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Fanfiction ► Kingdom Hearts: The Story That Never Was

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Riku of Darkness

New member
Mar 12, 2007
All the worlds in the universe has a door to it. A door that is sealed so that other worlds do not effect that worlds destiny. That’s why their doors were never connected. A man named Ansem was studying the heart. He had found out how strong their heart really was. He then came across creatures named “Heartless”. Those who lose their hearts become heartless.
Then he was informed that whenever a being with a strong will turns into a heartless, An outer shell starts to live on its own. Those were called “Nobodies”.
It was said that when the heartless came to be, all worlds were connected. Kingdom Hearts, the heart of all worlds; A human formed heartless believed that kingdom hearts belonged to darkness. He kept believing that until the boy who held the key blade had defeated him. Kingdom Hearts belongs to both light and darkness. Kingdom Hearts was endangered on last time, but two boys who held the key saved and restored peace to Kingdom Hearts.

Riku of Darkness

New member
Mar 12, 2007
Part 1​
In a small town, three children were destined for something greater, they just didn’t know it. There were two boys and one girl. The oldest was 15 years old, his name was Ryu. Ryu was a strong boy for his age. He was basically the leader of the three. Ryu had shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes. He was about 6’1 and he was about 154 pounds.
The girl’s name was Alexia, she was very beautiful. She had long blonde hair and gorgeous blue eyes. She was about 5’8 and she was about 110 pounds. She was 14 years old and her and Ryu had a very special relationship.
Last, but not least, was little Zero. Zero was very short, he was about 4’11. He is 12 years old and has short brown hair with brown eyes. He is very slim, about 95 pounds. He was very small but he could pack a punch.
Each of them were unique all in their own ways. Ryu trains with his samurai sword, and he holds the power of the warrior. Alexia fights with magic, but she also uses a staff. She holds the power of the mage. Zero also holds a sword, but he was given the power of the guardian.
One day our heroes were in a field getting ready to train.
“You two are going down,” Ryu told Alexia and Zero.
The battle started. Ryu trained with a dull edge and point on his sword so no one would get hurt. The three would always train until they couldn’t any longer.

Riku of Darkness

New member
Mar 12, 2007
Part 2​
One morning a very rich and powerful man named Damien was sitting in his den.
“Kingdom Hearts, how do I find you?”
Damien had heard the legend of Kingdom Hearts and he always wanted to find out what power it truly held. He wanted that power.
“How could I get to it? Where is it located, so many questions with so little answers. I want Kingdom Hearts!” At that moment, Damien disappeared.
Damien awoke in a pitch black room. He slowly made his way up.
“What was that, where am I,” Damien had asked himself.
He kept waling forward, but all he could see was darkness, until finally he came upon a door. This door was unique, it was huge.
“Kingdom Hearts, you must of heard my cry for you. Yes, now we will be one and we can control the whole universe,” Damien had said to Kingdom Hearts.
Damien started walking towards the door.
“Now, open and let us become one.”
Kingdom Hearts slowly started opening.
As Damien walked in, the door slowly closed. He looked around, then he saw a little creature crawled towards him. The creature was all black and it crawled on all four legs. Damien was about to say something to it, but before he could, the little thing jumped on him. Damien pushed him off, and when he got to his feet, he saw swarms of the little monster. All looked different. He didn’t know it but those were the heartless and nobodies. All the heartless and nobodies ran and attacked Damien.
Finally, Damien was gone. There was nothing left of the man who had found kingdom Hearts, but suddenly a portal of darkness appeared and a man walked out of it. The man was the same height of Damien, he even looked like him. It came to be that this was Damien’s heartless; he called himself Astro. In his had was a key. It was a key blade called Oblivion. All the heartless bowed down to Astro, as if he was there master.
Shortly after Astro came to be, a bright light flashed. When the light faded a man was standing on the ground. He looked like Damien too. This came to be that he was Damien’s Nobody. He was named Mycenaean. All the nobodies bowed to Mycenaean. He also held a key blade; it was called Oathkeeper.
Instead of fighting each other, the two decided to become allies and both rule Kingdom Hearts.
“So Astro, I have an idea. While we stay and rule here we should have strong warriors go out and rule the outside for us,” Mycenaean had said to Astro.
“Have anybody in mind,” Astro asked.
Mycenaean looked up,” Well I have two in mind.”

