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Hara Ga Kuroi Akuma

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New member
Jan 6, 2005
Basking in Eternal Darkness
Hara Ga Kuroi Akuma
translation: Black Demon

In a society named Arunathia where demons live along side humans in perfect harmony in cities, there are also villages in which some of these demons are sealed within humans themselves. The act is tradition throughout the entire world and was said to have started thousands of years ago when the first human to demon contact was said to have first occurred. The tradition is quite common, though an incident occurred no more than at least one hundred years prior to the present day and time.

Within a secluded, almost forgotten, village, there was held the ceremony in which children first receive the demon that would be a part of them until the day in which they both die. Eggs are presented before the children and they approach each one to see whether or not it will hatch for them. When an egg does hatch, the child takes the demon away from the other group and joins another side group for children who have also obtained they're demon.Each child that has a demon sealed within it gains some traits and abilities of the demon that inhabits them. The more power a person draws from a demon, the more they begin to resemble the demon they contain. After each child has received his or her new hatched demon, a second ceremony commences named "The Sealing". A group of elders in the village then perform a chant before the children and they're demon recedes into the body of its chosen human. Almost all of these demons are good natured and very rarely are they malevolent. Though this is what happened on the incident. A demon had chosen a very odd and peculiar child, one who seemed dark and cold, and was sealed within him. Normally, the consciousness of both beings residing in the body have equal influence and one is not supposed to dominate the other. This demon however, did.
Each child that has a demon sealed within it gains some traits and abilities of the demon that inhabits them. The more power a person draws from a demon, the more they begin to resemble the demon they contain.

The boy had become possessed by the demon and his body changed to more resemble the demon. A rampage commenced directly afterwards. The village had been destroyed and all of its inhabitants killed. The boy now moved onto other villages and did the same.There were few villages left intact after only one day after the demon's awakening. The demon then proceeded on to attack the major cities around the area. During all of this death and destruction, the demon evolved and grew more powerful and completely devoured the young boy's mind leaving only the demon in its place. The chaos spread past the area of the demon's birth and traveled to different nations, wreaking to same havoc and death as what he did with all the other areas. The world's destruction continued for exactly one year and then suddenly ceased after the demon's abrupt disappearance. The result of the attack left only half of the world's original and human and demon populations. The name of this ungodly powerful demon was simply, Yami.

Years went on and the world recovered slowly. New cities now stand over the ruins of the ones previously destroyed by Yami. Villages also began to sprout up and the ceremonies began again. No new precautions have been taken however, to prevent a second incident. Since there haven't been any problems, people have dismissed the fact that Yami still lives. He was never killed, he only disappeared. There are now reports of frequent earthquakes in the vicinity around where Yami was last witnessed attacking before his disappearance. People choose to ignore these reports for they believe it is only the media trying to scare them. Little do they know, Yami's second coming is drawing near and he had a legion of other demons who are also now becoming active.

Alright I'm done typing the story. Now to present....The Rules!!!!

-You must be mostly Literate! I'm not going to stress this that much, but I would appreciate it if you were literate.
-No godmodding! I don't want everyone running around destroying cities or other demons or humans with no limitations. Or controlling other peoples characters to make them jump off a ledge or something.
-No PKing! Please...don't kill of another person character without that person's permission.
-No overly foul Language! Cursing someone out is not okay! Neither is swearing every time your character speaks.
-Romance is allowed and encouraged! But keep it PG13! I don't want to see any scenes that would make someone's grandma cry.
-If you have read these said rules post "YamiRyuu Akuma" in your character template.

The Template! You should all knows these are expected and required, but sometimes dreaded.

This is for a Human Character

Name: (First and Last)
Appearance: (at least 1 or 1.5 paragraphs if typed)
Appearance2: (How your character looks when they start utilizing the power of their demon)
Personality: (1-2 paragraphs)
Bio: (I would appreciate if it was about 2-3 paragraphs. 2 is good though)

Demon's Name:
Appearance:(should be similar to your Appearance2)
Elemental Energy: (Fire,wood, shadow, water, wind, light, earth, etc...you get it right? Should tie into your human's abilities and powers)

This is for a Demon character

Elemental Energy:

And thats it!!!
Note: Remember to specify if your character is human or demon!


New member
Feb 10, 2007
With Kyo and Miyavi...eating Ramen...and picking o
"Yami Ryuu Akuma"

Yuki Manasan




*Once Yuki taps into the power of the Phoenix, her eyes turn from a hazel color to a bright yellow with black slits as pupils.

