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Is KH affiliated with the Bible!!!

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New member
Dec 5, 2004
Ok.. my eye twitched when I saw the title.. seriously.
The battle between Light and Dark is pretty much the center of every story, including the bible. It all leads down to the big battle that supposedly happens at the end of the world...

I just noticed something.. tomorrow is Friday the 13th...


This is sad listen:
we but KH2
we play it
We say stuff like good game or finally
We critise KH1 and KH CoM
When then reliase all the stuff in the threads we said was far of
Last but not least KH3 is being thought of

Final conclusion i cant see any relgious activity with in these steps


A boy named Crow
May 4, 2005
A world that never was
Ahh, a religous debate... I just knew one would pop up somewhere around here if I kept an eye open. Granted, Kingdom Hearts 2 was not the area I expected to find it...

However, now that I'm here, I find myself strangely compelled to follow the path of every forum-dweller who comes upon a hard and complex topic such as this that requires careful thought and tactfulness... that being I am going to brazenly shout out my opinions, put down the opinions of others, and then get flamed by the next poster in turn! But seriously, I do have a few quick notes I'd like to interject into the stream of conflicting ideas here.

First off, having to do with Lord Muse's views on the Bible. I have no intention of stating my own personal religous beliefs, but I do know a bit on the subject, having studied various religions to a small extent. All I am going to say on the subject is that I don't believe that Lord Muse was directly attacking the Bible, at least not intentionally, which is an important note to clear up so that we can look at some of the other statements Muse wrote. Whether or not you believe the Bible to be the original literary work on the struggles of good vs evil, an important note that Muse (I hope you don't mind my shortening your name here) and others brought up is that other texts do talk of this as well, including almost any ancient text you find from nearly any religion (I know of a few that don't address the subject). So, if we are going strictly on the relationship between the Bible and KH being the Light vs Dark, it could possibly be in relation to the Bible, but it could just as easily be from a different text.

And lastly, on to the subject itself, which is if KH is in fact connected to the Bible. This is, in essence, an impossible question to have a definite answer on. The reason for that is this: any connections we see in the world, whether in our own lives or other areas (in this case games) are invariably affected by perception. So, if you happen to be fairly religious or at least knowledgable of the Bible, it is perfectly possible to see connections between the two. However, it is just as easy to see connections from KH to the Koran (another religous text, sorry if I misspelled it), Lord of the Rings, Romeo and Juliet, Star Wars, Scooby-Doo, or even your own personal life. We are the ones who make theses connections that we see, and our perceptions are what create for each of us our own individual "reality" if you will. I know I've babbled on for way too long here, but basically what I'm trying to say is this: These connections that we see are no less "real" for the fact that we are the ones who create them, however, what is "real" for one person may be complete hogwash for another. It all just depends on how you look at it. And I'll shut up now.
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Hidden said:
Ahh, a religous debate... I just knew one would pop up somewhere around here if I kept an eye open. Granted, Kingdom Hearts 2 was not the area I expected to find it...

However, now that I'm here, I find myself strangely compelled to follow the path of every forum-dweller who comes upon a hard and complex topic such as this that requires careful thought and tactfulness... that being I am going to brazenly shout out my opinions, put down the opinions of others, and then get flamed by the next poster in turn! But seriously, I do have a few quick notes I'd like to interject into the stream of conflicting ideas here.

First off, having to do with Lord Muse's views on the Bible. I have no intention of stating my own personal religous beliefs, but I do know a bit on the subject, having studied various religions to a small extent. All I am going to say on the subject is that I don't believe that Lord Muse was directly attacking the Bible, at least not intentionally, which is an important note to clear up so that we can look at some of the other statements Muse wrote. Whether or not you believe the Bible to be the original literary work on the struggles of good vs evil, an important note that Muse (I hope you don't mind my shortening your name here) and others brought up is that other texts do talk of this as well, including almost any ancient text you find from nearly any religion (I know of a few that don't address the subject). So, if we are going strictly on the relationship between the Bible and KH being the Light vs Dark, it could possibly be in relation to the Bible, but it could just as easily be from a different text.

