Crap it all! I forgot about my own fic!I can't believe i did that o.o
Chapter 12:Evidence
Sora and company find themselves in a sort of over-sized garden,unaware that a wierd,purple cat is watching them.It's head,and only it's head,appears in front of them,but then disappears.It happens again,and again.Finally,it appears,and doesn't disappear.A cat's body is balancing itself on the head.
Donald:Who are you?
The body put's the head on it's shoulders and it re-attaches itself to the body.
Cat:Who indeed?
Sora:Just tell us who you are.
Cat:I'm just a mere cat,or am I?
Goofy:Well,uh,can you tell us anything about the Heartless?

oor Alice,soon to have her head cut off,even though the shadows are the real culprit!
Kairi:How can we prove it was them and not Alice?
Cat:There are 4 things around here that'll show the Queen it was them and not Alice.3 are easy to find,but one is hard.Find them all,and I'll give you a reward!
Sora:Cool,let's find them!
Sora and company set off into the forest to find the evidence of Alice's innocence,they find 3,but they search for the 4th one until nightfall when they're all tired.
Kairi:I can' legs.
Donald:Can we PLEASE stop searching?
Goofy:I need to sleep......
Sora:Fine......I don't think we're going to find that 4th piece any time soon.......let's just present her what we've got already.
Donald:I just hope that she thinks it means that we aren't the culprits.......
The next day,after some sleep and breakfast,Sora and co. go back to the kangaroo court to present the evidence to the Queen.
Kairi:We've found some evidence to prove Alice's innocence.
Goofy and Donald step up in front of the judge's stand and set the evidence down.
Queen:Very well.Cards! Bring forth my evidence!
Her card soldiers step next to the evidence and sets some evidence that proves Alice's guilt next to the evidence that proves her innocence.There were only 2 pieces that proved her guilt.
Queen:Now,put them in matching boxes and mix them up.Then the boy there can choose which box he wants to open.It would take too much time to look at it all.
Sora:What?After all the trouble we went through just LOOKING for it?
Queen:SILENCE!! There will be order in this court!
Queen:What did you say?
Queen:Hmmf.......hurry up and do as I say cards!!
The cards do what the Queen ordered,quite quickly,and then put all the evidence back in front of the Judge's stand.
Sora:Hmmm.........which one?
Kairi:The middle one!
Spade card:The second to the left!
Donald:The right!
Goofy:Uh..........the middle!
Sora:Hmm..........I'll go with the middle one!
A card steps up to the middle one,and opens up the box.Inside is a red hair.
Queen:A dog hair!The only red-head around here is...........that filthy tramp next to the boy!Off with all of their heads!!!
O god........i wonder what their heads look like without um*ahem* i mean........they're SO gonna win!!(They don't stand a chance.)