• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


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  • I read and awesome parody of Final Fantasy XIII called "Nuisances". It had me rolling on the floor laughing (seriously!). I don't know if you've played that game (it's so awesome!) but even if you haven't it's just so entertaining to read.
    Wow. XD

    I haven't been seeing any recently, but I have been reading a great UlquiHime fanfic for Bleach. :D
    So, I'm talking to my cousin (the one I never met before) and she just told me I have 5 uncles and 4 aunts on my mom's side of the fam AND a whole lot of cousins. I am amazed..

    Thank you! I hope to see them soon too. Nice to know he seems like a great guy ;P

    So have you come by any good fanfiction?
    Congratulations! :D I hope you get to see them (and their new arrival) soon! ^_^

    No problem! :D

    He seemed to be a really nice guy. ^_^ I definitely approve. :D Plus, he acted like a fantastic grandfather-figure for my cousin's baby girl.
    Actually, we have reunions every year, so I'm really aware of the family. ^_^ Though my cousin and her husband weren't there last year, so I'm seeing them for the first time in two years this reunion and meeting their baby daughter for the first time (my cousin was pregnant last year, thus being why I didn't see them)

    Thanks for understanding. ^_^

    Sorry to hear that! D: *Hugs in comfort*

    I met my aunt's new boyfriend today! :D My aunt (the mom of the cousin I mentioned) is a widow, so she's begun to get back into dating. ^_^
    Hey Vesper! :D I'm doing okay; the reunion is a lot of fun, but it's also sadly taking up so much time that I doubt I'll be able to finish the lemon one-shot today. In fact, I may have to wait to finish it next week! D:

    That said, how are you? ^_^
    :):huggles back::) ;P

    Not much, I'm trying to make a Tonberry on this paint program called OneMotion and I'm failing epically at it. :(

    How's your family reunion going?
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