Riku of Darkness

New member
Mar 12, 2007
Part 3​
At Ryu’s house early in the morning, Ryu awoke lying in his bed.
“Why have I been having these horrible dreams, as if something bad is about to happen?”
Ryu got up and dressed then he walked outside. He looked in his mailbox and there was a letter. There wasn’t a return address, all it said was “to Ryu”. Ryu opened the letter and read what it said,

“Hello Ryu, my name is Seymour. My masters have been observing some of the greatest fighters in the world and he came upon you and your two friends. I would like you to come to my island and compete in a tournament that I am holding for my masters. Ill we send someone today for you if you wish to except this invitation. Thank you and hopefully I will see you soon!

Ryu met up with Alexia and Zero to talk to them about the letter.
“So guys, think we should go,” Ryu asked.
“Of course we should go, it’s a chance to prove our strength with some of the best fighters in the world,” Zero yelled with excitement.
The man Seymour had shown up in a helicopter.
“So, are you coming,” the man asked.
“Count us in,” Ryu answered.
“ Well, step right in,” the man said while pointing them in the direction of the helicopter.
The chopper took off strait to Seymour’s island. On the way to the island, Ryu had fell asleep. A few hours later, Zero and Alexia looked over and saw Ryu shaking like there was something wrong.
“Ryu, wake up your having a nightmare,” Alexia said while moving until he woke up.
Ryu awoke, when he saw Alexia he grabbed her and held her tight.
“Thank goodness, it was just a dream,” Ryu said.
Alexia thought about asking what it was about, but she knew Ryu wouldn’t tell her. So she left the problem alone. They finally made it to Seymour’s island. The island was huge, and so was the house. They slowly got out of the chopper and walked to the front door.
“Just walk right through those doors and you will be where you should,” the man said to the three.
They did what he said and walked into the room. When they were there, there was four other men inside the room. One man with brown hair and a scar across his face walked up to them.
“Hey, how’s it going? My name is Leon,” the man said.
“Its going good, my name is Ryu and these are my friends; Alexia and Zero,” Ryu told Leon.
“Well, its nice to meet you. The man over there with the short blonde hair is named Cloud. The man standing next to him is Vincent. The man over to the left of me is Auron, we were all summoned here, just like you were,” Leon had explained to them.
Alexia, Zero, and Leon kept talking while Ryu walked over to Cloud.
“Cloud, you are looking for someone aren’t you,” Ryu said.
Cloud looked away, “Its more like running,” Cloud said.
Ryu looked confused, “Running, from who,” Ryu asked.

Cloud shuts his eyes,” Sephiroth,” he says in a low voice.
Then, interrupting the conversation, a door on the other side of the room opened and a man walked out.
“Welcome to my home, my name is Seymour and I will be you host this evening. Cloud, Vincent, Leon, Alexia, Zero, Ryu, and…what? Auron, Auron you came. This makes everything so much better.”
Auron was shocked at what he saw,” Seymour, you cant be here, your dead. We destroyed you, you shouldn’t be here.”
Seymour walked closer,” That is were your wrong, I was dead, until my new masters brought me back to life using their unbelievable power. This is enough talking, let the Final Fantasy tournament begin!”