*She develops a bright red aura around her, which also is a visual aid to her being posessed by her demon, Seika.

* Yuki is pretty much like a normal girl. Sometimes, she can be loud and funny and other times she can be quiet and reserved. However, many times, she is the optimistic type who tends to love to think of the positive and not the negative. Her optimism is said to light up any dark caves, which makes her a great person to befriend. Her loyalty is unprecedented and she loves to do anything and help her friends out if they need her help.

*Personality changes when Seika takes over. (See Below)

*Yuki was born many years after Yami went on his deadly rampage. Her life was filled with happiness as herparents treated her like a princess almost all her life. When it came time for her to receive her demon, she was rather nervous about receiving a demon that could change her completely. When she received the egg, the egg, at first, just remained still. However, the egg cracked and put popped a small chick, with bright red feathers, staring at her with small yellow eyes. The bird merely stared at her, before flying up and perching on her shoulder, picking at her ear as she merely laughed.

After the sealing, Yuki was filled with the demon inside of her. The demon, Seika, tends to sometimes be at a crossroads with Yuki, since they differ greatly in personality. While he loves to rush into things, Yuki likes to remain back and think of a strategic way to approach the fight. However, Seika knows that he needs Yuki and she knws that he needs him. Its pretty much a love-hate relationship between them, leading into comedic situations.

*Fire Control
*Wings when Seika takes over

Demon's Name:


Bright Yellow eyes, around the size of an eagle. His feathers are bright red and his talons are black.

Very different from Yuki in many ways. Is loud and arrogant and very overconfident in his abilities. He hates to lose and will stop at nothing to win in anything that he tries to do. Nothing much can be said about him since he is the total opposite of what Yuki is.

Elemental Energy:
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Gold Member
Dec 28, 2006
YamiRyuu Akuma

Name: Omidok Voryx

Age: Looks to be 25, but, is really 3500

Gender: Male

Appearance: Omidok has long, black hair. His skin is relatively tan. Blue eyes. Holds a dagger and a sword , both with engravements of a flame. Muscular. About 6'0.

Appearance2: Black with red streaks across his body. His hair is almost completely enflamed. Spikes grow out of his body, and black wings of a bat grow towards the sides of his body.
Personality: Odimok is rather ambitious at times. His temper is short-flared, and he can get grumpy easily.

Bio: 3465 years ago, he was known as the master of earth and fire. Challengers almost faded at the sight of Kodimo. But, one fateful day, he was devoured by a demonic being and summoned to the Underworld.

Once he was in the Underworld, he felt a sudden darkness level from the inside of his power. His body had suddenly went through 'changes' so to speak. His body turned completely black and red, and spikes and wings came out from inside.

Now, many years later, he once again romes the earth, seeking to once again become a fighter to be feared of.

Abilities/Powers: Fire and Earth

Demon's Name: Kodimo

Gender: Male

Appearance: Black with red streaks across his body. His hair is almost completely enflamed. Spikes grow out of his body, and black wings of a bat grow towards the sides of his body.

Personality: Same as human form

Elemental Energy: Kodimo produces a powerful mixture of fire, earth and da


New member
Jan 6, 2005
Basking in Eternal Darkness
Hey uhh captain, some of the things were okay but a few things are somewhat off. I'll make my own template now to demonstrate what I was looking for.

Name: Desrin Higaki
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Appearance: Desrin is of medium build and about 5'11. His muscle defined, but not overly large in size. His face is slender and his skin slightly paled. His eyes are very slim, as they resemble that of a reptiles. They're color is a deep sapphire blue with specks of gold littered throughout the iris. The hair atop his head falls loosely in long, black strands that come a little ways past the base of his neck.
He downs a garb consisting of a crimson red Chinese style vest with intricate designs that are similar to that of a dragon winding around the entire vest. His pants, not following his vest, are baggey, black, cargo jeans with a thin chain extending from the primary left pocket around to the back of the pants to the other pocket. The shoes he wears are also modernized as they are red tennis shoes with a blacked spiked pattern going across the bottom part of the shoe and up the heel.