And lastly, on to the subject itself, which is if KH is in fact connected to the Bible. This is, in essence, an impossible question to have a definate answer on. The reason for that is this: any connections we see in the world, whether in our own lives or other areas (in this case games) are invariably affected by perception. So, if you happen to be fairly religious or at least knowledgable of the Bible, it is perfectly possible to see connections between the two. However, it is just as easy to see connections from KH to the Koran (another religous text, sorry if I misspelled it), Lord of the Rings, Romeo and Juliet, Star Wars, Scooby-Doo, or even your own personal life. We are the ones who make theses connections that we see, and our perceptions are what create for each of us our own individual "reality" if you will. I know I've babbled on for way too long here, but basically what I'm trying to say is this: These connections that we see are no less "real" for the fact that we are the ones who create them, however, what is "real" for one person may be complete hogwash for another. It all just depends on how you look at it. And I'll shut up now.

WOW :eek: Im speechless you came prepared


Dec 9, 2004
the end
Hidden said:
Ahh, a religous debate... I just knew one would pop up somewhere around here if I kept an eye open. Granted, Kingdom Hearts 2 was not the area I expected to find it...

However, now that I'm here, I find myself strangely compelled to follow the path of every forum-dweller who comes upon a hard and complex topic such as this that requires careful thought and tactfulness... that being I am going to brazenly shout out my opinions, put down the opinions of others, and then get flamed by the next poster in turn! But seriously, I do have a few quick notes I'd like to interject into the stream of conflicting ideas here.

First off, having to do with Lord Muse's views on the Bible. I have no intention of stating my own personal religous beliefs, but I do know a bit on the subject, having studied various religions to a small extent. All I am going to say on the subject is that I don't believe that Lord Muse was directly attacking the Bible, at least not intentionally, which is an important note to clear up so that we can look at some of the other statements Muse wrote. Whether or not you believe the Bible to be the original literary work on the struggles of good vs evil, an important note that Muse (I hope you don't mind my shortening your name here) and others brought up is that other texts do talk of this as well, including almost any ancient text you find from nearly any religion (I know of a few that don't address the subject). So, if we are going strictly on the relationship between the Bible and KH being the Light vs Dark, it could possibly be in relation to the Bible, but it could just as easily be from a different text.

And lastly, on to the subject itself, which is if KH is in fact connected to the Bible. This is, in essence, an impossible question to have a definate answer on. The reason for that is this: any connections we see in the world, whether in our own lives or other areas (in this case games) are invariably affected by perception. So, if you happen to be fairly religious or at least knowledgable of the Bible, it is perfectly possible to see connections between the two. However, it is just as easy to see connections from KH to the Koran (another religous text, sorry if I misspelled it), Lord of the Rings, Romeo and Juliet, Star Wars, Scooby-Doo, or even your own personal life. We are the ones who make theses connections that we see, and our perceptions are what create for each of us our own individual "reality" if you will. I know I've babbled on for way too long here, but basically what I'm trying to say is this: These connections that we see are no less "real" for the fact that we are the ones who create them, however, what is "real" for one person may be complete hogwash for another. It all just depends on how you look at it. And I'll shut up now.

1. Wow, that is a pretty good rant for your 52nd post. ;) I wish I could be as coherent.
2. O.O; Someone actually gets what I was trying to say! Oh, the sanity!
3. Muse... >_> :p


A boy named Crow
May 4, 2005
A world that never was
Well, I'm glad that my rant was helpful (actually, nobody really said that it was helpful at all, but I'm just going to assume it was for some reason). While I'd like to say that the reason I wrote that much is that I have a very deep and informed opinion on the subject, the truth is that I'm just long-winded and like to babble. Still, I would like to make one more statement (I was in a big hurry when I wrote that last post so I just had to come up with something quick and post it). I'd just like to reiterate for the record that I didn't mean any offense to anyone who did see a connection between Kingdom Hearts and the Bible (looking back later, I realized that saying Scooby-Doo could just as well be connected to KH might have been pushing it a bit, but I was trying to make a point). So I do hope I didn't steal the wind out from under this thread (my longer posts have been known to have that effect), as this is a very interesting topic. I would like to propose a possibility to anyone who is still very interested in this topic. I've seen both this and a thread titled "KH2 and LOTR" stating comparisons between the two (though they were mostly comparisons of the images, not themes). Still, it would be interesting if all comparisons were put together into one thread, discussing some of the different connections Kingdom Hearts might have to the outside world- anything from the Bible to, what the heck, Scooby-Doo! Then again, it is perfectly possible that I'm the only one who's even remotely interested in this idea. Either way, I've said my last piece, thanks for listening, and this thread may now return to its previously scheduled insults and flaming.