Riku of Darkness

New member
Mar 12, 2007
Part 4​
“These will be the matches for today’s tournament,” Seymour said to the fighters. “ It will be Cloud versus Zero, Auron versus Vincent, Leon versus Alexia, and Ryu versus the heartless.”
Cloud and Leon were getting ready for their match until they heard the word “Heartless”.
Leon was shocked of what he heard,” Heartless, this can only mean one thing. Kingdom Hearts, is in danger.” Leon grabbed his sword and yelled to everyone,” Listen, there will be no tournament. We must destroy the heartless.”
Ryu was confused,” Heartless? What are heartless,” Ryu asked.
Seymour walked closer,” It is those who have lost their hearts to darkness, monsters who have no heart. Anyways, since no one wants to play by the rules, here are all of you some heartless,” Seymour told the fighters.
Everyone got their weapons and prepared for battle. Suddenly, portals of darkness started to show up all around them and heartless poured out of them. There were millions of them everywhere.
Leon yelled to the fighters,” Everyone get ready!”
Alexia started to think about the situation, then she came up with a theory,” Ryu, maybe the heartless are like vampires. If we destroy Seymour, maybe they will all disappear.
Seymour made his way back to the room he walked out of. Then when Alexia saw him go in, she ran after him. She made it in the room before she heard Ryu yell to her.
“Alexia, no wait,” Ryu yelled. Ryu ran after her, but when he was about to enter the room, heartless blocked the way.” Get out of my way you stupid heartless,” Ryu shouted at them. Ryu took out his sword and started to battle with the heartless. He destroyed heartless after heartless until finally none blocked his way. Ryu ran as fast as he could inside the room.
We Ryu walked in, it was a very dark room, he saw Alexia lying unconscious on the ground.
Ryu ran to her and held her head up to his,” Alexia, what did they do to you.”
Seymour walked out of the shadows,” She doesn’t have a heart anymore, it is lost in darkness. She is one of the heartless now.
Ryu pulled out his sword,” No, if she lost her heart, she can have mine!”
Ryu took his sword and shoved it in his chest where hi heart was. Ryu fell to his knees, then a little ball of light came out of his body and went inside Alexia’s. Alexia’s eyes shot opened and when she looked over at Ryu, he fell to the ground and disappeared. Ryu was gone.

Riku of Darkness

New member
Mar 12, 2007
Part 5​
I awoke; my name is Dwayne. I am a heartless. I do not remember much, but I remember Alexia. Alexia is not the problem, the problem is that somehow someone has gained the power of Kingdom Hearts and is trying to take over the entire universe. I must defeat that being, but first all heartless and nobodies must be destroyed. Then I will be able to rest, and the realm of light will be safe.”
The boy named Dwayne was Ryu’s heartless. Dwayne looked similar to Ryu, but his hair was black and he had black and purple cloths on.
He was in a dark room when a man walked up to him and said,” Dwayne, if you want to save Kingdom Hearts and the realm of light, you will need this key. Take the key and go save the realm of light from the eternal darkness that took control of Kingdom Hearts. There will be a portal that will take you were you need to be, now go.”
Dwayne blacked out, and awoke back on Seymour’s island. He looked over and saw Alexia sitting down on the ground.

“I awoke; my name is Zane. I am a nobody. The only thing I remember is Lexi. Nobodies and heartless do not belong, they shouldn’t be. That’s why I must go and destroy the darkness in Kingdom Hearts that is bringing them back.”
Zane was Ryu’s nobody. He looked like Ryu. But he had white hair and he wore white and black clothes.
Zane was in dark room when a man came up to him and said,” Zane, you want to destroy what has made the heartless return. Well then you will need this key. Take it and destroy the darkness. There will be a portal that will take you where you need to go, good luck.”
Zane blacked out, then he appeared on Seymour’s island. He saw Lexi sitting on the ground.
“Alexia,” Dwayne yelled to her.
Alexia looked up,” Ryu, is that you?”
Dwayne looked at her and took her hand,” I am a heartless, Ryu’s heartless. My name is Dwayne, that is the name the darkness gave me. Alexia, an evil darkness has taken over Kingdom Hearts and it is putting you and the rest of the realm of light in danger. I must go and destroy that darkness, and when I do, I will be gone with all the rest of the heartless. I’m sorry, but this is good-bye my love.”
Suddenly a portal opened. Dwayne was about to go through it, but Alexia grabbed his hand,” No, you cant go. Your name is Ryu and I love you, your not a heartless, you’re a human.”
Dwayne pushed her away. He looked over and saw Cloud and Vincent, they were still there. “Look Alexia, this how it has to be, there are boats on the shore with a map to our home, you and Zero need to go home. Cloud, Vincent, I need you to come with me, I need your help.
Cloud started walking towards the portal,” Sure, why not?”
Vincent followed and the two walked through the portal.
“Alexia, I’m sorry,” Dwayne said his final words, then followed Cloud and Vincent into the portal. When all three went through, the portal disappeared.
Zero walked up to Alexia and grabbed her hand,” Alexia, lets go home” Alexia and Zero got on the boat and sailed off towards their home town.
On the other side of the island, Zane slowly walked up to Lexi.” Lexi, I missed you. Look, bad things are happening, things only I can stop. I need you to go and find your original self, she is still around. There is a boat and a map that will lead you to her. I’ll miss you Lexi.”
Lexi quickly hugged Zane,” Zane, I just got to see you. Why do you already have to leave? I don’t want you to go, I want you to stay with me,” Lexi said.
Zane said softly,” Lexi, I’m sorry, but I must do this.”
The portal Zane had to go through appeared,” Lexi, I promise I’ll come back. We will be together again.”
Zane was about to walk through, then Auron and Leon walked out of the house and yelled, ”Hey, wait, let us go with you. We want to help.”
Zane looked back,” Well then lets go!”
The three walked through the portal, then the portal disappeared.
Lexi walked to the shore and found the boat. She pushed off the island and set sail to find her original self.

