Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
who the hell is david boreanaz i dont care who the voices are they could have a homeless guy as long as the voice fits for all i care they can use speech bubbles
David better or I shall stab his ass! Ha ha! Why do they even have those little speech things at the bottom? For the hearing impaired? Yeah, he was on Angel, which was regualry on TNT then they took it off (those bastards!), yeah well, he better. He's cool, besides if they got a different guy it would be completley kill Leon's charecter.
He better do the voice again. He was perfect for the voice of Squall ( i despise referring to him as Leon). Even for the first one, when I heard he was doing the voice I was like that is amazing. So if he doesn't do it again I believe I would be greatly dissapointed.
I'm sure he will, Disney has a thing for keaping the same VA';s, I meen look at how many they got from the movies to play the characters in the game? about 80% of them, and most who couldnt were dead...>_>
Oh, and angel was a vamp who got a soul, not a half vamp