Appearance2: The first change that can be noticed about Desrin is his hair.It turns from being loose and flowing into spiky and collected. His hair is pulled upwards at an angle and becomes very spiky. His eyes go from being their usual blue color to a crimson red slightly dark than his shirt. His ears also elongate and become elfin like. Two bright red triangular markings also emerge on either side of his cheeks and he grows prominent fangs that slightly protrude out from under his upper lip.
His natural body composition doesn't change much, though his muscle mass does increase slightly. On his arms forearms also form markings similar to those on his cheeks, only more elongated to cover the length of the arm. The nails on his fingers also grow in length and sharpness.
Another peculiar change is the growth of a reptilian like tail that is slightly thinner than the width of Desrin's body and black scaled wings the extend downward towards the backs of his knees. The wing span of these said wings are about two or three feet longer than Derin's height. These black scales also cover a majority of his back and small areas on the sides and back of his neck, arms, and legs and cheeks.

Personality: Desrin could be said as being outgoing, but can also be very shy sometimes. Mostly kept to himself in large groups of people, Desrin only shows his true colors when his is alone or with very few people. He can be cruel and insensitive at other times, but it's just how he is.He would like to change his ways but is finding it to be a little difficult. Though his one redeeming trait would be his need to protect all of those who he thinks needs to be saved or helped even though he has a cold exterior.

Bio: Since Desrin has always had a strong sense of justice, hes felt the need to fight for what is right in a sense. Directly after he obtained Ryuuda, his demon, he immediately began feverishly training to hone his new skills and abilites. Though not to long afterwards was his village attacked by a mysterious group of rouge demons. The attack left his village in ruins and his family lie dead in what used to be their home. Ever since then, his personality slowly changed into what it is now.
Today, Desrin lives in a bustling city alone where he is now contemplating getting revenge on the destroyers of his village. His leads point to a group calling themselves "The Followers of the Black Demon." Strangely, it seems that they have only been recently wreaking havoc after the tremors at the site of Yami's disappearance.

Abilities/Powers: Heightened Speed, Heightened Senses, Increased Strength, Flight. Desrin also has the ability to create a black fire inferno and manipulate the fire with his will.

Demon's Name: Ryuuga
Gender: Male
Appearance: Ryuuga is a dragon demon about the size of Desrin, his container. His head is long, and very reptilian like with two grand horns coming out of the top of his head. Between these two horns is a mass spiky red hair that runs down his back between and over his two large wings.His eyes are the same blood red color of Desrin's when he draws on his energy and on each eye is a bright red marking that extends a little over the eye, downwards to the sides of his jaw. Every inch of his body is also covered with onyx, black scales. His tail is also longer than that of is human counter part as well as his markings which are more prominent. Ryuuga's hands consist of three thick scaly fingers that have powerful, sharp talons at their tips. This legs are very muscular at the thighs and also at the calves. His feet are also similar to his hands, which is them having very large and sharp talons. A hard, smooth armor plating covers the length of the front of Ryuuga's torso.
Personality: Ryuuga is pretty much a more confident, self-centered, and obnoxious version of Desrin. Not too mention cocky. He's always talking Desrin down when he fails at something and believes he should have a say in who controls the body. When hes not talking about Desrin, he's quietly contemplating ways to irritate him.

Elemental Energy:Fire, Shadow, and Utter Darkness

Ugh, that took a while to make. Well its done.


New member
May 3, 2006
"YamiRyuu Akuma"

This is for a Human Character

Name: Enjolras Arc
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: Enjolras
Appearance2:Demon Form
Personality: Although he looks sinister, he is actually a very kind person. He also loves music, and plays piano and the bass clarinet. Although his birth name is Enjorlas, he prefers being called Enj.
Bio: As a child, he was always being mistreated. His dad was a drunk and his mother a crack-cocaine addict. His only escape was a tiny music shop located down the street from him. The man who ran the shop saw him one day and asked if he would like to try an instrument. Enj agreed and picked out a piano. He sat down and, not too sure what was happening, began to play. Although he had never played before, the music and sounds just came to him. The owner, knowing what his home life was like, offered him free lessons. Eventually, Enj was a master of not only piano, but of the bass clarinet. His parents, wondering why he was leaving the house so frequently, followed him secretly to one of his lessons. They had been drinking and getting high. Once there, they heard how beautiful his music was and grew extremely angry and jealous. They barged in, threw Enj back from his piano, and killed the owner. They then proceeded to burn down the building. Enj, fearful, ran into the supply room to find and alternative exit. Here, he found a bass clarinet of magnificent beauty. He grabbed it, and started to play, to calm his nerves. Mars arose while he was playing and entered him. He carries the bass clarinet with him wherever he goes.
Abilities/Powers: Shadow, lightning, water, music. Physics don't apply to him when Mars takes over.

