• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...



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Puddle Jumper

Hobo with a shotgun
Feb 14, 2005
A group of Transformer scientists, who orignally were sent to go after Optimus Primals crew, were sent to investigate a prison ship which had dissapeared from the radar. This since they were the closest ones to their last known location. Upon ariving at the edge of the visiual range, they found masacre and destruction as they flew passed the remains of five other ships. In the middle of this chaos flew the Predacon ship, the Darkside 2. And so the Maximals in their Axalon 2 went in persuit. The battle was fierce, since both sides desired victory above all. The autobots to defend the honor of their fallen comrades, and the Predacons for their sadistic pleasure. As the battle progressed, the Maximals began to realise that there was no hope. Quickly they went into warpmode to outrun the Predacons. But they went in hot persuit. Both ships then suddenly fell prey to an unknown flash of light that damaged their ships. Both ships started to crash on a planet named Earth, though countless years into the future, when mankind was no more and their cities destroyed.

What will happen now? Find out next on Beastmode Transformers.

Rules & Guidelines
Everyone starts out as a Maximal, though later they can switch sides.
Follow the basic rules of the forum and you'll do fine
I reserve the right to kick you out on your ass.
Two paragraph replies please. One of the two paragraphs must be at least 4 lines long.

Quick history:

My character: ((leader of the Maximals.))

Name: Maximus
Beastmode: Husky with black and white fur and a black, demonic eye pattern.
Robotmode: Besides his usual black and white, he now has grey sections that connect parts of his limbs. He is 1 metre eighty tall and looks like he has been around for too long.
Weaponry: Handgun blaster and claws coming out of his knuckles.
Speciality: Leading ...
Quick history:
Growing up in the shadow of Optimus Primal, he named himself Maximus. But never he was able to step out of that shadow, and never did he want too. He learned a lot from that transformer. And when he was told he could go out to find him, he was more than happy to comply.​
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New member
Apr 13, 2007
In my own personal world
Name: Dragoon
Beastmode: A black dragon with grey colours under his wings and also sharp black claws or if not that
Robotmode: A bit taller than his beastmode, he resembles Megatron (The LA Movie) but is practically balck all over (sorry for a not detailed enough description)
Weaponry: He wields an energy shotgun and also double katanas
Speciality: Heavy Armoury and Combat
Quick history: Dragoon is one of the most recent Maxiamals to be created and has a bit of a teenagers attitude being but does take his job seriously (Believe it or not), he was out on a sort of training mission when they were attacked by the predacons and has dedicated himself to help defeat the predacons and restore peace

OOC: and what do you mean "Watching over the success of Armageddon" in your location? (Just wondering)


Jun 17, 2005
Senior Leader's Course, Cold Lake Air Base, Albert
I Remember the T.V. series! Count me in!

Name: Jaeger (Pronounced YAY-gher...the German word for speed?)
Beastmode: NOT a shameless rip Weight 132.0t, Depth 24.1m, Height 10.8m, Max Speed 400km/h.
Robotmode: Everything is streamlined and built for speed. The twin thrusters move onto the back as a quickie jet pack. All of the claws turn into hands, by growing opposable digits...some would call them thumbs =D
Weaponry: STRIKE LASER CLAW! (couldn't resist =D). When in Robotmode, he has a pistol version of a 30mm Vulcan Gatling Gun.
Speciality: SPEED
Quick history: Built as a scout with a bit of self defense in mind, Jaeger is built for reconnaissance and high-speed strike operations. However, Jaeger is the first, prototype in line, and this is his supposed first mission, and as such he's got an easily impressionable mind, and is the equivalent of a prepubescent human.

(For anyone who gets ANY of the references made...Good for you! You gets a cookie! *Holds out a bag*)


New member
Apr 13, 2007
In my own personal world
Ooc: Welcome to the club.

News: Updated the Rules & guidelines

It means that I am watching over the succes of armageddon. Nothing more to it.

