Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
I remember that it was announced that you would be scored whenever you beat a world and you would get an ability for how well you did, could someone please tell me if ths is true
it seems like it'd be easier without the score anyways.. i remember he said it would give us certain items depending on our grade, which would make it more complicated
i remember he said that you would get abilities and things like keyblade peices depending on how well you beat a world. you also get like the best ability, items and things like that.
WHich make you wanna play the game again to try and improve and to finnally get it. It's genuis. It sounds as if they put it in there so you will have to play again and again and again until you get the abilities you want.
i was gonna say^^^^ yeah they were going ot let us try for the goal again and again...i belive the example they told us was in olympus something zeus and such if we got a good grade....but thn again remember the kid audience theyd get frustrated lol!
Im sure the kids will have there moments as well. My 9 year old brother has been playin KH as much as I have and he's getting pretty good at it......Not better than me.
I would've preferred for them to put in a new game+ just like in Devil May Cry and Onimusha. It would be great facing off against the villians at maximum level.
i didn't like the idea too much because one of the factors on how well you did with the world (the score you get) is how fast you beat the world....hence--the faster you beat the worlds, the shorter the game...and then you can beat the game in one sitting---which is bad