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I need some serious freakin help!!!!

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New member
Feb 15, 2005
In Tila Nguyen's shower >_>
Ok, I was gone from my home town for a WEEK. WITHOUT A COMPUTER. T_T I have no idea what is going on. All I know is that the Jump Festa Trailer surfaced. Finally. I need info, BADLY. Give me a whole run-down of what's been going on, and a DETAILED discription of the Jump Festa Trailor would be nice too. But, my main questions are,

1) Why the f*** are the forums white?!?! It's blinding!!!
2) What does Sora Dual Wield in his new fusion form with Donald? What attacks does he have in that form? WTF IS IT CALLED?!?!?
3) Has anyone translated the trailer?
4) Why did they decide to actually make Kairi hot for KH2?!
5) If no one has translated the new trailer, has anyone at least translated the scene between BHK and Namine' in Castle Oblivion?
6) Why did I see a screen of Sora THROWING a Heartless?!?!

I am so confused. PLZ HELP!!!! *Is blinded by funky new white forums. Becomes the second BFU. Runs into table*


Gee Tee Ecks
Apr 21, 2005
W/ Headphones On.
1. They changed it. Its kinda cool.
2. He doesn't duel wield, he has a spinning keyblade. We don't know more. The costumes blue.
3. No no one yet.
4. She was always hot.
5. No japenese words in that scene. No one knows.
6. Didn't see that.

BTW the new gummi ship has the dusk symbol on it. Just interesting. Also a remix of video # 3 is up in the graphics. Check it out.


Tre'Coolfreak13 said:
Yes. Throwing a Heartless. It was a fuzzy screen I saw while I was able to obtain a computer in Wisconsin. But that's all I got to see. He was grabbing a Large Body, and throwing it into other Heartless. Strange...

That could possibly be an ability.... I missed that I only saw the fusion of sora and donald and the dual weilding

Dual Wielder

New member
Jan 15, 2004
Gunblader Lionheart said:
That could possibly be an ability.... I missed that I only saw the fusion of sora and donald and the dual weilding

you sure he wasnt just attacking the heartless and it landed on another heartless?

oh and how can you translate the trailer if there are no voices?

and i agree, white forums are blinding...

Non-Existant One

New member
Mar 29, 2005
I live only where I'm needed.
Tre'Coolfreak13 said:
Ok, I was gone from my home town for a WEEK. WITHOUT A COMPUTER. T_T I have no idea what is going on. All I know is that the Jump Festa Trailer surfaced. Finally. I need info, BADLY. Give me a whole run-down of what's been going on, and a DETAILED discription of the Jump Festa Trailor would be nice too. But, my main questions are,

1) Why the f*** are the forums white?!?! It's blinding!!!
2) What does Sora Dual Wield in his new fusion form with Donald? What attacks does he have in that form? WTF IS IT CALLED?!?!?
3) Has anyone translated the trailer?
4) Why did they decide to actually make Kairi hot for KH2?!
5) If no one has translated the new trailer, has anyone at least translated the scene between BHK and Namine' in Castle Oblivion?
6) Why did I see a screen of Sora THROWING a Heartless?!?!

I am so confused. PLZ HELP!!!! *Is blinded by funky new white forums. Becomes the second BFU. Runs into table*

Allow me to clear your confusion, this is what I know and what I know is fact.

1) There white because they changed it. And yes it sucks. So if you don't like it change the skin of the forums in the user control panel. That way when you log on it will change back to the skin that you specified. It's at the very bottom on the left side of the forums.
2) Sora doesn't dule wield anything in this form. He gets one keyblade. Attacks in this form are unknow. He's seen breifly turling the keyblade behind his back. This form currently has no official name yet.
3) Theres nothing to translate except the very ending text which is the only text to translate. It says "Distant hearts when rejoined as one... May find the light within."
4) Kairi's always been hot for a video game character. they just decided to give her a new look and make her look even hotter.
5) First off we don't know 100% if that is Castle Oblivion or not. For the time being because of the setting people assume that it is. Chances are it is CO. And there is nothing to translate in this scene. There is no text and you can't hear them speak so theres no telling what their saying.
6) you saw this because this is what sqaure wanted to show in the JF trailer.
It is a new triangle attack ability were Sora can grab certain enemies mainly the ones you saw and he can slam them into the ground. The only reason some of the surrounding enemies got destroyed was because of the shock wave released when the creature hit the ground. you can tell it's a triangle attack because the T-attack icon on the command menu is flashing. For those of you who didn't know what he ment by throwing a heartless this was the scene in JF in Disney Castle were Sora was fighting. Here is the pic.
That is all. I hope you have been enlightened.


Sephiroth_spawn said:
they made kairi hot because they new they f***ed up with her in the 1st kh and made her ugly:D

Yeah they made her to young... But they i guess they all looked young in the face except cloud and leon...

Non-Existant One

New member
Mar 29, 2005
I live only where I'm needed.
Gunblader Lionheart said:
Yeah they made her to young... But they i guess they all looked young in the face except cloud and leon...

Kairi is young she's was 14 in KH She looks like a 14 year old girl should look. Now she should be 15 in KH2. Alot can happen to a girl in under a year. many physical features can change. The same is true for boys. Look how much Sora has changed.
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