• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


Search results

  1. G

    Fanfiction ► Love from Heaven

    Love from Heaven Intro: Love is the greatest taboo in Heaven, so love is forbidden in Heaven. Adam and Eve already broke God's law, so the Lord decided to create pain and made the law of forbidden love. Angels are not meant to love. Angels are born of human spirits, once a human is...
  2. G

    ~.:Pirates of the Caribbean fanclub:.~

    come, how can you people not have a POTC fanclub while POTC2 is coming up next month? Seriously!! Well, i made one anyway since i have no life whats-so-ever. Make up you're own pirate name and I'll approve it if i like it. If not, then just pretend you're comeone's kid from the movie I am...
  3. G

    Fanfiction ► Hatred Turns to Love

    Intro: Heaven and Hell... Demons and Angels were always enemies, but a group of foolish teens from both sides fall in love and this changes the whole feud. War, the whole problem just escalates and thing get worse. When they first meet they have no idea of the other's identity (race) after a...
  4. G

    my Dad has a third nipple

    lol, another stupic thread i made to trick ppl. Got bored again, don't blame me for gettin bored al the time
  5. G

    I'm pregnant

    -_-.......it's true, I'm pregnant
  6. G

    Join the .Unranked Unknowns.

    Prince Riku is the founder of the group, and i wanna help out by making a thread for our group. We don't do anything, we just cruise around khinsider and sayin we're an awesome group. Better than the Crazy Stupid Evil Darkness group
  7. G

    Angel Sanctuary

    I've never seen the show before, i just got into the book a few days ago. If anone watches it, please tell me what channel you watch it on, if not, then talk about it here please.
  8. G

    Angel Sanctuary

    i just bought it and got into the book yesterday. I only have book 2 though, Setsuna's pretty sick, you know? So, i wanna learn more about Andel Sanctuary, can you people tell me of what you like and whats goin on in it?
  9. G

    Harry Potter and the Lord of Immortality (redo in honor of AngelofDestiny)

    i want to honor one of the greatest rpers, who has lasted an entire rp with just 3 (really 2) people in this rp. So i wanna redo it to honor her, and see if the story in the rp will be different I too have been inspired by Harry Potter all together to do this RP to honor one of my closest...
  10. G

    hola fellow members

    I'm GDchick. If ur wondering what my username stands for, it stands for "Green Day chick" I love Green Day all the way. thats all i have to say, I'm a little lonely, so hopefully I'll get friends soon