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A Battle of Epic Proportions

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New member
Oct 27, 2006
The Mages of Legend Chronicles​

This is a challenge to Master-Sephiroth.

1. Lord of Chaos
2. Wolfy
3. Desert Jesus

Normal Rules

The battle shall take place in the realm of Titanus.

*My Character*​

Name: Eros

Age: N/A

Race: Divinity

Appearance & Weapon: http://www.ctrlaltdel-online.com/images/gallery/finished/swordsman.jpg The sword he holds in the picture is his weapon of choice.

Personality: Eros is a warrior of the old ways, he is a powerful intimidating man, standing over six feet four inches, at this time viewed as a giant. Having a stern belief in valour as a soldier, he is an inspiring and unique leader. He is a humble man, treating his men as brothers, and defending them with his life.

Bio: In the once glorious city of Titanus, there lived a man of great honor and integrity, a man of old, a mysterious, intrgueing man. No one truely knew of his origin, some said that he was a Divine, an immortal being from the creation of Titanus, and the birth of man, living among sinners, protecting them, but this was unknown. Others said, he was a wizard, granted with long life, livinng forever in the secrect, this also was unknown.

What was known was his name, Eros they called him, a vagabond warrior, with paculiar abilities, far beyond the knowledge of simple commoners. This power is only know to man through the ancient scribe of the Mages, a grand legion of warriors who once protected Titanus from a great evil that threatened its very existance. These Mages wielded a force far beyond comprehension, they believed this power to have been passed down to Eros.

Long ago in the great wars for Titanus, "En Vendui Buio-o Edain", or The Last Alliance of Men, Eros led his men to victory over the overwhelming force of darkness, and saved Titanus. This happened 450 years before the current time. Eros had a dark past and wished not to share it with many others, he kept few friends wherever he traveled, and went very much unknown to the public. Many villagers claimed to have seen his conjuring spells and summoning evil creatures in the hills over the city, these tales were never proven, and the great Eros seemed to pass into legend.

Thought to have been dead, Eros made his return to his forgotten, decaying home, Titanus, a once brilliant city of light, now drenched in darkness under the shaddow of a growing evil. His advent was not of coincidence, but of destiny, for he knew how his story was to end, could he decide theirs..
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Alaude Drenxta

\+The Devil's+/ .{Advocate}.
Apr 9, 2005
My house?
I smell a flop.
Or is that just my pancakes?

It's hardly an open challenge if you're only opening it to one person. >_>

Lord of Chaos

Once more 'round the room we waltz.
Nov 29, 2004
Within the Masquerade
You wanna mage fight kid, take me on. I'll explain the word "Mage" to you... with graphic detail. If this works though and Sephy accepts, I'll judge.


New member
Oct 27, 2006
Endless Devoid, I never said this was a challenge, but mearly a challenge to a friend of mine, if you are just going to bicker and wine that this is not an open battle than I suggest you leave and refrain from flaming in my thread, thank you.

Lord of Chaos I admire your confidence, and thank you sincerley for your offer as a judge. When Master-Sephiroth and I do battle I beleive you shall be pleasantly suprised in our conception of mages.
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Jack London

Nov 28, 2005
Meadows Of Heaven.
o_O, Nobody's flaming...yet.

May I be the last judge? And, I think you should elaborate a little more on your character's summoning abilities, rather than just saying: "Hes able to summon evil creatures." ...If you're just going to say that...then you could virtually make them up on the way =/.


New member
Oct 27, 2006
Wolfy, I accpet you as a judge, also I accpet your criticizem, but i have my ways of writing, I would much rather touch upon the character overall and leave mystery to be unravelled within the battle. So if you do not mind, keep your comments to yourself, sit back and enjoy the show, you will not be disapointed I promise you.

Desert Jesus

lol, cliche thread name.

C'mon guys, gimme something new and interesting to read. I swear, I've read "Epic Proportions" atleast a million ba-jillion times lol.

Tardation aside, I'll judge. I would've enjoyed watching LoC or ED battle you, but meh. This'll work I s'pose.


Call me Candyman
Apr 6, 2005
I accept your terms you ignoramous fool.

Okay it's time for me to show you all what a true mage can do. Also pwninator, I have a feeling this is going to be a battle to be remembered.


Call me Candyman
Apr 6, 2005
((sorry for the double post))

Name: Thorn

Age: He is eternal

Apperence: http://blue-bamboo.net/dd/papers/swordsman.jpg

Weapon: http://www.cbswords.com/images/uc1120bba.jpg

Personality: Thorn is a a chaotic entity that thinks human life is meaningless and should be ended. He also finds finds joy in tempting the minds of men, whilst in heaven, to kill their fellow man in his name. Even so he is in absolutely no way a coward. He beleives in honour and will never abandon it, he is a soldier not a monster.

Bio: Thorn is a divinity, a bein above anything else in the realm of creation. He was one of the divinities that worked under the lord of all creation, God. He was created by his lord and master at the begining of all time. There were 10 of them, the divinities I mean, Thorn was one of these lucky few beings that possesed ultimate power. But was it a mistake to make thorn, a child, so powerfull, a lot of people thought so. He was above all the rest, power unimaginable, this troubled the divinities.

