Man i haven't had a challenge battle in a good while, but im ready to get back into it. You can make it a power/melee battle.
Template coming soon.
Name: Raikiri Tsukaise
Age: 27 (557 in Neolyte's time)
Gender: Male
Race: Neolyte/Human/Aeronian/ 2 trace amounts of unknowns
Title: Surging Raikiri
Appearance: Rising to a stature of about six foot three, his facial features are rather strong. His eyes are a dim shade of scarlet and skin tone being tan. He possess hair of a sandy blonde eloquence as it spikes upward slightly, but the rest is downward touching his shoulders as its held together on its own. Both his eyes revert from their true lust and can convert to the Rokiragan eye, but its often seldom used as he relies on his own abilites. Wearing a combat based attire, a steel enforced jacket. Made with strong material that can withstand a momentus force and created to be light-weight. Its primitive from the 15th century sense, but it works as his pants are plated with the same material only on the inside and not made visible to the human eyes.
Personality: An initiative man that takes it upon himself to figure things out for himself. He takes the fact that he is one-fifth human seriously since thats the part of him with a weakness reguarding emotion. Often Raikiri is a kind hearted fellow, yet a flipside to that coin he can be cold blooded and merciless. He often scans his opponents with his enchanced eyes before and after a battle to test his capabilites against them before and after hand. Regularly he feels the need to fight is useless for entertainment purposes so he only associates himself in combat when it comes to a challenge issued to himself.
Crackling Blade: Containing properties of thunder and lightning itself, its slender substance poses as the ultimate conductor to channel in the sky's wrath. Lightning actually being a substance of plasma is captured and contained by the blade until its energy is unleashed onto a given opponent. Its at its strongest during a storm and works to the fullest effect only when exposed to a divine strike of pure lightning. On its own the sword is capable of slicng through solid marble, and makes up for lack of containing plasma.
Thunder Paper tags: Classic paper bomb subscribed with the seal of thunder that explode when coming in contact with intense motion. It releases a intensive charge of lightning that serves too charge gathered electricity to ignite a nearby opponent.
Dual Broad swords: Think of them as one sword even when apart. They provide a dual wielding action when swinging both in unison. Crafted from the finest steel that you can find on the Neolyte's homeworld. Normally used only when dealing with an opponent weilding twin weaponry, but he usually uses them for his own purposes anyway. With his natural skills given to him, he usually channels some of his energy into his swords and rip through his opponents with impending force.
Raikiri: A lightning contained that transmit up his spine and is directed into his right arm. It flows onto his arm and into his palm, it is then built up all at once. Charging, the crackling noise is echoing far across the horizon, it has an interconnection with the surronding enviorment reguarding the weather. By this meaning it connects with the divine strike of a bolt by Zeus (exaggeratted of course) When gathering enough power it transfers the user's arm into a nearly invincible sword. The physical aspect requires the body to be in top condition and a frontal jab mainly launching into the victum's heart.
Shikaze Catakalysm: The body of the neolyte holds a charge of thunder that builds up in the chest chamber. Raikiri builds this up above the heart careful not kill himself. As it is gaining power it is then released through his mouth producing an intense blast of lightning onto a given opponent. When hit, the blast, the body below the spine will shutdown and paralyze the opponent for a set time period. This is pending on how much energy the user uses to blast any given opponent.
Rokirigan: The green eyes that Raikiri developed allowing him to follow an enemies movements. The first portion of the eyes is immitation, thats what gave him the edge starting out meeting new opponents. The second portion is a hypnotic gaze that can mezmorize an opponent bringing them under the user's control only temporarily. Using their vulnerable state the user's voice serve's as a guide to the involuntary state. The third and final portion of the Rokirigan is the future sight function, capable of seeing bits and pieces of the future, it works randomly and not at the user's control. It is helpful when needing to know an enemy's attack in advance.
Bio: Raised on the holy grounds of his homeland Neolyte, Raikiri was in truth one of the more poorly skilled warriors. He was merely a newborn that had came and they measured his strength as an infant. If it passed the proficient requirements he would be considered something, however he wasn't fortunate to this as he was far below the requirements. He was refferred to by the higher ups of his society as an insignificant entity that was vaguely a disappointment. The only child that possesed two other undefined blood types at that. As he grew, so did his intelligence that would gradually make up for lack in brute force.
The years began to progress and he sought out an education from the learning establishment of his race. The others would see his scarlet eyes as a sign of how different he was. The rest of them had silver showing that they were of adequate strength. The neolytes even at a young age were measured in power, so the students would mock the fact that he was weaker or so it appeared. He progressed academically and tried to crack the unknown races that made up two fifths of his person. Upon his studies he came across his Rokiragan eyes that he had been blessed with. The history books contained nothing on his discovery so trial by fire was the only way to analyze his gift. He soon gained confidence to in his ability and confronted the students, his eyes flooded with a lime green insentive, while white increments in the shape of four knives formed around his pupils. He could scan the power level of his opponent and not only that, but adapt to their movement. Whenever he seemed to have a disadvantage when the brutes would jump him, he would evade confrontation by using his Rokiragan eyes.
He soon became an upstanding youngman in the Neolyte age of 320. Still unworthy by his superiors they wouldn't give him the chance to prove his worth seeing as he was weak no matter what his unknown strengths were. He sighed, their race was on the brink of war with their main rivals of the neighboring planet. Seeing no possible need to help them, Raikiri turned his back and wandered into the unknown reaches of the galaxy were he soon found a tranquil abode. His people were no doubt destroyed, but it couldn't be helped. He remembers their sacrafice wasn't to be in vein, so he wished for their safety every night for the next few centuries. Who really knows if they still are in existence, but he couldn't mope for the loss of his people forever. He spent long hours training within that period of time and began to enjoy his peace...while it lasted
Many more years went by and he continued to live his life carrying on the legacy of his planet. As he toiled to better himself he became in touch with his powers at age 397. Manipulating the clasping lightning which gave him his nickname surging Raikiri the move was renowned for. Coming in contact with his ability he developed a series of thunder charged attacks through his travels. He never came to discover the other portion of himself that consisted of unknowns.
(This Bio is incomplete >.<)