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Came across an old Thread from 2005



New member
Jul 20, 2021
Hey guys I came across an old thread on here from about 2005 or 2006 same Kingdom Hearts II had T for Teen rating by the ESRB can anyone actually confirm if that's true or not I have no problem believing either side especially due to some of the content in Kingdom Hearts 2 if you took out the Disney stuff and Disney themselves actually released a few T rated games mostly the Pirates of the Caribbean games and if I remember correctly one for Tron so I have no real issue believing that there was at one point a rating of the game with the T on it and a lot of the content in the game really does make sense for a T rating perhaps maybe not as much as re chain of Memories just let me know if it's true or not or if anyone could actually find any info about that I just want to know about it since looking into it I can barely find anything it would be appreciated and I'd like to use it for something I want to do in the future anyway thank you if you can confirm if it's true or not


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2017
Nah it got an E10 rating, much like Shadow the Hedgehog, though the Pirates content probably played a factor into that along with the “one hell of a show” line from the GBA version of Chain of Memories. The games have had a ESRB rating of E10 ever since KH2.


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2018
I googled KH ps2 cover and images of what I think it's the american cover have the E10+ icon.
Also according to wikipedia and the KH wiki it was rated E10+.


Active member
Jan 4, 2018
I believe, unless I am misremembering, that just before KH2 was released there were these sort of prototype game cover boxes that were placed up in game shops such as Game Stop and these game covers tended to have the game rating posted on them. In some stores the game rating was marked as E, then suddenly switched out for rating pending--leading some to speculate that the game rating was changed or being upgraded to T, as all people heard was KH2 is NOT rated E.

At this point it is important to note that the E10 rating was only introduced in march 2005. So the ESRB had come out with this relatively new rating category many were not used to, which is what KH2 was ultimately given.

I think the temporary retraction of the E rating, on top of maybe some game stores that assumed if it wasn't E, it would get a T rating (and may have reflected that assumption on their temp game cover boxes) may have been what caused the confusion.

Depending on location it is entirely possible some people may have walked into their local Game store and seen an KH2 with a T rating on the temp game cover. It was a topic of a lot of discussion at the time since people were just seeing the rating confusion and wondering "wait, if its not rated E then is it possible its T!?"


New member
Jul 20, 2021
I believe, unless I am misremembering, that just before KH2 was released there were these sort of prototype game cover boxes that were placed up in game shops such as Game Stop and these game covers tended to have the game rating posted on them. In some stores the game rating was marked as E, then suddenly switched out for rating pending--leading some to speculate that the game rating was changed or being upgraded to T, as all people heard was KH2 is NOT rated E.

At this point it is important to note that the E10 rating was only introduced in march 2005. So the ESRB had come out with this relatively new rating category many were not used to, which is what KH2 was ultimately given.

I think the temporary retraction of the E rating, on top of maybe some game stores that assumed if it wasn't E, it would get a T rating (and may have reflected that assumption on their temp game cover boxes) may have been what caused the confusion.

Depending on location it is entirely possible some people may have walked into their local Game store and seen an KH2 with a T rating on the temp game cover. It was a topic of a lot of discussion at the time since people were just seeing the rating confusion and wondering "wait, if its not rated E then is it possible its T!?"
Yeah it's pretty cool I don't really remember seeing the art for in and I remember getting Kingdom Hearts 2 upon its English release but I can't seem to find anything on it if you know anyone who can or can find any images of the promotional art can you send it to me if that's okay I know it's a lot of digging and it's pretty hard to find it


Active member
Jan 4, 2018
I did some digging around and managed to find this image on a reddit post:


Not exactly what you were asking for, but I remember this was basically what the covers looked like before the ESRB officially posted a rating. This was I believe the cover for the strategy guide, which was another source of confusion on the rating as it seemed on some retailer websites (I saw Circuit City specifically named) the strategy guide was listed as rated T briefly on the sites. People trying to look up product information online were then coming across the strategy guide with the incorrect rating listed. However, considering that Circuit City is no longer in business, and any sites that did temporarily have the wrong rating would have long since updated it, I'm sure those erroneous rating covers are long gone.

It was an interesting time in KH history with different sites and retailers (even the esrb site itself!) posting different ratings for a time. There were rumors that the game did originally get a T rating from ESRB but it was negotiated down to E10 (though I don't know how truthful those are and it might have just been speculation).

Either way, sorry I couldn't find much else in terms of physical images. I dug up a few old posts where people posted links to the images of the covers rated T but the links no longer function.