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Is Riku Gay?

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omega wyrm

Gummi Ship Builder
Jul 10, 2004
the jump program (think of The Matrix)
Xylia said:
And how is it not close-minded to discriminate against one's sexuality?
Because It's just not normal. Our parents knew that. their parents knew that. For as long as humans have existed people have had the basic idea that people chose to be gay and they knew that homosexuality was wrong but that idea has been changed recently hasn't it?


New member
Aug 28, 2004
KH Castle
omega wyrm said:
Because It's just not normal. Our parents knew that. their parents knew that. For as long as humans have existed people have had the basic idea that people chose to be gay and they knew that homosexuality was wrong but that idea has been changed recently hasn't it?

tell me how much it has changed, im really intrigued as to why u think that, america is still anti-gay and forcing lots of good ppl into depression so tell why do u believe that its better?

btw i dont think Riku is gay, maybe bi but meh thats just me


Chapter IV
Jan 9, 2005
Riku? gay? o common u guyz are sick. those "gay" rumors are started by fanarts and ur beliving them? thats just gross. and if hes gay why do him and sora fight over kairi? plzzzz can a mod delete this topic?


New member
Feb 26, 2004
Liverpool, England.
Ok this is annoying. This topic is full of people posting crap like ''OMFG RIKU INST G4Y Y R U SAYING TAHT U R GAY GO ADN BURN!!11@1OMH cLOSE DA TOPIC KTHXBAI'' Now, why don't these people shut up?! You have no proof he isn't! It doesn't state anywhere in the game if he is gay or not. It's left open for the played to decide. Some of you people are treating 'gay-ness' like it's some kind of sick illness. Guess what? There are gay people. It happens. Now grow up. I don't see why you are getting all upset over some pictures.

As I have said before, I don't care if Riku is gay or not. I like the character all the same. Ok.

P.S CLOUD654, you are an idiot.


New member
Jan 24, 2005
I can't say that I think Riku's gay, bi or straight. All I can say is that I think he likes Sora. Because it's cute to me. XP

But I mean he's fifteen, in the middle of puberty. He probably hasn't even decided what he likes. Just like Sora. I find it stupid to say "He's straight. He likes Kairi. Period." because SoraKairi or RikuKairi has about the same evidence as RikuSora, it's just that people automatically assume everyone is straight. In Japan homosexuality isn't a problem like here. They're quite more open-minded than we are, as far as I know. Square places a lot of hints in that direction if you watch carefully. And KH was made by Square, in Japan. I think they purposely didn't make an actual canon pairing between the three of them, so everyone can like what they like. Even SoraKairi isn't flat out said.

I personally don't think Riku likes Kairi at all. I'm not even sure if he likes her as a friend sometimes. To me he only uses her so that Sora'll pay attention to him again, like he did before the girl arrived at the islands. I don't like the idea of Kairi being with anyone in general. She's like Rinoa. I don't like Rinoa.

This mirrors my feelings about the pairing the best I have to say. Plus it points out all the yaoi evidence I'm too tired to point out right now.

Also I haven't been able to play CoM yet. I have to wait till march when it's published in Europe. =_= So I don't know about Naminé or anything else. And please don't tell me about it, I hate spoilers! XD

Well, it's a matter of opinion after all, I guess.

IF Riku does turn out to be gay (which God knows will never happen) then his character is ruined. That, and the E-Rating. I don't want Riku kissing Sora, even if he tripped and it was an accident...
And if he officially was straight it wouldn't ruin the E-Raiting, huh?

Do you watch/read Naruto? XD

Why did they do that?
1. They're gay.
2. They're just crazy idiots.
Oh, not THAT argument again. Look, just because you like yaoi, you're not necessarily gay. A lot of guys like lesbian porn, but nobody thinks they're gay. It's the same.

and what does riku get? a mouse.
O___o God, I'm getting ideas.

I really doubt that they'd put homosexuallity in there, cause that is not Disney. Plus, being gay is kinda expressing who you like to be in bed with, so I really doubt Disney is going to add sexuallity into Kingdom Hearts.
Err, being straight is expressing who you like to be in bed with, too. There are straight relationships in Disney movies, no? They'd have to forbid SoraKairi too.

Plus, there are people out there who despise those gay folk, and Disney woud face alot of lawsuits for "corrupting" kids minds, which I think it a bunch of BS. But it happens. So, I don't hate on gays, but for Disney's best intrest. I would highly recomend them for not putting gays on the game.
Although I think it's sad that Disney has to. Homosexuality isn't a bad thing really.

But a few years ago one would've thought putting a black character into a show or a movie was a bad thing. I really hope that things will change and Disney doesn't have to fear to have someone homosexual in their movies someday. Not that I necessarily want them to do that, but it makes me sad that they'd get bashed for it.

It's usually pretty hiden, like one kid saw the word "SEX" spelled out in tree leaves in one movie.
There actually was a gay couple (I think, you couldn't really tell what gender that one person was) that made a breif singing appreance in A Goofy Movie.
Yes, I think that there are some hints in their movies. Not neccesarily of gay origin. But spontaneously I remember quite a few movies where the family is shattered in some way (only one parent is left, for examle). Even Mickey and Minnie didn't have any children, did they (were they even married?)? Sure, there were the nephews, but it still seemed odd. At least to me. Still everybody thinks Disney is just the happy stuff.

Also, does anybody know on which side a guy has to wear an earring so that one knows if he's gay? I heard a few times that it was a common thing a while ago. I'm just not sure on which side you have to wear it. When I did a research, I didn't find anything. Some people said that you have to wear it on the right and that's what I used to think too, but someone else stated that it changes from country to country.

I've heard Cloud is bi...o_O, whatever.
He IS!! You're able to date Barret. Enough said.

'Sides, When Riku held out the papou...none of us know what he's really thinking. He could've meant it both ways. None of us are gonna figure it out unless he pops in front of us.
I'm gonna hate myself for pointing that out, but in the official German manga translation Riku is actually is talking about Sora and someone else, it's not said who, but he's definitely not talking about himself. But oh well, it's just the German translation.

When was last time there was an openly gay video game character? I mean, actually OPENLY gay, that even the producers admit it. Uh, yeah, never.
Wrong! XP Cloud is bi, so is Barret. And in VIII there's a crossdresser as far as I know.

this was a very annoying trend in the fan art. Have you even played the game? they're both in love with Kairi, but it was easy to miss because it was only one of the games main themes and after all........
It's a matter of opinion. I really don't think Riku was in love with Kairi. Sora might've been, yes, but Riku's interest in Kairi was cosmetic.

What the f*** is this? Riku being gay? The heck!!!
Calling Riku gay is like calling Sephiroth and Kuja gay, too.

BWAHA! This is the most pathetic argument I've EVER heard! XD Sephiroth is far from straight. Very far. O__o I don't think he likes anything be it boy or girl. Go ask A SephirothCloud fangirl. They surely can explain that better than me. And Kuja is a narcissist, he's in love with himself.

Kira Haro

May 16, 2004
7 pages of thread compressed into one say: Riku is not gay. End statement.

[Closed, thank you -Larxene- for making a report-a-thread topic]
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