Ganandorf, Legend of Zelda aswell
HP: 10 000
XP:20 000
Diffculty: Very hard
Ganondorf is incredibly strong, and uses nothing, excpet for his hands and his magic, he can do powerfull damage with one of his moves, and his combat skills are limitless
Location: Trigger speciel events to fight him at Hollow Bastion (Talk to a person at Traverse town, then it leads you to a person at Atlantica, then you havew to talk to a person at every world, so that you hear tales of Ganondorf, and soon enough it says he hangs out at Hollow baston, if you go to that place you first fought the Bahamut, you fight him there.
Special moves: End of battle, a transformation into Ganon
HP: 30 000
XP: 50 000
Difficulty: Incredibly hard
Toughest boss in the game, his moves are of immense powers, he can whip you with his tail, create a shocwave in the ground, body slam you, punch you, and he can controll metors that come from the heavens and crash into you, He can also create flowing magma.
Dropped Items:
Magma Keyblade
Golden Gauntlet
Master sword emblem