And to Lord Mune- sorry about the name.


A boy named Crow
May 4, 2005
A world that never was
quote from Spirit:wow this is the stupidist excuse for a thread of corse it NOT stupid question *kicks stupid thread* stupid.....

I must apologize in advance to Spirit, because I rarely say stuff like this, but-
What the heck did you just (attempt to) say?


New member
Sep 21, 2004
THe end of the world
Hidden said:
quote from Spirit:wow this is the stupidist excuse for a thread of corse it NOT stupid question *kicks stupid thread* stupid.....

I must apologize in advance to Spirit, because I rarely say stuff like this, but-
What the heck did you just (attempt to) say?
hmmm lets c..... this is the worst and stupidist thread ever that about sums it up ^_^


A boy named Crow
May 4, 2005
A world that never was
Thank you for that clarification, perhaps it is I who should rephrase: What's so stupid about it? If you have an opinion (outside of "it's stupid"), spit it out. If not, well, I've never understood going to the trouble of putting a post on a thread that basically says "this thread is too dumb to post on". Perhaps it's an acquired taste, but I'm afraid the concept is completely beyond me.
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New member
Aug 30, 2004
Wow, a nice and well thought out post, Hidden. I personally don't think the designers meant to put any connection with the Bible. Every show I watch is between the conflict of good and evil, and pretty much every book. Now the entire balance thing gets on my nerves, if there must be conflict for things to exist, then go out punch an old lady and you got yourself a conflict and you've just saved the world from non-existance. I can't see any reason why that which is good cannot rain supreme, technically, in Revalation evil will still exist but just in the pit of Hell, and if I remember rightly it reads that Satan will rise up 1000 years later to try and overtake the Kingdom of Heaven.


A boy named Crow
May 4, 2005
A world that never was
Well, Keybladehitokiri brought up another dimension to this entire topic, that being "what did the creators intend?" This might truly have been what the person who posted the thread (I've drawn a blank on the name suddenly) was asking in the first place, in which case my rather long and confusing post earlier was entirely pointless. So it goes.

Regardless, as to the idea of what the creators did or did not intend to put in the game. The only way to really get a real answer from that is to quite obviously ask the creators themselves.
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New member
May 11, 2005
i would have to say yes with the first kingdom hearts, clearly stating that it is a fight between good and evil, Lucifer in the bible was good at first then he turned evil, as did ansem, and then ansem started world domination, also it shows that light conquers over the darkness anytime, but with the new kingdom hearts it is showing that Light and dark can combine, which would not be bible affiliated cause one would have to overtake the other.


New member
Aug 30, 2004
I guess you could see a correlation between Ansem and Lucifer, but who knows. There have been quite a few storys out there where good guy becomes corrupted, the heartless must of seemed like an infinite power at Ansem's fingertips. Thus absolute power corrupts absolutely.

anime wardrone

New member
May 12, 2005
i see what hes saying and i noticed this and im christian like the heartless could be sorta the demons and those who fight them could be like the angels possibly or possibly just hopeful thinking


New member
Aug 30, 2004
Lol, we're making connections in the dark. The game designers wanting to get their paycheck so they decided to make an amazing rpg with a literal light vs darkness. Light vs. Darkness is in most storys, most games, and most tv shows. If you've played Metroid Prime, its Samus vs. the Space Pirates. Samus being the ligt, and Space Pirates being the darkness. Or go and pick up the remote turn it to toonami on saturdays and you got the same conflict. There is no God in Kingdom Hearts, just one boy and his friends fighting to stop the evil that wants to destroy all worlds. The only connection you can see with the Bible, is Good vs. Evil, Light vs. Darkness.
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