Demon's Name: Mars
Gender: Male
Personality:A deep, brooding demon who is quite stoic. The only person he has ever shown commpassion for was Enj, because of his affinity for music. Mars gave Enj his powers when he entered inside of him. He holds anyone who doesn't appreciate music in the utmost contempt.
Elemental Energy: Shadow, Lightning, water, music
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Apr 21, 2005
"YamiRyuu Akuma"

Name: Vast Zetsumi (Vas-ti Zet-su-me)
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Appearance: Vast, as a young man, has reached his full height of 185 CM, and is somewhat tall, thin, and lanky. His eyes are a deep, electric blue, and his hair a blueish-black. He wears a black T-shirt, short sleeved, and a pair of black cloth armbands. Gray cargo-pants adorn his lower body, and a pair of steel-tipped military boots.

Appearance2: Vast's demon transformation takes over in explicit stages, due to the conflict between himself and his own demon. The first indication that the demon is taking over comes from his eyes turning red, rather then their natural blue. As he continues to degrade from his human form, his skin turns white, his fingernails lengthen, and his arms attain a second elbow, adding to their length and allowing a second point of flexibility. As the changes continue, his body lengthens, and he distorts to be less and less human. His clothes are torn off as armour emerges beneath them, a stripped-down version of armour worn by samurai. He is androgenerous in this form.

Personality: Vast himself is a young man who prides himself on being in control. He refuses to use the power of his demon to even the most basic degree, a stubborness deriving from a need to be 'better' then his peers. By not using his demon, he claims independance, and that he dosn't need it to survive.
As he uses his demon's power, and slowly changes, he becomes more and more violent, boardering on psychotic, and loses all rationality.
Bio: Vast, as a young man, was behind everyone else. Their demons, and ability to use their power, developed much faster then his own, and as such, he grew frustrated. Eventually, he began trying to train by sepaking to his demon, urging it to manifest itself through him, and give him power. Oddly enough...it did.

The resulting devestation levelled two cities completly, and, as the transformation subsided, Vast realized, that if he ever used the powers of his demon again, not only would he be identified, but he could easily lose control again. Justifying his desciscion not to use them as one of personal pride, he soon fell from favour with his peers.

Abilities/Powers: Vast specializes in illusions and deception, fooling the minds of opponents. He also seems, to a lesser extent, able to defy the rules of physics, walking on walls, water, levitation, ect.

Demon's Name: Sanguine
Gender: Female
Appearance: Sanguine is a tall, multi-jointed female, with long flowing silver hair, white skin, and crimson eyes and lips. She is quite attractive, for a woman with two elbows on each arm, and wears the shoulderpads and hipguards of a samurai, in a startling silver.

Personality: In sharp contrast to her beauty, Sanguine, driven insane by her inprisonment in, first a weak host, then one that refused to use her, is psychotic and extermely violent. She's also a very deceptive creature, manipulating others to her will.

Elemental Energy: Emotion, Blood, Illusion


New member
Feb 10, 2007
With Kyo and Miyavi...eating Ramen...and picking o
Amidst a smoke-filled plain, hidden from sight where the sun hardly breaks through the sky and the azure beauty of the heavens above was a welcomed miracle, the distant and hidden village known as Maramota was nestled between a long-extinct volcano and a desert plain riddled with dead tree's and caves housing rebels. The village was far from the hustling and bustling of the major cities and it kept the traditional elements of the demon fusions into humans. Although they were also up to date with the modern technology, the traditional style of the housing kept it plain and peaceful. Here, is where the Yuki was raised and born, in the midst of the the shrine of the gods worshiped by the village, considered pagan by modern society.

Today was another day of the same old-same old: Yuki awoken early in the morning and doing her chores. After, she was to eat, attend her half an hour prayer to her deity and then she was to do what she wanted. Now, she was seated right below one of the few trees in her village that had any life whatsoever, sporting a few green leaves here and there. Checking her fingernails, she hummed a few tunes under her breath as the wind blew her red hair slightly, carrying the sounds of the chimes that hung on the edge of the rooftops in the village. As soon as the sounds died down, she heard the faint whisper of her name in the wind...as if it was intruding on her thoughts.


"You dont have to pretend that Im deaf...I hear you just fine Seika." she said, hearing a cackle that sended a shudder down her spine. Just then, appearing like a hallucination out of the smoke, a red-haired youth with yellow eyes and a handsome face looked into the eyes of Yuki, clad in a leather straight jacket and sporting leather clothes. He smiled at Yuki and spoke in a deep, but calm voice.

"Sometimes, I forget just how perceptive you humans are." he said in a mocking tone.

