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Fanart in Signatures

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New member
May 10, 2004
Yellowknife, Canada
I'm not sure if I should put this here or not, but here goes.

I noticed a few members here are using fanart for avatars and signatures. That's fine and dandy if the art is yours, but if it's not, then that's a problem. Using those images without permission is considered art theft, and it's highly frowned upon in the art community, especially by the artist who's work has been stolen.

I suggest maybe going though the forums and pinpointing those who are using fanart in images and maybe questioning them about where they got it and stuff. If the art is not theirs, maybe ask them to take the signature down?

I'm sorry, but it bothers me when I see popular artist's work used without their permission. It's just common courtesy to ask before you touch.


Hakuna Matata
Apr 17, 2004
Hmm. I see you have a Miyavi avatar.. Did you know posting images of Miyavi around the internet is illegal? Has been for a while - the only ones allowed are the ones posted on his official website - and those can't be taken. So basically, you have no permission to use that image in your avatar, either.

I don't see it as a problem unless the people claim they drew the pictures - I'm sure the artists wouldn't mind?


Hakuna Matata
Apr 17, 2004
The Midnighter said:
It's not illegal to post a picture on the internet, lol.

You misunderstand... Miyavi's management announced it illegal to post Miyavi pictures around the internet. They say it's only their right to do so. I highly doubt it's like that for other bands/singers/actors/whatever. XD

There is something called a copyright employed by the maker of manufactured things (movies, music, websites, etc.). There is also something called the right of publicity, a right which uses a name and images--such as an artist and talent--as property. Using a name and an image or any of these manufactured things (the likes of an artist, talent, image, etc) without notifying the holders of the copyright are infringing on these rights. This is acting illegally.

Basically you have to notify PSC that you are using a Miyavi picture, otherwise it's copyrighted and illegal.

Pretty Pistol

New member
Jun 2, 2004
Behind you
We take credit for our sig artwork, not the character in it. I know what your saying, but most of us find the pics off googly and yahoo image search, or atleast thats what I do. Its illegal to take credit for someone elses artwork and post it on a site, claiming its yours. But I dont see anything wrong with cropping an image and blending it within a graphic. Your not stealing the whole piece, your using a small part of it.


New member
May 10, 2004
Yellowknife, Canada
baka ushi said:
You misunderstand... Miyavi's management announced it illegal to post Miyavi pictures around the internet. They say it's only their right to do so. I highly doubt it's like that for other bands/singers/actors/whatever. XD


Basically you have to notify PSC that you are using a Miyavi picture, otherwise it's copyrighted and illegal.

Then obviously it's illegal to redistribute magazine scans from Arena 37, SHOXX, and the like, and allow people to use the images freely for layouts, signatures and avatars. Yet, people do it anyways. =P

Either way, it's not a big deal. *shrug* If it's so illegal, then how come PSC hasn't done anything to stop it? Night in Girl, has the official images on their site. No one's complained yet. So it's not a problem.

Starprincess366 said:
We take credit for our sig artwork, not the character in it. I know what your saying, but most of us find the pics off googly and yahoo image search, or atleast thats what I do. Its illegal to take credit for someone elses artwork and post it on a site, claiming its yours. But I dont see anything wrong with cropping an image and blending it within a graphic. Your not stealing the whole piece, your using a small part of it.

That's still considered theft. Maybe I should tell you a story about what happened to the Beyblade fandom, hm?

For a while, the Japanese and English-speaking fandoms were separate, each minding their own business. The Japanese fandom was moreso a fanart collective, with massive webrings that linked hundreds of fanart sites that had some pretty neat art in them. So people in the English fandom started coming across these sites and found the art, and thinking that the art was cool and stuff, "right-click-save" spree'd through all these sites, not caring about who drew the art, and how they may feel about it.

After a while, these people thought, "hey, I bet these pics would make some spiffy avatars and sigs". So they started to make graphics using the saved art and used them in Beyblade forums around the net. Now it wasn't long before some Japanese fans found out about this, and they weren't happy. They went to the webmaster of a popular Bey site and said, "we don't like this at all. This is theft, and we won't stand for it." Basically, the Japanese fandom was declaring a war on the English fandom.

The webmaster of this site decided to ban all the members who were a part of the forums where all the stolen art was being used, thus creating a split in the English community. Since then, all the sites where the fanart was being used have gone under, and their members alienated from the rest of the community.

Now, I'm sure we wouldn't want anything like that to happen to the KH community, now would we?

http://www3.to/ofp <-- Online Fanarts Protection. Take a read, you might be interested.

Kira Haro

May 16, 2004
Title 1.[indent]Section 4.   [u]Section 4.[/u] Copyrights and all related items.


 You as a user have the option to share your own media, images, fan-sites, et cetera among the community; However, falsely obtaining, stealing, plagiarizing, robbing, or stripping any other member of their media or content will not be tolerated and will be dealt with in an orderly fashion.

To add on to that, we also have a thread busting every ripper we have. If you think someone is ripping your artwork, you can easily PM us and we'll update the list and shun the said person.

Unless specifically mentioned by the companies, people will continue to use their copyrighted art to make it a piece of their own.


Basically, what that admin/moderator was entirely wrong for annihilating a mass-group like that in one shot for something that could have been solved by asking all the rippers to remove their tags.


Hakuna Matata
Apr 17, 2004
Either way, it's not a big deal. *shrug* If it's so illegal, then how come PSC hasn't done anything to stop it? Night in Girl, has the official images on their site. No one's complained yet. So it's not a problem.

I've been to Night in Girl many times, and if you look around their site you find that they actually do have the permission to use those images.


Aug 6, 2004
Lost in my own Daydreams; or a Box. :/
*wonders if this topic is still open for posting..it was in the search area...o-o*

Lately I've been noticing members using a piece of art created by Kaze in the site mentioned in my sig. This annoys me so because her art is amazing and I have gotten permission to use them in my sig and avi (as soon Trigger makes the avi) and have followed the rules yet the theives have not.

I've alerted TM, but I can't keep bugging him with pms that say the same thing just about a dfferent user.

If you are doing a search on Yahoo! or Google, and come across a picture, look into it. Don't just see it, save it, use it, and be done. You could be theiving, especially if it is art drawn by a user, not the creater of the game itself. This irks me so when people do this.

Do note that if I do find someone using her art, I will notify her as soon as possible and I will send a warning PM (they're not harsh...but not happy). I don't want to sound like I'm ruling the site on this, but when I see theft and no credit given to anyone, or at least no permission to use it, I am awfully annoyed and irked.

Also, the site in my sig does have an adoption form. This means you fill it out and notify the artist of your want of a few pictures. Quite easy and simple, even rules in her site on what to do. It will take all of five minutes.

Please and Thank You (and I'm really, -really- sorry if I was not supposed to eh..bump this up, but I did a search and it was there and I figured if it is open I might as well post here than in a new topic).
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