Riku of Darkness

New member
Mar 12, 2007
Part 6​
Dwayne, Cloud, and Vincent walked out of the portal and was in a destroyed, worn out city. Cloud stopped walking.
“This is my home,” Cloud said. They all looked at the top of an old beaten up skyscraper. There was a man standing on the roof. The man had long silver hair and had a long sword, but the strangest thing was that the man had only one wing.
Zane, Leon, and Auron were taken to a mountain area. They looked around. Zane’s key started glowing very bright. Suddenly, his key turned into a keyblade.
“Eternal light,” Zane said to him self.
They started walking again, then they heard a voice,” You three can not escape me!”
Lexi was out on the ocean, she was very tired. She came upon an island, so she sailed to it so she could take a rest. She sailed up to the shore and got out of her boat. She started looking for native people. She kept walking until she realized it was deserted. Then, she came upon a shelter made out of sticks and leaves. When she walked up to it, a young boy and girl walked out.
“Hi,” the girl said. “ My name is Alexia, and this is my friend Zero. We are having really rotten luck, on our way to our home, the waves pushed us to this island and we hit the land so hard, or boat has a huge hole in it. Since then, we have just been resting here.”
Lexi said to them,” Well, I have a boat. I can take you to your home, but, your name is Alexia, right?”
Alexia looked confused,” yes, that’s right.”
Lexi looked away,” Ryu is in trouble!”
Alexia jumped to her feet,” Ryu! How do you know Ryu?” Alexia asked.
Lexi grabbed her hand,” Never mind that, we have to save him.”
Suddenly, a bright light flashed, and when the light faded, Lexi was gone.
Alexia looked confused, she ran to Lexi’s boat.” Come on Zero, we have to go help Ryu!” Zero looked around, then shrugged his shoulders. Zero ran and got in the boat. There was a map in the boat with a location marked.
“This must be where Ryu is at,” Alexia said. :Don’t worry, I’ coming.”
The two were off to go help their best friend.