Not too long after his obvious supreme power was relised a terrible truth was uncovered, he had been ploting against god and the divinities from the begining. He had turned many a man from the grace of god, making them embrace the darkness and worship his unholy reign. God did not aprove of that at all, he sent his divinities to aprehend the melevolent thorn, kill him if nesecary. Thorn would not be banished from the holy lands without a fight, he summoned all the power he could muster to fight them off for however long he could. He fought valiently but nonetheless he was crushed undeneath their power and banished from the holy lands. He was banished to titanus and removed of his wings, to say the least this only made thorn even more enraged.

He summoned all of those loyal to him for one perpose, to destroy the world of man. He then attacked titanus with the full force of his army of chaos and covered the once brilliantly shining city in the vale of shadow. He sat upon the throne of the old king of Titanus as he senced a presence coming closer to his dominion. He smiled at the thought of anyone that would even try to defy him.


Young King
Mar 3, 2006
Rolling papers...
Even though all the judges spots are taken, I'll be watching this. Hell, if pwn wants to make this more interesting I'll jump in along with ED or LoC.


New member
Oct 27, 2006
OOC: MS it is a great honor doing battle with you, shall we begin.

Eros wondered about his city, seeing the faces of poverty strucken children traveling the streets begining for food or drink, this truely sadened Eros. War was upon the country, without the men of the kingdom there to support the women and children, they crumbled. Eros felt an odd presence on the planet since the begining of the conflict, this troubled him greatly, the time was now approuching for him to act upon this.

Suddenly Eros felt a small tug on his cloak, peering back he saw the face of a child no older than five years, the boy asked him, "Are you here to help us mister?" Hearing the innocent plea for help from such a youngling, it ignited a passion within Eros, a feeling he had long forgotten, love. Kneeling down in front of the child, gazing into his eyes, Eros placed his hand on the shoulder of the boy saying. "Young man, do you love your mother?" "Yes sir." Answered the boy. "Do you love your country?" "Always sir." The youngling was confused in his young age he finally asked, "Why are you asking me this mister?" Eros replied,"My boy one day you shall have to make a great decision, that day you shall understand me. That day you shall remember those who died for your freedom, and what they so passionately deffended. The boy asked him,"Are you going to save us mister?" Eros grasped the boy frimly saying, "I promise you, I will not let the white city fall, with every breathe in my body I shall defend you and your freedom, I shall emancipate you from this prison of fear, and bring you peace." Eros took a deep breathe after stating this."You have much courage young man, what is your name?" "Marcus mister."

He replied, "Marcus? That is a weak name, you wish to be strong do you not? You must have a strong name, the name of a warrior, Maximus." The boy stared at him with great appreciation, at that Eros rose saying, "Stand now, knight of Titanus." The child stood in military composure soluting Eros. Eros smiled, "I bid you farewell my young knight, I hope to see you again." Eros walked to the gates of his kingdom, looking upon its feeble defenses. These men could not defend the city if attacked, seeing the fear in the eyes of the men, Eros gave them hope by reciteing the old motto of the of the Titans, "Strength and Honor!" Eros said smacking his fist to his breast then raising it to show power. The men returned the statement with greater enthusiasm, this brought happiness to the soldier, happiness he desperately desired.

He opened the immense doors that protected the grand kingdom, standing over one hundered feet, gashed with battle scars of ancient wars, and containing memories long forgotten. Passing through the passage way, Eros surveyed the horizon, he saw something approuching, a great wave of black crushed over the hillside. At this, Eros turning swiftly toward the guards belted out, "PREPARE THE DEFENSES!"The wave was now clear in the eyes of Eros, it was a small infantrty of soldiers from the south, who must have strayed from their pack, like wild wolves they charged viciously towards the kingdom. Eros drew his blade and waited anxiously.
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Call me Candyman
Apr 6, 2005
Thorn was on his horse looking at the melevolent faces of his men as they charged forward to the once brilliant city of light, titanus. A city that was all but gone now, and thorn had a stern, somewhat angry look on his face as they charged at their feble defences.

"How long.................how long have I been on this decrepid planet with it's putrid people. Too long I'm afraid, too long has it been since I was sent here by those dispicable beins. At least here I can kill men upon the hundreds and spread my retribution." Thorn thought as he saw the men defending titanus more clearly now.

One of them caught his eye, the man was a true soldier yes but it was somthing else, but at the time thorn did not care. At that time he only cared for dominating and destroying the putrid human race.

As he got closer he ordered his horse to dissapear into the shadows and as he did this the horse he was riding on turned into ash and blew away in the wind. Then Thorn ran started to walk to the gate when he was close enough and his men ran around him to the gates as soldiers poured out of titanus to confront them. Thorn then looked up as he walked to see archers firing many aroows at his forces, and himself.

This did not phase him for as the arows came he took one of his men and used him as a human sheild, about ten arrows going into the soldier killing him. But as he threw the man down one last arrow cam for him but he mearly looked at itand it turned to ash not even able to reach him.

