• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


Goodbye All!

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Gamer For Life
Aug 4, 2005
Aperture Science Computer-Aided Enrichment Center
I know that everyone who's anyone doesn't care that I'm leaving, so I will just make this farewell thread straight forward and, well, mean basically. First off, I know all the great and legendary RPers hate me, so I am leaving, just to make this forum less "n00bish" for you without having me around. I will also say that I think most of the RPers who are legends are snobbish jerks who think that they are better than everyone else. With that being said, I can move on to more important things.

To be completely honest and from-the-heart with you, I almost hated my time on the forums. The only reason I kept coming back was for the love of RPing and for the love of having friends who care. Most of the people here who frequent this site have made my time here hellish almost. I am sorry for ever having come here and I hope that those of you who hate me can forgive me for doing, well, absolutely nothing. You're all just assholes. Anyways, if I have made a good impact of any of you at all, I hope that you can use whatever good influence I have had on you to put that into your work with RPing. I would love it if more of you n00bs turn into good legends such as Morpheaus. He is a true legend and is one of the few who are actually nice.

Since I am leaving and not coming back, I will be giving out my own awards, even though it'll mean absolutely nothing when I start deserting this site. So....Here are my awards :

Greatest Husband Ever : blood alchemist - I love you so much!

My Best Friend : Lone

Greatest Friend To Everyone : with_you_always

Funniest Friend : Scribbles

Most Random Friend : the 4th Islander

Nicest Friend : Prince Sasuke

Most Devoted Friend : (all of my best friends are devoted!)

Best Female Played in Romance RP :

Best Male Played in Romance RP : with_you_always

Most Original RP : Endless Sorrow

Most Active RPer : Rikusgrl

Greatest Influence : Breaking Point

Most Improved RPer : Zato

Best RP of 05 : The Keybladers

Funniest RPer : starbounder62

Most Memorable RP of 05 : Boarding House RPs

Best User Who Played A TV/Video Game Character : Prince Sasuke

Funniest RP of 05 : Life Of A Bunny

Best RPer of 05 : Morpheaus

Best RP Series of 05 : Warrior School Series

Best Damsel In Distress In An RP : the 4th Islander

Most Heroic Character In An RP : Riku213

Best Villian(s) : Zetsumi AND Jet_Fire

Honorable Mentioned : Tashuki Rena and Morpheaus

Most Original Character : the 4th Islander

Most God-like/Auron Character : Riku213 (aka Stex)

Most Gloomy : Setharoth
Most Honorable Newbie : Malum Incantum

Best Female Romance RPer Newbie : stacy27

Best Male Romance RPer Newbie : Lone

Best New Newbie RPer : Wolfy

Those are my awards. If you don't like it, then stick it up your ass. Anyways, I have also found, in my time here, that most of you seem to think that you can disrespect someone and get away with it. So I want to say to those of you who do that, go to hell.

If you would like to contact me and be friends or whatever, please take the time out to read this section of the main post. If not, then just scroll down and read what else I have to say :

Email : jenluvspups532@yahoo.com
AIM : JenLuvsPups532
MSN : jenluvspups532@yahoo.com
Myspace : http://www.myspace.com/xxtorturedmindxx


My Final Friends List

*Preistess Kagome*
blood alchemist
Breaking Point
Lord InuYasha
Malum Incantum
Prince Sasuke
Princess Sakura
the 4th Islander

Well, it was nice knowing you all (NOT)! Bye byez!

Love, *Destiny_Seeker* aka DS
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