-like hats with a white feather sticking out of each of them.
One of the men turned to answer the man who had just spoken. "Don't be so sure, Mr. Blake." He was obviously the captain, and he wore a gold tail coat insted of the white ones. His hat was white insetad of black, with a black feather pointing out the side. He spoke in a distinct, proper British accent. "See here?" he said, pointing to the logs and twigs scattered around the path. "This is a hurried and rushed proccess to hide a camp fire."
The man who had first spoken nodded.
"And what's this?" the captain said, looking at a big, black, scorched scar on the ground. "This is the very spot where the fire once was. A fire that was here just recently." He looked around, finally turning his face towards Roaricki's position, although he could not see him, and looked away.
At first Roaricki couldn't see his face. But when the captain had turned toward him, his heart skipped a beat. "Crane!" he whispered his name.
"What was that?" Crane, the captain, said. He had heard Roaricki's faint whisper.
He then turned his head towards the bushes where Roaricki was hiding. Crane's gaze sharpened. His eyes became little slits. He got off his horse, who gave a grunt as he did so, and started slowly walking towards the bushes.
When he reached them he bent down, peering into the bushes. Roaricki slowly picked up one of the pebbles that he had taken with him off the road, not daring to breath. It felt cold and smooth in his hand. It was very comforting.
Roaricki looked right into Crane's face. Fortunately Crane hadn't seen him.
Just as Crane was about to pull back the bushes to reveal Roaricki, one of his men called him.
"Captain! What have you found?"
Crane turned back his head to look at the man who had spoken to him. "I think I've finally found who we've been looking for all these months."
"You mean...."
"Yes! That freak who killed the president of the Far Reachers." Crane said.
Just as Crane was turning back around to pull back the bushes, Roaricki threw the pebble onto the road of the other path that led to the meadow. All of the men including Crane turned their heads at the sound.
"Hey! Captain! I think he's over there!"
Crane got up and gave one last look at the bushes in which Roaricki was hiding, sighed, and then got back onto his horse. "Let's move men! He's probably half way across the meadow by now!"
And they rode off, their shouts and their horses' whinnying echoing through the night. --

Hope you guys liked it! It's a little long, I know, but, like I said, I'm very proud of it! Post what ya think, guys, of the second installment of Kingdom Hearts: Their Story!!
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