As thorn drew ever closer to the gates a soldier, the one next to Eros, came chargng at him as t kill him, a futile effort. Thorn mearly drew his blade and attacked the man who tried to block the divinities attack. Thorn mearly broke right through the mans blade cuting him in half as well.

As the sence of war was all around them thorn saw him, the warrior, eros whom was on the inside of the city. He ran at the man with a bade in his right hand as he said; "The judgement of the divinities decends upon you now mortal."

As thorn said this his eyes grew a crimson red and his blade became completely black, this man was truley the personification of the evil.


New member
Oct 27, 2006
As the great wave of darkness descended on his kingdom, Eros prepared what men he could for battle. The small force of men stood at the helm of the city, they stood little chance against this monster. "Steady men, your shields are thick, your armour broad, you feel now pain and know no end, you are men of Titanus, Fight now for your people!" At that Eros signaled his men to begin the first barrage of arrows. It was now evident who led this legion of evil.

He rode atop a wicked beast, which dispersed into the wind like ash, using his men as shields. "Show no mercy! For you shall receive none!" Eros could now see the hatred in the eyes of this enemies, a blood lust. "CHARGE!" With cries of battle Eros and his men now faced an enemy beyond their control. At last they collided, the two forces crashed head on. Blood streamed across the plain, it was to be a brutal battle.

Eros cut down every man in his path, leading his men into the depths of this wave. One man managed to hit Eros with an attack from behind, chipping his shoulder. "COWARD!" Once saying this, Eros turned thrusting his blade through the neck of the soldier, killing him instantly.

The small infantry of men that collided with the attackers was now deminishing, only few were left, Eros found himself completely outnumbered, his only hope to battle his way out. Bruised and battered, Eros powered his way through the mob, leaving a bloody path to the leader of this force. Making his way towards the dark lord, an arrow managed to caught his left shoulder. Seeing the archer, Eros picked up his blade launching it into the man's chest, Eros picked up his sword and turned to face the dark lord, Thorn descending upon him.

He bore the appearence of a demon, a powerful warrior, and ruthless in every sense of the word. He weilded a malevilent sword of blackness, followed by the axe of Orthank. One of the legendary weapons of Divinities, concumed with Thorn's evil and driven into darkness.

Thorn made his approach, bursting through one of his men, lunging for Eros. He swung his dark blade level, nearly hitting Eros. To counter the attack, Eros flipped
himself backwards into the air, rocketing his blade at Thorn. His enemey reacted quickly to counter, defelecting the sword off his axe back to Eros, who smirked. "Your better than I remember, Thorn. Who did you kill for that axe?" Said Eros smiling at his malicious advesary.

Jack London

Nov 28, 2005
Meadows Of Heaven.
Hmmm.... Are you controlling Thorn, mostly in that last paragraph, because it sure looks like it; correct me if I'm wrong. If so, that is powerplaying, which is against the rules. Please edit your post before Sephiroth makes his next move.


New member
Oct 27, 2006
Hmmm.... Are you controlling Thorn, mostly in that last paragraph, because it sure looks like it; correct me if I'm wrong. If so, that is powerplaying, which is against the rules. Please edit your post before Sephiroth makes his next move.

OOC: Alright, Wolfy, Your wrong. Why do you insist on viewing everything i do negatively, I did not power play, were not even fighting yet you fool, I simply preformed and action to get things moving. All Thorn did was block a sword i threw HOW IS THAT PPING???? Please refrain from trying to find fault with me, and rather judge the fight, thank you.


The Magic Man
Oct 24, 2004
He told you to change it because YOU WERE powerplaying. You contolled his character, and even if it was for him blocking your sword, and lunging at you, its still freaking powerplaying. He was judging and helping you there XD. Jusdges point out when a challenger is at fault, or when something is obviously cheat-like, or not described in your bio, Like when D2L tried to destroy a planet without explaining it. Its to help you become better. Not that Im saying I am, Im just merely saying that you were pping and that Wolfy was just doing his job... QQ man, QQ.

Jack London

Nov 28, 2005
Meadows Of Heaven.
Ugh, whoa. I suggest you show a little respect for somebody you allowed to be a judge. And its clear that you fail to see the difference between negative comments and a mere suggestion. Rules are rules and as a judge I am here to enforce them. Controlling your opponent's movements and hitting them without giving them a chance to counter is powerplaying. You controlled your opponent, you powerplayed.

Again, edit your post so that this battle can get moving again.


Call me Candyman
Apr 6, 2005
((Umm............is it power-playing if I have absolutely no problem with what he did at all.))
((P.S. will edit this with a post.))

Jack London

Nov 28, 2005
Meadows Of Heaven.
Whatever.. make your next post, Sephiroth. Pwn, you don't have to edit your post, just don't let it happen again. PPing is a rule that you have put in your first post... you should abide to it, along with the rest of the rules.


New member
Oct 27, 2006
Whatever.. make your next post, Sephiroth. Pwn, you don't have to edit your post, just don't let it happen again. PPing is a rule that you have put in your first post... you should abide to it, along with the rest of the rules.

Will do.

I also would like to apologize to everyone for any other problems I have caused thus far, and wish to continue this battle as it was originaly intended.
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