i've been on a fate/stay night kick recently and i know that a remake is coming, so i figured why not try to get an rp of it going. nothing too ambitious (trying to revive keyblade war taught me that) just a nice little thing in the vein of the source material. seven masters, seven servants. the idea's simple enough, although those without knowledge of the series may want to book up on the wiki here Fate/stay night - The TYPE-MOON Wiki - Fate, Tsukihime, Mahoyo, and everything TYPE-MOON
if there's any interest, i'll put up details like rules and the cs's. i've got them all thought up, but i want to make sure the work of getting them up here isn't misspent.
if there's any interest, i'll put up details like rules and the cs's. i've got them all thought up, but i want to make sure the work of getting them up here isn't misspent.