OOC: Oh all right its just I have an Autobot character in other Transformer RP's called Armageddon and I wasn't sure if you meant that but anyway thanks for clearing that up


New member
May 20, 2007
In a house that's on a street that's in a town tha
Can I join here is my template:

Name: AeroX (pronuced as Air- Rocks)
Beastmode: a Crimson dragon has light weight armor but it can hold against attacks
Robotmode: (can i have a pic for this if so ill edit the post later)
Weaponry: Gaint sword only he can weild and a larger version of the MA5B Assault Rifle and Sniper Rifle from Halo 1
Speciality: Close combat and Sniping
Quick history: AeroX was bulit for extreme fighting unlike other Robots AeroX can stay in battle for years and doesnt need any rest or whatever robots need. AeroX likes to use Sniping rifles when he gets tired or something like that. But AeroX was bulit primaliy for close combat. And so he was outfitted with the sword that weighs a ton heavier then anyother weapon. (is my bio ok or need more work on it)

OOC: i want a cookie *starts to cry*
Apr 21, 2006
Drifting along, with no destination in sight...
(OOC: I’m a pretty big fan of the show. I’ll join.)

Name: Shadow
Beastmode: A wolf with solid black fur. His eyes are two different colors; one gold, and one blue.
Robotmode: Resembles that of a black ninja. His wolf head forms his chest. His wolf arms go onto his back and his new arms pop out from the sides. His waist rotates to make him a bipedal. He still has two colored eyes. He has very light armor. He still has his wolf tail.
Weaponry: Two Ninjatō (short styled katanas) and two pistols. His gold eye allows him limited x-ray vision and a direct link up to computers.
Specialty: Stealth operations
Quick history: Shadow was trained in the art of a ninja not to long ago on Cybertron. The problem with him though is that even though he learned the moves, he does not follow some of the teachings his master taught him. He is a very calm and quiet person, yet he is very lazy and would rather sleep than go on missions. Though, if his friends are in danger he would spring into action.

Eternal Dream

The Messenger
Dec 12, 2006
Running for daylight, sleepless...
Name: Aniue

Gender: Female

Specialty: Because she understands the Anchient Language, she was one of the few Maximals that can use magic

Appearance:But she also sports dusty silver wings!

Animal/Vehicle: A white timberwolf or a Bald Eagle. The last is great for arial recon.

Weapon: Aniue's weapons consist primarily of energy whips and katanas, but she's also handy with an energy blaster

Personality: Aniue is of a rare breed. With her calm, level temper, it's hard to get her mad; but when you do, unless you're a fighter with uncommon abilitly and skill, you're recieving a death sentence. She has great wisdom from her many years, but she can still battle with the best of them. Always ready to give a deserved benifit of the doubt, you'd be hard pressed to find a more understanding, able teacher.


Quote: Death may seem like the ultimate penalty, but there are worse ways of destroying a soul.

Theme Song: The Touch by Stan Bush (sound familiar to you fans?)

OOC: I'll get her bio done tomorrow; right now I'm totally wiped out. 'Night y'all!

Puddle Jumper

Hobo with a shotgun
Feb 14, 2005
Let's get this show on the road


Maximus opened his eyes. Something was off, he didn't quite the feel the same. Slowly his memories started to seep back from his subconsious. The battle in space, the fled and the crash. Immense emotions paired with the memories made him jump up. Not knowing where he was, he looked around to find his bearings. What was going on? He was standing on his legs and yet he stands lower as usual.Maybe it was all in his head. He was still in vehicle mode.
'Maximus Maximise.' Parts of his body shifted place, others appeared and in the end he stood upright in Robotmode.It was then he realised that the computer might know more.
'Computer, Sitrep.' It took the computer a minute or so to come up with a Situations Report and in that Maximus looked around to see what the total damage was. The ship was wrecked, that was for sure.
'Sitrep complete.' The ciomputer stated. 'Ship is flight incapable.' And that was the end of the message. A bit agitated, Maximus asked:
'Give me a complete sitrep from the moment we orbitted the planet.'
'Scans indicated it was an unknown planet. Afterwards all Maximals retreated to their stacis pods. Two ships crashed with only a few miles between them. Since Maximals were unable to survive in current surroundings, I scanned the environment for usable DNA samples whereafter I uploaded them into your system.' What? Maximus wanted to rest his head in the palms of his hands but then he saw those hands were not his own. Quickly he spurted towards a reflective object in which he saw that he was no longer in his old body. He transformed back in his vehicle mode and saw that he was ... an animal ... A dog ...
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