"What is it you want Seika? You know that you appearing like this is forbiden." Yuki told him, causing Seika to howl in laughter as he hated to follow any rules that were set for him.

"Yea yea...but no one is around, so who cares?" he said.

"I do. So shut up and go back inside." Yuki said menacingly,standing up and looking straight into his yellow eyes. Seika merely grinned and dissappeared right away in the haze, as Yuki looked around and plopped back on the ground, tired and feeling Seika poking at her from insider.
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New member
Jan 6, 2005
Basking in Eternal Darkness
Within a vast forest lay the remnants of a village all but forgotten by a few people. About the ground were large chunks of wood and pieces of brick, all were either charcoaled or on the verge of breaking down completely. Desrin, whom once lived in the village, walked through its ruins. He slowly walked to a spot where his house had once been. The only thing left of it was a pile of rubble. Desrin often came back to this place to see if he could find anything of importance that wasn't destroyed at the time of the villages destruction. He crouched down and rummaged through the mass that was his former home and found a lone picture. It was his family portrait. In the center was his mother and father, in front of them were his three sisters , and to the right of his father was himself. All of them looked so happy, but they were all gone now. Only he remained.

Desrin sighed deeply. "Who would have thought something like this could have happened to a village such as this...."

"I could have thought it. Though I can think about a lot of things."
Ryuuga replied curtly.

"No one asked you Ryuuga. Your comment was completely uncalled for."

"I thought you did ask me! Otherwise why would you say something just off into the air knowing that I'm always here?"

"Shut it. I don't want to hear anything from you right now. I peace ad quiet. You know sometimes, I wish I could close off my mind to you...." Desrin replied calmly.

"Well even if you could do that, I could always do this..." A reddish wave like cloud appeared before Desrin after Ryuuga uttered his last words. It slowly condensed into a physical form of Ryuuga, who appeared to be grinning very widely, almost maniacally. His long red hair fell lifelessly down his back and his horns glistened in the dim sunlight. He looked at Desrin, then turned his head away in an act to symbolize disgust.

"God you're annoying, why'd you choose me out of all of those other kids?"

"Hmmm...maybe because you seemed the easiest to annoy? Or maybe because I sensed you have a specific purpose that only you and I can fulfill?"This last sentence sounded more serious than his previous ones.

"What was that?" Desrin asked questioningly.

"Oh it was nothing. Nothing of any importance whatsoever."Ryuuga had gone back to his playful tone.

"Well anyway, I've spent enough time reminiscing about the past. Its time for us to go."

"Fine fine, let us take our leave then brat." With that, Ryuuga wafted away like a cloud of smoke and took his place back within Desrin. After making sure Ryuuga was where he was supposed to be, he turned to leave the ruins of his first home and head back into the city.

Getting through the thickets in the forest was more difficult coming back through them from the village than going to the village. Desrin still found it quite difficult to do so now. It took at least an hour before the forest began to finally lighten again and the city of Zarakolis came into view. This city was the largest and most important of all the new cities because it lies over the site of the former capital of the country of Hugetsu. This, was Desrin's new home.


New member
May 3, 2006
Night was quickly approaching the city of Zarakolis. Storm clouds were rolling in from distant lands. All around the city cars honked, babies cried, and pedestrians meandered their way home to prevent the ensuing rain. The many billboards and skyscrapers illuminated the vast, sprawling city, giving it a pale, iridecent glow. From the tops of the buildings, a low, resenant sound could be heard. It was so low that it was barley audible, but it was definately there. Few people seemed to notive the beautiful song that eminated from the rooftops.

"B-e-a-utiful", Mars said sarcastically when the song was done.

"Shut up," Enj responded, annoyed.

"Give me that thing. I'll show you how to play."

"Over my dead body."

"That could be arranged."


"Sounds like you know I could beat you" Mars said, reaching for the instrument. Before Enj could react, Mars had robbed him of the bass clarinet.

"Here's something you can work on", Mars said. As he played, a terrible, chilling feeling swept over Enj as if all the demons in Hell had passed through him. A paralyzing pain shot through his body, immobilizing him.

"STOP!!", he yelled in agony. Mar stopped.

"That was called 'Demon's Fury'. When played, it causes the same effect it had on you. The player and those that the player wishes will not be harmed."

"Why did you preform it on me?" Enj panted.

"One, so you know what it feels like so you won't abuse it. Two, it's the best way to learn it. And three, I wanted to have a little fun with you." Mars retorted. "Now, you must practice!"

Enj wearily picked up the instrument and began to play.
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