Riku of Darkness

New member
Mar 12, 2007
Part 7​
Dwayne looked at his key; it was glowing black and white. He looked back up and the man at the top of the building was gone. Then, Cloud walked in front of Dwayne.
Cloud turned around and pulled out his sword,” Sephiroth.”
Dwayne looked over and heard the man named Sephiroth say,” Cloud, Vincent, good to see you. Who’s your friend?”
After, he pulled out his long sword and him and Cloud started to fight.
Dwayne yelled to Vincent,” Hey, we have to go help him!”
Dwayne started to run, but Vincent held him back,” No, this is Cloud’s battle. We have no right to interfere.”
Dwayne was angry,” Fine, but if I gets to out of control, I am going to help.”
Sephiroth and Cloud were continuing their battle. The battle was intense, One after another Sephiroth would swing at Cloud. Cloud was slowly getting tired, and it looked like Sephiroth wasn’t even breaking a sweat.
Sephiroth had an evil grin on his face,” Come on Cloud, I know you are stronger than this. Has the darkness weaken you?”
Cloud jumped back,” Shut up, my heart doesn’t belong to darkness, it belongs to me!”
Sephiroth laughed,” Is that right, well then you will die!”
Dwayne quickly jumped up high towards Sephiroth,” No, stay away from Cloud!” His key started to change its shape. It turned into a keyblade.
Sephiroth looked down at Dwayne,” You’re a foolish boy, his heart belongs to darkness!”
Dwayne Got closer,” No, didn’t you just hear him? His heart belongs to him! No go away you monster!” Dwayne swung his keyblade at Sephiroth and hit him with all the force he had.
Sephiroth went flying down to the ground,” No, you can not hurt me, its impossible!” Sephiroth hit the ground and when he did he disappeared and all the was left were feathers.
Cloud walked to Dwayne,” Thank you Dwayne, thank you for helping me defeat the darkness inside of me.”
A portal opened,” Dwayne, this is as far as me and Vincent can go. The rest is up to you, good luck,” Cloud said to Dwayne.
Dwayne started walking towards the portal,” Thanks Cloud, and thank you Vincent. I’ll stop whatever is going on inside of Kingdom Hearts, don’t even worry.”
Dwayne walked through the portal, and he was gone.

Riku of Darkness

New member
Mar 12, 2007
Part 8​
Zane, Auron, and Leon looked up and saw Seymour
“You three, you will die,” Seymour yelled while shooting fire at them.
Zane quickly dodged the fire and ran at him. Zane was about to hit Seymour until Seymour used the spell stop. Zane was frozen still. Seymour ran and punched Zane, and Zane went flying back. Leon and Auron ran towards Seymour.
They kept trying to hit him, but Seymour was just too fast. Seymour knocked Leon and Auron away the same way he did Zane. Seymour raised his hands and said,” Eternity.”
He was about to summon a great beast called Bahamot.
Zane turned to Leon and Auron,” Throw me now.”
They looked confused, but did what he said. They threw him as hard as they could right at Seymour. Zane was rocketing towards Seymour with his keyblade pointed towards him. He stabbed Seymour right in the heart. Seymour looked at Zane, then he disappeared.
Where Seymour had been standing, a portal appeared.
“ Zane,” Leon said. “We cant go any further. I’m sorry but you have to do the rest of your journey on your own.” Zane looked at them, then he went through the portal. The portal was gone, and so was Zane.

Riku of Darkness

New member
Mar 12, 2007
Part 9​
Dwayne was in pitch black room. All he could see was another boy with a key.
“ Hey, you have a keyblade to, wait a minute. Your not human, you’re a nobody! Why is your keyblade from the light if you’re a nobody?” Dwayne was very confused.
The boy turned around and ran at Dwayne. The boy was Zane, “ Why are you dark?”
The boys started fighting each other, not knowing they were created from the same person. It was an even match, Each boy dodge the other’s swing. All of the sudden There were two voices.
“ Hey, hey, hey save your fighting for us.”
Suddenly the boys appeared in front of a huge door, Kingdom Hearts.
“Enter and join the rest of us heartless and nobodies,” The voices had said.

Riku of Darkness

New member
Mar 12, 2007
Part 10​
The two boys looked, and the door opened. They slowly walked in. There were heartless and nobodies everywhere.
Dwayne was shocked at how many there were,” Hey, I’ll fight the heartless, you fight the nobodies.”
The boys were off, fighting the heartless and nobodies, making sure that they would not come back.
Back at Cloud’s home city, Alexia and Zero saw the portal that Dwayne had walked through.
“ Ryu is in there, lets go Zero,” Alexia said.
Alexia and Zero walked through and were in the room where Dwayne and Zane were fighting. Suddenly a light flashed and then ended up in front of Kingdom Hearts. The two were scared to death, but they were going to save their friend!
They looked inside of Kingdom Hearts and saw Dwayne and Zane fighting the creatures form the dark.” Zero, come on, lets go help them,” Alexia yelled. The two went running inside Kingdom Hearts. Alexia yelled to Dwayne and Zane,” Ryu!”
Zane and Dwayne turned and looked at her when she said that. Suddenly Oblivion appeared in Zane’s left hand and Oathkeeper had appeared in Dwayne’ s right hand. Black and White auras were around Zane and Dwayne. Each boy had two keyblades, one of light, and one of darkness. Then, all the heartless and nobodies were gone.
Astro and Mycenaean appeared and said,” How, how do you have our keyblades?”
With no hesitation, Zane and Dwayne ran at them and stabbed them with their keyblades. Astro and Mycenaean exploded and there was nothing left of them. Dwayne turned around and walked up to Alexia.
Before they could even say anything to each other, Oblivion and eternal darkness shot at Dwayne and stabbed him in the back. Zane turned around, then Oathkeeper and eternal light shot at him and stabbed him right in the chest. The boys disappeared, then the keyblades shot at each other and the exploded.
When all the smoke from the explosion cleared, a black and white keyblade was floating in the air. The key pointed at the door and sent off a force that knocked Zero and Alexia out of Kingdom Hearts. The door slowly started to shut. Abeam of light shot down in the middle of Kingdom Hearts. When the light faded, Ryu was standing looking and smiling at Alexia. Kingdom Hearts had brought Ryu back.
Ryu looked at Alexia and said,” I love you.”
Alexia started running,” Ryu, no don’t go.”
She was to late, the door had closed. Ryu grabbed his new keyblade and said,” I’m so sorry Alexia, but this must be done. Twilight’s eternal. Lets shut this door for good.”
He pointed the key at the door, and locked Kingdom Hearts for good. On the other side were Alexia and Zero were, the door disappeared. Suddenly the two were sent back to their home.
Ryu was standing in the middle of Kingdom Hearts. Then, a huge monster walked out of the shadows. The monster looked like a giant man of darkness.
The monster looked at them,” you will not defeat us!”

Riku of Darkness

New member
Mar 12, 2007
Part 11​
The giant monster was Astro and Mycenaean formed together using the power of the darkness. They had hands with sharp claws, very pointy teeth and all sorts of magic spells up their sleeves. He tried to hit Ryu, but he was way to quick for the monster.
Ryu had jumped on the monster’s hand, the made it too the monster’s head and he stabbed his keyblade right into its shoulder! The beast grabbed a hold of Ryu and threw him hard to the ground. He picked up Ryu started to squeeze him. Ryu was in horrific pain. He didn’t know how much longer he could take this mighty force. Ryu started to think about Alexia, and then he heard her voice. Her voice gave him power, just enough to break free of the monster’s grip.
When Ryu was loose, he jumped at the monster and stabbed him in the chest.
The monster looked down,” What, I cant be destroyed. Its not possible.”
The monster floated up, then he was gone.
It was over, kingdom Hearts was safe. Millions of heartless and Nobodies appeared.
Ryu looked around,” Well, I guess I will be here for a while, I guess I should get some exterminating done.”
Ryu was off, destroying every heartless and nobody in sight. Ryu was a noble young boy staying inside of Kingdom Hearts. He was giving up all the chances of seeing his loved ones, so they could be safe. Ryu is a true hero, and he will always be remembered.

Riku of Darkness

New member
Mar 12, 2007
Kingdom Hearts was closed, and the worlds were safe from the darkness that had created the heartless. Alexia, Zero, and everyone else was safe.
Ryu had stayed inside of Kingdom Hearts to destroy all the heartless and nobodies. It took him 10 years to destroy all the heartless and nobodies.
One day, about 11 or 12 years later, Alexia got a knock at her door. She opened the door and a man was standing there in the doorway. He ran up to her and hugged her.
“I’m back,” the man said to Alexia.
Alexia put her arms around him and said,” You’re home.”

The End

princess namine

New member
Dec 20, 2006
Not bad but you should had let people post on this before you started new post that way they can help with your story. Also it was kinda short for a story. I am not trying to be harsh but I am telling you my opinion, Try to start a story by giving people a preview and letting them post. Then you gradully get on with the chapters while letting people post. Try to make the chapter writen out before you post them that way you know what you are writing. Write the chapters every other day so it doesn't look like you don't have a life.
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